Commit 564099d3 authored by Zardosht Kasheff's avatar Zardosht Kasheff Committed by Yoni Fogel

[t:3755], add a test that crashes if we put debug code in...

[t:3755], add a test that crashes if we put debug code in get_and_pin_nonblocking to make sure that a checkpoint is not pending

git-svn-id: file:///svn/toku/tokudb@33088 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 6911ba36
// stress test for update broadcast. 10M 8-byte keys should be 2, maybe 3
// levels of treeness, makes sure flushes work
#include "test.h"
DB_ENV *env;
const unsigned int NUM_KEYS = 1024;
static int update_fun(DB *UU(db),
const DBT *UU(key),
const DBT *old_val, const DBT *extra,
void (*set_val)(const DBT *new_val,
void *set_extra),
void *set_extra)
assert(extra->size == sizeof(unsigned int));
assert(old_val->size == sizeof(unsigned int));
unsigned int e = *(unsigned int *)extra->data;
unsigned int ov = *(unsigned int *)old_val->data;
assert(e == (ov+1));
DBT newval;
set_val(dbt_init(&newval, &e, sizeof(e)), set_extra);
return 0;
static int
int_cmp(DB *UU(db), const DBT *a, const DBT *b) {
unsigned int *ap, *bp;
assert(a->size == sizeof(*ap));
ap = a->data;
assert(b->size == sizeof(*bp));
bp = b->data;
return (*ap > *bp) - (*ap < *bp);
static void setup (void) {
CHK(system("rm -rf " ENVDIR));
CHK(db_env_create(&env, 0));
env->set_errfile(env, stderr);
env->set_update(env, update_fun);
CHK(env->set_default_bt_compare(env, int_cmp));
CHK(env->open(env, ENVDIR, envflags, S_IRWXU+S_IRWXG+S_IRWXO));
// make a really small checkpointing period
static void cleanup (void) {
CHK(env->close(env, 0));
static int do_inserts(DB_TXN *txn, DB *db) {
int r = 0;
DBT key, val;
unsigned int i, v;
DBT *keyp = dbt_init(&key, &i, sizeof(i));
DBT *valp = dbt_init(&val, &v, sizeof(v));
for (i = 0; i < NUM_KEYS; ++i) {
v = 0;
r = CHK(db->put(db, txn, keyp, valp, 0));
return r;
static int do_updates(DB_TXN *txn, DB *db, unsigned int i) {
DBT extra;
unsigned int e = i;
DBT *extrap = dbt_init(&extra, &e, sizeof(e));
int r = CHK(db->update_broadcast(db, txn, extrap, 0));
return r;
int test_main(int argc, char * const argv[]) {
parse_args(argc, argv);
DB *db;
IN_TXN_COMMIT(env, NULL, txn_1, 0, {
CHK(db_create(&db, env, 0));
CHK(db->set_pagesize(db, 1<<8));
CHK(db->open(db, txn_1, "foo.db", NULL, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE, 0666));
CHK(do_inserts(txn_1, db));
for(unsigned int i = 1; i < 100; i++) {
IN_TXN_COMMIT(env, NULL, txn_2, 0, {
CHK(do_updates(txn_2, db, i));
for (unsigned int curr_key = 0; curr_key < NUM_KEYS; ++curr_key) {
DBT key, val;
unsigned int *vp;
DBT *keyp = dbt_init(&key, &curr_key, sizeof(curr_key));
DBT *valp = dbt_init(&val, NULL, 0);
IN_TXN_COMMIT(env, NULL, txn_3, 0, {
CHK(db->get(db, txn_3, keyp, valp, 0));
assert(val.size == sizeof(*vp));
vp =;
CHK(db->close(db, 0));
return 0;
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