marko authored
ChangeSet@1.2528.116.42 2007-09-08 20:26:12-07:00 antony@xiphis.org Bug#30919 "Rows not deleted from innodb partitioned tables if --innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=0" Due to a previous bugfix which initializes a previously uninitialized variable, ha_partition::get_auto_increment() may fail to operate correctly when the storage engine reports that it is only reserving one value and one or more partitions have a different 'next-value'. Currently, only affects Innodb's new-style auto-increment code which reserves larger blocks of values and has less inter-thread contention. ha_innodb.cc: Bug30919 Only set *first_value if it is less than autoinc value. This allows a higher value to be hinted when operating as a partitioned table.