• Vladislav Vaintroub's avatar
    Bug#43201 : Stack overrun when running sp-error test. · 94bd96e8
    Vladislav Vaintroub authored
    It appears that stack overflow checks for recusrive stored procedure
    calls, that run in the normal server, did not work in embedded and were
     dummified with preprocessor magic( #ifndef EMBEDDED_SERVER ).
     The fix is to remove ifdefs, there is no reason not to run overflow checks
     and crash in deeply recursive calls. 
     Note: Start of the stack (thd->thread_stack variable) in embedded is not
    necessarily exact but stil provides the best guess. Unless the caller of 
    mysql_read_connect()   is already deep in the stack, thd->thread_stack 
    variable should approximate stack  start address well.
sql_select.cc 547 KB