Commit 4e24b318 authored by Marko Mäkelä's avatar Marko Mäkelä

MDEV-19951 followup: Remove unused st_handler_tablename, tablename_compare

parent f5d2d455
......@@ -15189,24 +15189,6 @@ struct table_list_item {
const char* name;
/** Structure to compare two st_tablename objects using their
db and tablename. It is used in the ordering of cascade_fk_set.
It returns true if the first argument precedes the second argument
and false otherwise. */
struct tablename_compare {
bool operator()(const st_handler_tablename lhs,
const st_handler_tablename rhs) const
int cmp = strcmp(lhs.db, rhs.db);
if (cmp == 0) {
cmp = strcmp(lhs.tablename, rhs.tablename);
return(cmp < 0);
Checks if ALTER TABLE may change the storage engine of the table.
Changing storage engines is not allowed for tables for which there
......@@ -51,12 +51,7 @@ struct ha_table_option_struct
uint encryption; /*!< DEFAULT, ON, OFF */
ulonglong encryption_key_id; /*!< encryption key id */
/* JAN: TODO: MySQL 5.7 handler.h */
struct st_handler_tablename
const char *db;
const char *tablename;
/** The class defining a handle to an Innodb table */
class ha_innobase final: public handler
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