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    Tentative implementation of · 486e74c1
    unknown authored
    WL#4165 Prepared statements: validation 
    WL#4166 Prepared statements: automatic re-prepare
    Bug#27430 Crash in subquery code when in PS and table DDL changed after PREPARE
    Bug#27690 Re-execution of prepared statement after table was replaced with a view crashes
    Bug#27420 A combination of PS and view operations cause error + assertion on shutdown
    The basic idea of the patch is to keep track of table metadata between
    prepared statement prepare and execute. If some table used in the statement
    has changed, the prepared statement is re-prepared before execution.
    See WL#4165 and WL#4166 contents and comments in the code for details
    of the implementation.
      Remove 'register' keyword to avoid warnings when swapping large structures
      that don't fit into a register. Any modern compiler is capable of placing
      a variable in a register when that would benefit performance.
      Update test results: since now we re-prepare automatically,
      more correct results are produced in prepare-ddl-execute scenario.
      Ensure that the table definition cache is large enough for
      the test to pass in --ps-protocol
      Update test results to reflect automatic statement reprepare.
      Enable ps_ddl.test, which now passes.
      Since now we re-execute prepared statements after DDL successfully,
      change the test to produce repeatable results. Remove expectancy of
      an error in one place where now we automatically reprepare the prepared
      Ensure the table definition cache is large enough for the test to pass
      in --ps-protocol
      Implement Item_param "copy" functionality, used at re-prepare of
      a prepared statement.
      We copy the type of the original parameter, and move the assigned value,
      if any. Sic, the value is "moved", since it can be quite big --
      e.g. in case we deal with a LONG DATA parameter.
      It's essential to move the value from the old parameter since
      at the time of re-prepare the client packet with the necessary information
      may be not available.
      Declare a new method used for reprepare.
      Implement "swap()" functionality of class my_decimal to be
      able to easily swap two decimal values.
      Declare enum_metadata_type.
      Implement a status variable for the number of reprepared statements.
      Implement metadata version validation.
      Add two new error messages: ER_NEED_REPREPARE and ER_PS_REBIND.
      The first error (theoretically) never reaches the user.
      It is issued by the metadata validation framework when a metadata version
      has changed between prepare and execute. Later on it's intercepted
      and the statement is automatically re-prepared. Only if the error
      has occurred repeatedly MAX_REPREPARE_ATTEMTS (3) times do we
      return it to the user.
      The second error is issued when after re-prepare we discover
      that the metadata we sent over to the client using the binary
      protocol differs drammatically from the new result set metadata 
      that the reprepared statement produces (e.g. number of result
      set columns is different).
      Implement metadata version validation framework.
      Declarations for metadata version validation framework.
      Mark commands for which we must invalidate and reprepare a prepared
      statement when metadata has changed.
      Implement WL#4165 and WL#4166 (limited support of metadata validation
      and re-prepare).
      Implement metadata validation.
      Add a test case for WL#4166
mysql_priv.h 93.8 KB