• Luis Soares's avatar
    BUG#38718: slave sql thread crashes when reading relay log · c13a5ace
    Luis Soares authored
    Suprisingly, a Slave_log_event would show up in the binary
    log. This event is never used and should not appear in the
    logs. As such, when the slave (or the mysqlbinlog tool) reads the
    event, it will hit an invalid pointer (reference to the
    descriptor event when deserializing the Slave_log_event was
    purposodely set to NULL).
    The presence of the Slave_log_event denotes a corrupted log, but
    we cannot tell how the log got corrupted in the first
    place. However, we can make the server cope with such events when
    it reads them - in case of log corruption - and fail gracefully.
    This patch makes the server/mysqlbinlog to report that it has
    found an invalid log event when Slave_log_event is read.
log_event.cc 305 KB