• Jan Lindström's avatar
    MDEV-12615: InnoDB page compression method snappy mostly does not compress pages · 90c52e52
    Jan Lindström authored
    Snappy compression method require that output buffer
    used for compression is bigger than input buffer.
    Similarly lzo require additional work memory buffer.
    Increase the allocated buffer accordingly.
    buf_tmp_buffer_t: removed unnecessary lzo_mem, crypt_buf_free and
    buf_pool_reserve_tmp_slot: use alligned_alloc and if snappy
    available allocate size based on snappy_max_compressed_length and
    if lzo is available increase buffer by LZO1X_1_15_MEM_COMPRESS.
    fil_compress_page: Remove unneeded lzo mem (we use same buffer)
    and if output buffer is not yet allocated allocate based similarly
    as above.
    Decompression does not require additional work area.
        Modify test to use same test as other compression method tests.
fil0pagecompress.cc 18.7 KB