• Alexander Barkov's avatar
    MDEV-19246 Change database and table used for Mariabackup's history · 8f9df08f
    Alexander Barkov authored
    Changing the mariabackup history table from PERCONA_SCHEMA.xtrabackup_history
    to mysql.mariabackup_history.
    Additionally, extending xb_history.test for better coverage:
    - Recording the fact that the history table is created during
      "mariabackup --history" invocation when it does not exist.
    - Recording the history table structure (adding SHOW CREATE TABLE)
    - Recording how --history vs --history=foo affect the "name" column
      of the history table.
    - Recording the fact that two consequent executions of
      "mariabackup --history[=foo]" insert into the history table
      incrementally, without truncating it on every execution.
innobackupex.cc 36.8 KB