• Michael Widenius's avatar
    Fixed bug discovered by testcase for LP#618558 (original bug seams to be fixed): · 52a37d08
    Michael Widenius authored
    - Fixed bug in pagecache_delete_internal() when deleting block that was flushed by another thread (fixed bug when block->next_used was unexpectedly null)
    Fixed some using uninitialized memory warnings found by valgrind. 
      Added options to make slow test run faster
      Fixed valgrind warning.
      Fixed valgrind warning.
      Fixed wrong call parameter to pagecache_unlock_by_link() that caused assert crash in pagecache
      Fixed possible error in pagecache_wait_lock() when hash_link was not set. (We never hit this issue, but could be possible when two threads updates the same page.
      Fixed bug in pagecache_delete_internal() when deleting block that was flushed by another thread (fixed bug when block->next_used was unexpectedly null)
      Cleanup: moved pagecache_pthread_mutex_unlock() over comments and asserts to be just before pagecache_fwrite()
ma_pagecache.c 168 KB