Commit 4b0a8248 authored by's avatar

Merge into

parents 98e7e2b4 32155507
...@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ use Getopt::Long; ...@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ use Getopt::Long;
Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling"); Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
use Sys::Hostname; use Sys::Hostname;
$opt_nobuild = undef;
$opt_cc= undef; $opt_cc= undef;
$opt_cflags= undef; $opt_cflags= undef;
$opt_clean= undef; $opt_clean= undef;
...@@ -33,6 +32,9 @@ $opt_help= undef; ...@@ -33,6 +32,9 @@ $opt_help= undef;
$opt_log= undef; $opt_log= undef;
$opt_mail= ""; $opt_mail= "";
$opt_verbose= undef; $opt_verbose= undef;
$opt_susebuild= undef;
$opt_susebuildroot= undef;
$opt_suserpms= undef;
# Set a dummy version until we know the correct one # Set a dummy version until we know the correct one
$VERSION= "x.y.z"; $VERSION= "x.y.z";
...@@ -49,7 +51,9 @@ GetOptions( ...@@ -49,7 +51,9 @@ GetOptions(
"help|h", "help|h",
"log|l:s", "log|l:s",
"mail|m=s", "mail|m=s",
"nobuild", "susebuild|s",
"verbose|v", "verbose|v",
) || &print_help; ) || &print_help;
...@@ -57,6 +61,20 @@ GetOptions( ...@@ -57,6 +61,20 @@ GetOptions(
defined($SPECFILE=$ARGV[0]) || print_help("Please provide the spec file name!"); defined($SPECFILE=$ARGV[0]) || print_help("Please provide the spec file name!");
&print_help("Please define the location of the RPM repository!") if $opt_susebuild && !($opt_suserpms || $ENV{BUILD_RPMS});
unless ($opt_susebuildroot)
$opt_susebuildroot= $ENV{BUILD_ROOT};
# Include helper functions # Include helper functions
$PWD= cwd(); $PWD= cwd();
...@@ -72,7 +90,7 @@ else ...@@ -72,7 +90,7 @@ else
$subject= "RPM build for $SPECFILE failed" if $opt_mail; $subject= "RPM build for $SPECFILE failed" if $opt_mail;
# Open the spec file and extract the version number # Open the spec file and extract the version number
open(SPEC, $SPECFILE) or &abort("Unable to open \"$ARGV[0]\": $!"); open(SPEC, $SPECFILE) or die "Unable to open \"$ARGV[0]\": $!";
@spec= <SPEC>; @spec= <SPEC>;
close SPEC; close SPEC;
...@@ -94,7 +112,7 @@ $HOST= hostname(); ...@@ -94,7 +112,7 @@ $HOST= hostname();
$HOST=~ /^([^.-]*)/; $HOST=~ /^([^.-]*)/;
$HOST= $1; $HOST= $1;
$LOGFILE= "$PWD/Logs/Do-rpm-$HOST-$MAJOR.$MINOR.log"; $LOGFILE= "$PWD/Logs/Do-rpm-$HOST-$MAJOR.$MINOR.log";
&logger("Using spec file for version: $VERSION"); &logger("Logging to $LOGFILE");
# #
# Override predefined Log file name # Override predefined Log file name
...@@ -114,103 +132,149 @@ if (defined $opt_log) ...@@ -114,103 +132,149 @@ if (defined $opt_log)
} }
} }
# &logger("Using spec file for version: $VERSION");
# Newer RPM versions ship with a separate tool "rpmbuild" to build RPMs
# if ($opt_susebuild)
if (-x "/usr/bin/rpmbuild")
{ {
$RPM= "/usr/bin/rpmbuild"; &susebuild;
$RMSOURCE= "--rmsource --rmspec";
} }
else else
{ {
$RPM= "/bin/rpm"; &rpmbuild;
$RMSOURCE= "--rmspec";
} }
if ($RPM) &logger("SUCCESS: RPM files successfully created.") unless ($opt_dry_run);
{ exit 0;
&logger("Found rpm binary: $RPM");
} #
else # Build using SUSE's "build" script
sub susebuild
{ {
&abort("Unable to find RPM binary!"); $BUILD= "/usr/bin/build";
( -x $BUILD) ? &logger("$BUILD found, proceeding.") : &abort("$BUILD could not be found!");
$command= "sudo $BUILD --clean";
