• Yuchen Pei's avatar
    MDEV-28152 Features for sequences · 374783c3
    Yuchen Pei authored
    - Add `as <int_type>` to sequence creation options
      - int_type can be signed or unsigned integer types, including
        tinyint, smallint, mediumint, int and bigint
      - Limitation: when alter sequence as <new_int_type>, cannot have any
        other alter options in the same statement
      - Limitation: increment remains signed longlong, and the hidden
        constraint (cache_size x abs(increment) < longlong_max) stays for
        unsigned types. This means for bigint unsigned, neither
        abs(increment) nor (cache_size x abs(increment)) can be between
        longlong_max and ulonglong_max
    - Truncating maxvalue and minvalue from user input to the nearest max
      or min value of the type, plus or minus 1. When the truncation
      happens, a warning is emitted
    - Information schema table for sequences
sql_yacc.yy 597 KB