unknown authored
processlist on slave": we now report in SHOW PROCESSLIST that we are writing to the temp files or loading the table. When we are writing to the tmp file: | 3 | system user | | | Connect | 6 | Making temp file /tmp/SQL_LOAD-2-1-2.data | and when we are actually loading the .data temp file into the table: | 3 | system user | | test | Connect | 2 | | LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/SQL_LOAD-2-1-2.data' INTO TABLE `t` <...> | sql/log_event.cc: Replication of LOAD DATA INFILE: we now report in SHOW PROCESSLIST that we are creating the temp files or loading the table. Plus removing a line which had a comment "should not be needed" and a guarding assertion which we have never heard fail (and logic says it should not fail).