• Monty's avatar
    MDEV-33449 improving repair of tables · c4cad8d5
    Monty authored
    This task is to ensure we have a clear definition and rules of how to
    repair or optimize a table.
    The rules are:
    - REPAIR should be used with tables that are crashed and are
      unreadable (hardware issues with not readable blocks, blocks with
      'unexpected data' etc)
    - OPTIMIZE table should be used to optimize the storage layout for the
      table (recover space for delete rows and optimize the index
    - ALTER TABLE table_name FORCE should be used to rebuild the .frm file
      (the table definition) and the table (with the original table row
      format). If the table is from and older MariaDB/MySQL release with a
      different storage format, it will convert the data to the new
      format. ALTER TABLE ... FORCE is used as part of mariadb-upgrade
    Here follows some more background:
    The 3 ways to repair a table are:
    1) ALTER TABLE table_name FORCE" (not other options).
       As an alias we allow: "ALTER TABLE table_name ENGINE=original_engine"
    2) "REPAIR TABLE" (without FORCE)
    All of the above commands will optimize row space usage (which means that
    space will be needed to hold a temporary copy of the table) and
    re-generate all indexes. They will also try to replicate the original
    table definition as exact as possible.
    For ALTER TABLE and "REPAIR TABLE without FORCE", the following will hold:
    If the table is from an older MariaDB version and data conversion is
    needed (for example for old type HASH columns, MySQL JSON type or new
    TIMESTAMP format) "ALTER TABLE table_name FORCE, algorithm=COPY" will be
    The differences between the algorithms are
    1) Will use the fastest algorithm the engine supports to do a full repair
       of the table (except if data conversions are is needed).
    2) Will use the storage engine internal REPAIR facility (MyISAM, Aria).
       If the engine does not support REPAIR then
       "ALTER TABLE FORCE, ALGORITHM=COPY" will be used.
       If there was data incompatibilities (which means that FORCE was used)
       then there will be a warning after REPAIR that ALTER TABLE FORCE is
       still needed.
       The reason for this is that REPAIR may be able to go around data
       errors (wrong incompatible data, crashed or unreadable sectors) that
       ALTER TABLE cannot do.
    3) Will use the storage engine internal OPTIMIZE. If engine does not
       support optimize, then "ALTER TABLE FORCE" is used.
    The above will ensure that ALTER TABLE FORCE is able to
    correct almost any errors in the row or index data.  In case of
    corrupted blocks then REPAIR possible followed by ALTER TABLE is needed.
    This is important as mariadb-upgrade executes ALTER TABLE table_name
    FORCE for any table that must be re-created.
    Bugs fixed with InnoDB tables when using ALTER TABLE FORCE:
    - No error for INNODB_DEFAULT_ROW_FORMAT=COMPACT even if row length
      would be too wide. (Independent of innodb_strict_mode).
    - Tables using symlinks will be symlinked after any of the above commands
      (Independent of the setting of --symbolic-links)
    If one specifies an algorithm together with ALTER TABLE FORCE, things
    will work as before (except if data conversion is required as then
    the COPY algorithm is enforced).
    ALTER TABLE .. OPTIMIZE ALL PARTITIONS will work as before.
    Other things:
    - FORCE argument added to REPAIR to allow one to first run internal
      repair to fix damaged blocks and then follow it with ALTER TABLE.
    - REPAIR will not update frm_version if ha_check_for_upgrade() finds
      that table is still incompatible with current version. In this case the
      REPAIR will end with an error.
    - REPAIR for storage engines that does not have native repair, like InnoDB,
      is now using ALTER TABLE FORCE.
    - REPAIR csv-table USE_FRM now works.
      - It did not work before as CSV tables had extension list in wrong
    - Default error messages length for %M increased from 128 to 256 to not
      cut information from REPAIR.
    - Documented HA_ADMIN_XX variables related to repair.
    - Added HA_ADMIN_NEEDS_DATA_CONVERSION to signal that we have to
      do data conversions when converting the table (and thus ALTER TABLE
      copy algorithm is needed).
    - Fixed typo in error message (caused test changes).
sql_yacc.yy 597 KB