Commit 4393673c authored by unknown's avatar unknown

Post-merge test case with wait_condition for Bug#28587

  Post-merge: add test case result for Bug#28587.
  Post-merge: add test case for Bug#28587.
parent 3baba645
......@@ -407,3 +407,22 @@ select if( @stamp1 = @stamp2, "correct", "wrong");
if( @stamp1 = @stamp2, "correct", "wrong")
drop table t1;
connection: default
set low_priority_updates=1;
drop table if exists t1;
create table t1 (a int, b int, unique key t1$a (a));
lock table t1 read;
connection: update
set low_priority_updates=1;
show variables like 'low_priority_updates';
Variable_name Value
low_priority_updates ON
insert into t1 values (1, 2) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE b = 2;;
connection: select
select * from t1;
a b
connection: default
select * from t1;
a b
drop table t1;
set low_priority_updates=default;
......@@ -306,3 +306,38 @@ insert into t1(f1) values(1) on duplicate key update f1=1;
select @stamp2:=f2 from t1;
select if( @stamp1 = @stamp2, "correct", "wrong");
drop table t1;
# Bug#28587 SELECT is blocked by INSERT waiting on read lock, even with low_priority_updates
--echo connection: default
set low_priority_updates=1;
drop table if exists t1;
create table t1 (a int, b int, unique key t1$a (a));
lock table t1 read;
connect (update,localhost,root,,);
connection update;
--echo connection: update
set low_priority_updates=1;
show variables like 'low_priority_updates';
let $ID= `select connection_id()`;
--send insert into t1 values (1, 2) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE b = 2;
connection default;
# we must wait till the insert opens and locks the table
let $wait_condition=
select count(*) = 1 from information_schema.processlist
where state = "Locked" and id = $ID;
--source include/
connect (select,localhost,root,,);
--echo connection: select
select * from t1;
connection default;
--echo connection: default
select * from t1;
connection default;
disconnect update;
disconnect select;
drop table t1;
set low_priority_updates=default;
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