"Try to recover every possible row from the data file. Normally this will also find a lot of garbage rows; Don't use this option if you are not totally desperate.",0,0,0,GET_NO_ARG,NO_ARG,0,0,0,0,0,0},
"Try to recover every possible row from the data file. Normally this will also find a lot of garbage rows; Don't use this option if you are not totally desperate.",0,0,0,GET_NO_ARG,NO_ARG,0,0,0,0,0,0},
"Force auto_increment to start at this or higher value. If no value is given, then sets the next auto_increment value to the highest used value for the auto key + 1.",(gptr*)&check_param.auto_increment_value,
"Force auto_increment to start at this or higher value. If no value is given, then sets the next auto_increment value to the highest used value for the auto key + 1.",(gptr*)&check_param.auto_increment_value,