$command.= " --root=$opt_susebuildroot";
$command.= " --rpms=$opt_suserpms" if $opt_suserpms;
$command.= " $SPECFILE";
&logger("Building RPMs using SUSE build.");
&run_command($command, "Error while running the SUSE RPM build!");
# Move the resulting RPMs into the pwd - we can use broad globs here
# as the build root has been cleaned up before so there should not be
# any residuals from previous build runs
$command= "cp";
$command.= " -v " if ($opt_verbose);
$command.= " $opt_susebuildroot/usr/src/packages/SRPMS/MySQL*.src.rpm $PWD";
&logger("Copying source RPM to current dir.");
&run_command($command, "Error moving source RPM!");
$command= "cp";
$command.= " -v " if ($opt_verbose);
$command.= " $opt_susebuildroot/usr/src/packages/RPMS/*/MySQL*.rpm $PWD";
&logger("Copying binary RPMs to current dir.");
&run_command($command, "Error moving binary RPMs!");
} }
# #
# determine some RPM settings for this host # Build using "plain" RPM
# #
chomp($RPMARCH= `$RPM --eval "%{_arch}" 2> /dev/null`); sub rpmbuild
chomp($RPMDIR= `$RPM --eval "%{_rpmdir}" 2> /dev/null`); {
chomp($SOURCEDIR= `$RPM --eval "%{_sourcedir}" 2> /dev/null`);
chomp($SPECDIR= `$RPM --eval "%{_specdir}" 2> /dev/null`);
chomp($SRCRPMDIR= `$RPM --eval "%{_srcrpmdir}" 2> /dev/null`);
$SOURCEFILE= glob "mysql*-$VERSION.tar.gz";
unless($opt_nobuild) { #
# Newer RPM versions ship with a separate tool "rpmbuild" to build RPMs
if (-x "/usr/bin/rpmbuild")
$RPM= "/usr/bin/rpmbuild";
$RMSOURCE= "--rmsource --rmspec";
$RPM= "/bin/rpm";
$RMSOURCE= "--rmspec";
&logger("Starting RPM build of MySQL-$VERSION on $HOST"); if ($RPM)
&logger("Found rpm binary: $RPM");
&abort("Unable to find RPM binary!");
foreach $file ($SOURCEFILE, $SPECFILE) #
{ # determine some RPM settings for this host
&abort("Unable to find $file!") unless (-f "$file"); #
} chomp($RPMARCH= `$RPM --eval "%{_arch}" 2> /dev/null`);
chomp($RPMDIR= `$RPM --eval "%{_rpmdir}" 2> /dev/null`);
chomp($SOURCEDIR= `$RPM --eval "%{_sourcedir}" 2> /dev/null`);
chomp($SPECDIR= `$RPM --eval "%{_specdir}" 2> /dev/null`);
chomp($SRCRPMDIR= `$RPM --eval "%{_srcrpmdir}" 2> /dev/null`);
# $SOURCEFILE= glob "mysql*-$VERSION.tar.gz";
# Install source and spec file
&logger("Copying SOURCE and SPEC file to build directories.");
unless ($opt_dry_run)
or &abort("Unable to copy $SOURCEFILE to $SOURCEDIR!");
or &abort("Unable to copy $SPECFILE to $SPECDIR!");
# &logger("Starting RPM build of MySQL-$VERSION on $HOST");
# Set environment variables - these are being used in the
# official MySQL RPM spec file
&logger("Setting special build environment variables")
if ($opt_cc) or ($opt_cflags) or ($opt_cxxflags) or ($opt_cxx);
$ENV{MYSQL_BUILD_CC}=$opt_cc if ($opt_cc);
$ENV{MYSQL_BUILD_CFLAGS}=$opt_cflags if ($opt_cflags);
$ENV{MYSQL_BUILD_CXXFLAGS}=$opt_cxxflags if ($opt_cxxflags);
$ENV{MYSQL_BUILD_CXX}=$opt_cxx if ($opt_cxx);
# foreach $file ($SOURCEFILE, $SPECFILE)
# Build the RPMs {
# &abort("Unable to find $file!") unless (-f "$file");
$command= "$RPM"; }
$command.= " -v" if ($opt_verbose);
$command.= " -ba";
$command.= " --clean $RMSOURCE" if $opt_clean;
$command.= " $SPECDIR/";
$command.= basename($SPECFILE);
&logger("Building RPM.");
&run_command($command, "Error while building the RPMs!");
# #
# Move the resulting RPMs into the pwd # Install source and spec file
# #
$command= "mv"; &logger("Copying SOURCE and SPEC file to build directories.");
