• Sergey Vojtovich's avatar
    Applying InnoDB snapshot · 0aa607e4
    Sergey Vojtovich authored
    Detailed revision comments:
    r6891 | vdimov | 2010-03-26 16:19:01 +0200 (Fri, 26 Mar 2010) | 5 lines
    Non-functional change: update copyright year to 2010 of the files
    that have been modified after 2010-01-01 according to svn.
    for f in $(svn log -v -r{2010-01-01}:HEAD |grep "^   M " |cut -b 16- |sort -u) ; do sed -i "" -E 's/(Copyright \(c\) [0-9]{4},) [0-9]{4}, (.*Innobase Oy.+All Rights Reserved)/\1 2010, \2/' $f ; done
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