Commit 50489388 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

MDEV-5189: Incorrect parallel apply in parallel replication

Two problems were fixed:

1. When not in GTID mode (master_use_gtid=no), then we must not apply events
   in different domains in parallel (in non-GTID mode we are not capable of
   restarting at different points in different domains).

2. When transactions B and C group commit together, but after and separate
   from A, we can apply B and C in parallel, but both B and C must not start
   until A has committed. Fix sub_id to be globally increasing (not just
   per-domain increasing) so that this wait (which is based on sub_id) can be
   done correctly.
parent 8a9d21b6
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ rpl_slave_state::record_and_update_gtid(THD *thd, rpl_group_info *rgi)
: inited(false), loaded(false)
: last_sub_id(0), inited(false), loaded(false)
my_hash_init(&hash, &my_charset_bin, 32, offsetof(element, domain_id),
sizeof(uint32), NULL, my_free, HASH_UNIQUE);
......@@ -153,6 +153,9 @@ rpl_slave_state::update(uint32 domain_id, uint32 server_id, uint64 sub_id,
list_elem->seq_no= seq_no;
if (last_sub_id < sub_id)
last_sub_id= sub_id;
return 0;
......@@ -169,7 +172,6 @@ rpl_slave_state::get_element(uint32 domain_id)
if (!(elem= (element *)my_malloc(sizeof(*elem), MYF(MY_WME))))
return NULL;
elem->list= NULL;
elem->last_sub_id= 0;
elem->domain_id= domain_id;
if (my_hash_insert(&hash, (uchar *)elem))
......@@ -469,13 +471,10 @@ IF_DBUG(dbug_break:, )
rpl_slave_state::next_subid(uint32 domain_id)
uint32 sub_id= 0;
element *elem;
uint32 sub_id;
elem= get_element(domain_id);
if (elem)
sub_id= ++elem->last_sub_id;
sub_id= ++last_sub_id;
return sub_id;
......@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ struct rpl_slave_state
struct element
struct list_element *list;
uint64 last_sub_id;
uint32 domain_id;
list_element *grab_list() { list_element *l= list; list= NULL; return l; }
......@@ -68,8 +67,6 @@ struct rpl_slave_state
l->next= list;
list= l;
if (last_sub_id < l->sub_id)
last_sub_id= l->sub_id;
......@@ -78,6 +75,7 @@ struct rpl_slave_state
/* Mutex protecting access to the state. */
mysql_mutex_t LOCK_slave_state;
uint64 last_sub_id;
bool inited;
bool loaded;
......@@ -657,8 +657,10 @@ rpl_parallel::do_event(rpl_group_info *serial_rgi, Log_event *ev,
if (typ == GTID_EVENT)
Gtid_log_event *gtid_ev= static_cast<Gtid_log_event *>(ev);
uint32 domain_id= (rli->mi->using_gtid == Master_info::USE_GTID_NO ?
0 : gtid_ev->domain_id);
if (!(e= find(gtid_ev->domain_id)) ||
if (!(e= find(domain_id)) ||
!(rgi= new rpl_group_info(rli)) ||
event_group_new_gtid(rgi, gtid_ev))
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