• Sergey Vojtovich's avatar
    MDEV-5314 - Compiling fails on OSX using clang · d12c7adf
    Sergey Vojtovich authored
    This is port of fix for MySQL BUG#17647863.
    revno: 5572
    revision-id: jon.hauglid@oracle.com-20131030232243-b0pw98oy72uka2sj
    committer: Jon Olav Hauglid <jon.hauglid@oracle.com>
    timestamp: Thu 2013-10-31 00:22:43 +0100
      Bug#17647863: MYSQL DOES NOT COMPILE ON OSX 10.9 GM
      Rename test() macro to MY_TEST() to avoid conflict with libc++.
sql_class.h 158 KB