• Robert Bindar's avatar
    MDEV-7597 Expiration of user passwords · 90ad4dbd
    Robert Bindar authored
    This patch adds support for expiring user passwords.
    The following statements are extended:
      CREATE USER user@localhost PASSWORD EXPIRE [option]
      ALTER USER user@localhost PASSWORD EXPIRE [option]
    If no option is specified, the password is expired with immediate
    effect. If option is DEFAULT, global policy applies according to
    the default_password_lifetime system var (if 0, password never
    expires, if N, password expires every N days). If option is NEVER,
    the password never expires and if option is INTERVAL N DAY, the
    password expires every N days.
    The feature also supports the disconnect_on_expired_password system
    var and the --connect-expired-password client option.
    Closes #1166
sql_class.h 222 KB