Commit 098272f2 authored by Alexander Barkov's avatar Alexander Barkov

Fixing a few compilation warnings ("no previous declaration for XXX")

parent 87aec87a
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ filamzip.cpp tabtbl.cpp myutil.cpp
tabutil.cpp tabxcl.cpp taboccur.cpp tabpivot.cpp
block.h catalog.h checklvl.h colblk.h connect.h csort.h engmsg.h
filamap.h filamdbf.h filamfix.h filamtxt.h filamvct.h filamzip.h
global.h ha_connect.h maputil.h msgid.h mycat.h myutil.h os.h
global.h ha_connect.h inihandl.h maputil.h msgid.h mycat.h myutil.h os.h
osutil.h plgcnx.h plgdbsem.h preparse.h reldef.h resource.h tabcol.h
tabdos.h tabfix.h tabfmt.h tabmul.h tabsys.h tabtbl.h tabvct.h
user_connect.h valblk.h value.h xindex.h xobject.h xtable.h
......@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ RCODE CntDeleteRow(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp, bool all);
bool CntInfo(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp, PXF info);
int CntIndexRange(PGLOBAL g, PTDB ptdb, const uchar* *key, uint *len,
bool *incl, key_part_map *kmap);
/* Definition of classes XCOLCRT, XIXDEF, XKPDEF, DOXDEF, TDBDOX */
......@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@
#include "mycat.h"
#include "myutil.h"
#include "preparse.h"
#include "inihandl.h"
#define PLGXINI "plgcnx.ini" /* Configuration settings file */
#define my_strupr(p) my_caseup_str(default_charset_info, (p));
......@@ -3252,8 +3253,8 @@ static char *encode(PGLOBAL g, char *cnm)
Return 0 if ok
bool add_field(String *sql, const char *field_name, const char *type,
int len, int dec, uint tm, const char *rem)
static bool add_field(String *sql, const char *field_name, const char *type,
int len, int dec, uint tm, const char *rem)
bool error= false;
......@@ -29,9 +29,8 @@
//#include <sys/types.h>
//#include <memory.h>
#include "my_global.h"
//#include "osutil.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "inihandl.h"
// The types and variables used locally
//typedef int bool;
......@@ -672,7 +671,7 @@ static BOOL PROFILE_DeleteKey(PROFILESECTION* *section,
* Delete all keys from a profile tree.
void PROFILE_DeleteAllKeys(LPCSTR section_name)
static void PROFILE_DeleteAllKeys(LPCSTR section_name)
PROFILESECTION* *section= &CurProfile->section;
......@@ -1038,6 +1037,7 @@ static BOOL PROFILE_SetString(LPCSTR section_name, LPCSTR key_name,
* Convenience function that turns a string 'xxx, yyy, zzz' into
* the 'xxx\0 yyy, zzz' and returns a pointer to the 'yyy, zzz'.
#if 0
char *PROFILE_GetStringItem(char* start)
char *lpchX, *lpch;
......@@ -1065,6 +1065,7 @@ char *PROFILE_GetStringItem(char* start)
return NULL;
} // end of PROFILE_GetStringItem
* if allow_section_name_copy is TRUE, allow the copying :
......@@ -1132,7 +1133,7 @@ static int PROFILE_GetPrivateProfileString(LPCSTR section, LPCSTR entry,
* GetPrivateProfileStringA (KERNEL32.@)
int GetPrivateProfileString(LPCSTR section, LPCSTR entry, LPCSTR def_val,
LPSTR buffer, uint len, LPCSTR filename)
LPSTR buffer, DWORD len, LPCSTR filename)
return PROFILE_GetPrivateProfileString(section, entry, def_val,
buffer, len, filename, TRUE);
......@@ -1308,7 +1309,8 @@ BOOL WritePrivateProfileSection(LPCSTR section,
* Note that when the buffer is big enough then the return value may be any
* value between 1 and len-1 (or len in Win95), including len-2.
DWORD GetPrivateProfileSectionNames(LPSTR buffer, DWORD size, LPCSTR filename)
static DWORD
GetPrivateProfileSectionNames(LPSTR buffer, DWORD size, LPCSTR filename)
DWORD ret = 0;
#ifndef __INIHANDL_H__
#define __INIHANDL_H__
#if defined(UNIX) || defined(UNIV_LINUX)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
void PROFILE_Close(LPCSTR filename);
int GetPrivateProfileString(
LPCTSTR lpAppName, // section name
LPCTSTR lpKeyName, // key name
LPCTSTR lpDefault, // default string
LPTSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer
LPCTSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
uint GetPrivateProfileInt(
LPCTSTR lpAppName, // section name
LPCTSTR lpKeyName, // key name
INT nDefault, // return value if key name not found
LPCTSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
BOOL WritePrivateProfileString(
LPCTSTR lpAppName, // section name
LPCTSTR lpKeyName, // key name
LPCTSTR lpString, // string to add
LPCTSTR lpFileName // initialization file
int GetPrivateProfileSection(
LPCTSTR lpAppName, // section name
LPTSTR lpReturnedString, // return buffer
DWORD nSize, // size of return buffer
LPCTSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
BOOL WritePrivateProfileSection(
LPCTSTR lpAppName, // section name
LPCTSTR lpString, // data
LPCTSTR lpFileName // file name
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* defined(UNIX) */
#endif /* __INIHANDL_H__ */
......@@ -32,44 +32,6 @@ char *_fullpath(char *absPath, const char *relPath, size_t maxLength);
BOOL MessageBeep(uint);
unsigned long _filelength(int fd);
void PROFILE_Close(LPCSTR filename);
int GetPrivateProfileString(
LPCTSTR lpAppName, // section name
LPCTSTR lpKeyName, // key name
LPCTSTR lpDefault, // default string
LPTSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
int nSize, // size of destination buffer
LPCTSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
uint GetPrivateProfileInt(
LPCTSTR lpAppName, // section name
LPCTSTR lpKeyName, // key name
INT nDefault, // return value if key name not found
LPCTSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
BOOL WritePrivateProfileString(
LPCTSTR lpAppName, // section name
LPCTSTR lpKeyName, // key name
LPCTSTR lpString, // string to add
LPCTSTR lpFileName // initialization file
int GetPrivateProfileSection(
LPCTSTR lpAppName, // section name
LPTSTR lpReturnedString, // return buffer
int nSize, // size of return buffer
LPCTSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
BOOL WritePrivateProfileSection(
LPCTSTR lpAppName, // section name
LPCTSTR lpString, // data
LPCTSTR lpFileName // file name
PSZ strupr(PSZ s);
PSZ strlwr(PSZ s);
......@@ -90,12 +52,4 @@ typedef __int64 FILEPOS;
#define XSTR(x) ((x)?(x):"<null>")
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __OSUTIL_H__ */
......@@ -41,9 +41,7 @@
#include "tabdos.h"
#include "tabsys.h"
#include "tabmul.h"
#if defined(UNIX)
#include "osutil.h"
#endif // UNIX
#include "inihandl.h"
#define CSZ 36 // Column section name length
#define CDZ 256 // Column definition length
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
#include "osutil.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "plgdbsem.h"
#include "connect.h"
#include "user_connect.h"
#include "mycat.h"
......@@ -54,11 +55,6 @@ extern int xtrace;
PCONNECT user_connect::to_users= NULL;
/* CONNECT functions called externally. */
/* -------------------------- class user_connect -------------------------- */
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