$command.= " -v " if ($opt_verbose); unless ($opt_dry_run)
$command.= " $SRCRPMDIR/MySQL*$VERSION_SRPM*.src.rpm $PWD"; {
&logger("Moving source RPM to current dir."); copy($SOURCEFILE, $SOURCEDIR)
&run_command($command, "Error moving source RPM!"); or &abort("Unable to copy $SOURCEFILE to $SOURCEDIR!");
$command= "mv"; or &abort("Unable to copy $SPECFILE to $SPECDIR!");
$command.= " -v " if ($opt_verbose); }
&logger("Moving binary RPMs to current dir.");
&run_command($command, "Error moving binary RPMs!");
&logger("SUCCESS: RPM files successfully created.") unless ($opt_dry_run); #
exit 0; # Set environment variables - these are being used in the
# official MySQL RPM spec file
&logger("Setting special build environment variables")
if ($opt_cc) or ($opt_cflags) or ($opt_cxxflags) or ($opt_cxx);
$ENV{MYSQL_BUILD_CC}=$opt_cc if ($opt_cc);
$ENV{MYSQL_BUILD_CFLAGS}=$opt_cflags if ($opt_cflags);
$ENV{MYSQL_BUILD_CXXFLAGS}=$opt_cxxflags if ($opt_cxxflags);
$ENV{MYSQL_BUILD_CXX}=$opt_cxx if ($opt_cxx);
# Build the RPMs
$command= "$RPM";
$command.= " -v" if ($opt_verbose);
$command.= " -ba";
$command.= " --clean $RMSOURCE" if $opt_clean;
$command.= " $SPECDIR/";
$command.= basename($SPECFILE);
&logger("Building RPM.");
&run_command($command, "Error while building the RPMs!");
# Move the resulting RPMs into the pwd
$command= "mv";
$command.= " -v " if ($opt_verbose);
$command.= " $SRCRPMDIR/MySQL*$VERSION_SRPM*.src.rpm $PWD";
&logger("Moving source RPM to current dir.");
&run_command($command, "Error moving source RPM!");
$command= "mv";
$command.= " -v " if ($opt_verbose);
&logger("Moving binary RPMs to current dir.");
&run_command($command, "Error moving binary RPMs!");
sub print_help sub print_help
{ {
...@@ -218,7 +282,7 @@ sub print_help ...@@ -218,7 +282,7 @@ sub print_help
if ($message ne "") if ($message ne "")
{ {
print "\n"; print "\n";
print "ERROR: $message\n\n}"; print "ERROR: $message\n\n";
} }
print <<EOF; print <<EOF;
...@@ -241,12 +305,22 @@ Options: ...@@ -241,12 +305,22 @@ Options:
-t, --dry-run Dry run without executing -t, --dry-run Dry run without executing
-h, --help Print this help -h, --help Print this help
-l, --log[=<filename>] Write a log file [to <filename>] -l, --log[=<filename>] Write a log file [to <filename>]
(default is "$LOGFILE")
-m, --mail=<address> Mail a failure report to the given address -m, --mail=<address> Mail a failure report to the given address
(and include a log file snippet, if logging (and include a log file snippet, if logging
is enabled) is enabled)
Note that the \@-Sign needs to be quoted! Note that the \@-Sign needs to be quoted!
Example: --mail=user\\\ Example: --mail=user\\\
-s, --susebuild Use the SUSE "build" script instead of RPM
directly (requires sudo privileges to run the
/usr/bin/build command)
-r, --susebuildroot=<root> Use <root> as the build root directory for the
SUSE "build" (default is /var/tmp/build-root
or defined by the BUILD_ROOT environment
--suserpms=<path> Path to the SUSE RPM repository to build up
the build root (mandatory option when using
--susebuild and the BUILD_RPMS environment
variable is not set.)
-v, --verbose Verbose execution -v, --verbose Verbose execution
Example: Example:
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