Marko Mäkelä authored
We will introduce an optional log record OPT_PAGE_CHECKSUM for recording page checksums, so that more inconsistencies on crash recovery may be caught. mtr_t::page_checksum(const buf_page_t&): Write OPT_PAGE_CHECKSUM (currently not for ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED pages). mtr_t::do_write(): Write OPT_PAGE_CHECKSUM records for all pages (currently, in debug builds only). mtr_t::is_logged(): Return whether log should be written. mtr_t::set_log_mode_sub(const mtr_t&): Set the logging mode of a sub-minitransaction when another mini-transaction is holding latches on some modified pages. When creating or freeing BLOB pages, we may only write OPT_PAGE_CHECKSUM records in the main mini-transaction, after all changes have been written to the log. MTR_LOG_SUB: Log mode for a sub-mini-transaction. mtr_t::free(): Define non-inline, and invoke MarkFreed. MarkFreed: For any matching page in the mini-transaction log, change the first entry to say MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_MODIFY and any subsequent entries to MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX. FindModified: Simplify a condition. MTR_MEMO_MODIFY can only be set if MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX or MTR_MEMO_PAGE_SX_FIX are set. FindBlockX: Consider also MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_MODIFY. recv_sys_t::parse(): Store OPT_PAGE_CHECKSUM records. log_phys_t::apply(): Validate OPT_PAGE_CHECKSUM records. log_phys_t::page_checksum(): Validate an OPT_PAGE_CHECKSUM record. Tested by: Matthias Leich