• Sven Sandberg's avatar
    BUG#37373: rpl_ndb_transaction fails sporadically in pb on sol10-amd64-a and sol10-sparc-a · ce23b448
    Sven Sandberg authored
    Problem: rpl_ndb_transaction fails because it assumes nothing
    is written to the binlog at a certain point. However, ndb may
    binlog updates in ndb system tables at a nondeterministic
    time point after an ndb table update has been committed.
    Fix: break the test into two. rpl_ndb_transaction still does
    the ndb updates needed by the first half of the test. The new
    test case rpl_bug26395 includes the part that assumes nothing
    more will be written to the binlog.
      Like sync_slave_with_master, but only waits until the IO thread has
      synced; the SQL thread may still be behind.
      New result file.
      New option file.
      New option file.
      - Moved second half of rpl_ndb_transaction here.
      - Improved the test case: instead of using a sleep,
      it waits for the slave's io thread to sync up to a proper
      position, and for the slave's sql thread to sync up to
      another position.
      - Added a warning that no more tests should be added at the
      end of the file.
      Updated and renamed result file.
      No need for the special debug flag any more, it was used by
      the second part of the test which is now in rpl_bug26395.
      Also renamed the file.
      Renamed option file.
      - Moved second half of the test to another test (rpl_bug26395)
      - Improved comments.
      - Extended the mixed transaction test to include also innodb.
      - Used 'source include/diff_tables.inc' instead of listing
      several identical tables in the result file.
      - Renamed the test.
sync_slave_io_with_master.inc 697 Bytes