BRT_LAYOUT_VERSION_6=6,// Diff from 5 to 6: Add leafentry_estimate
BRT_LAYOUT_VERSION_7=7,// Diff from 6 to 7: Add exact-bit to leafentry_estimate #818, add magic to header #22, add per-subdatase flags #333
BRT_LAYOUT_VERSION_8=8,// Diff from 7 to 8: Use murmur instead of crc32. We are going to make a simplification and stop supporting version 7 and before.
BRT_LAYOUT_VERSION_8=8,// Diff from 7 to 8: Use murmur instead of crc32. We are going to make a simplification and stop supporting version 7 and before. Current As of Beta 1.0.6
BRT_ANTEULTIMATE_VERSION,// the version after the most recent version
BRT_LAYOUT_VERSION=BRT_ANTEULTIMATE_VERSION-1// A hack so I don't have to change this line.