• Kristian Nielsen's avatar
    MDEV-4991: GTID binlog indexing · d039346a
    Kristian Nielsen authored
    Improve the performance of slave connect using B+-Tree indexes on each binlog
    file. The index allows fast lookup of a GTID position to the corresponding
    offset in the binlog file, as well as lookup of a position to find the
    corresponding GTID position.
    This eliminates a costly sequential scan of the starting binlog file
    to find the GTID starting position when a slave connects. This is
    especially costly if the binlog file is not cached in memory (IO
    cost), or if it is encrypted or a lot of slaves connect simultaneously
    (CPU cost).
    The size of the index files is generally less than 1% of the binlog data, so
    not expected to be an issue.
    Most of the work writing the index is done as a background task, in
    the binlog background thread. This minimises the performance impact on
    transaction commit. A simple global mutex is used to protect index
    reads and (background) index writes; this is fine as slave connect is
    a relatively infrequent operation.
    Here are the user-visible options and status variables. The feature is on by
    default and is expected to need no tuning or configuration for most users.
      On by default. Can be used to disable the indexes for testing purposes.
    binlog_gtid_index_page_size (default 4096)
      Page size to use for the binlog GTID index. This is the size of the nodes
      in the B+-tree used internally in the index. A very small page-size (64 is
      the minimum) will be less efficient, but can be used to stress the
      BTree-code during testing.
    binlog_gtid_index_span_min (default 65536)
      Control sparseness of the binlog GTID index. If set to N, at most one
      index record will be added for every N bytes of binlog file written.
      This can be used to reduce the number of records in the index, at
      the cost only of having to scan a few more events in the binlog file
      before finding the target position
    Two status variables are available to monitor the use of the GTID indexes:
    The "hit" status increments for each successful lookup in a GTID index.
    The "miss" increments when a lookup is not possible. This indicates that the
    index file is missing (eg. binlog written by old server version
    without GTID index support), or corrupt.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarKristian Nielsen <knielsen@knielsen-hq.org>
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