Commit 104089e1 authored by Jan Lindström's avatar Jan Lindström

MDEV-15512 - Fix sh parse error when [sst] config value has spaces.

Merged authored by
Colin Mollenhour.
parent 6c588c92
......@@ -277,8 +277,8 @@ parse_cnf()
reval=$($MY_PRINT_DEFAULTS "${group}" | awk -v var="${var}" 'BEGIN { OFS=FS="=" } { gsub(/_/,"-",$1); if ( $1=="--"var) lastval=substr($0,length($1)+2) } END { print lastval}')
# use default if we haven't found a value
if [ -z $reval ]; then
[ -n $3 ] && reval=$3
if [ -z "$reval" ]; then
[ -n "$3" ] && reval=$3
echo $reval
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