• gkodinov/kgeorge@macbook.gmz's avatar
    Bug#21798: memory leak during query execution with subquery in column · f7b89376
    gkodinov/kgeorge@macbook.gmz authored
                list using a function
    When executing dependent subqueries they are re-inited and re-exec() for 
    each row of the outer context.
    The cause for the bug is that during subquery reinitialization/re-execution,
    the optimizer reallocates JOIN::join_tab, JOIN::table in make_simple_join()
    and the local variable in 'sortorder' in create_sort_index(), which is
    allocated by make_unireg_sortorder().
    Care must be taken not to allocate anything into the thread's memory pool
    while re-initializing query plan structures between subquery re-executions.
    All such items mush be cached and reused because the thread's memory pool
    is freed at the end of the whole query.
    Note that they must be cached and reused even for queries that are not 
    otherwise cacheable because otherwise it will grow the thread's memory 
    pool every time a cacheable query is re-executed. 
    We provide additional members to the JOIN structure to store references 
    to the items that need to be cached.
mysql_priv.h 63.8 KB