Commit 57fec26b authored by Matthias Leich's avatar Matthias Leich

Merge of fix for bug 40644 into GCA tree

parents 3dd8f23a d11834a1
SET @save = @@global.group_concat_max_len;
drop table if exists t1;
## Creating new table t1 ##
id INT NOT NULL auto_increment,
rollno int NOT NULL,
rollno INT NOT NULL,
name VARCHAR(30)
## Setting initial value of variable to 4 ##
## Setting initial value of variable to 4 ##
SET @@global.group_concat_max_len = 4;
## Inserting some rows in table ##
INSERT into t1(rollno, name) values(1, 'Record_1');
INSERT into t1(rollno, name) values(2, 'Record_2');
INSERT into t1(rollno, name) values(1, 'Record_3');
INSERT into t1(rollno, name) values(3, 'Record_4');
INSERT into t1(rollno, name) values(1, 'Record_5');
INSERT into t1(rollno, name) values(3, 'Record_6');
INSERT into t1(rollno, name) values(4, 'Record_7');
INSERT into t1(rollno, name) values(4, 'Record_8');
## Creating two new connections ##
## Inserting some rows in table ##
INSERT INTO t1(rollno, name) VALUES(1, 'Record_1');
INSERT INTO t1(rollno, name) VALUES(2, 'Record_2');
INSERT INTO t1(rollno, name) VALUES(1, 'Record_3');
INSERT INTO t1(rollno, name) VALUES(3, 'Record_4');
INSERT INTO t1(rollno, name) VALUES(1, 'Record_5');
INSERT INTO t1(rollno, name) VALUES(3, 'Record_6');
INSERT INTO t1(rollno, name) VALUES(4, 'Record_7');
INSERT INTO t1(rollno, name) VALUES(4, 'Record_8');
id rollno name
1 1 Record_1
2 2 Record_2
3 1 Record_3
4 3 Record_4
5 1 Record_5
6 3 Record_6
7 4 Record_7
8 4 Record_8
## Creating two new connections ##
## Connecting with test_con1 ##
## Accessing data and using group_concat on column whose value is greater than 4 ##
SELECT id, rollno, group_concat(name) FROM t1 GROUP BY rollno;
id rollno group_concat(name)
## Accessing data and using group_concat on column whose value is greater than 4 ##
SELECT id, rollno, GROUP_CONCAT(name) FROM t1 GROUP BY rollno;
id rollno GROUP_CONCAT(name)
1 1 Reco
2 2 Reco
4 3 Reco
......@@ -33,10 +43,10 @@ id rollno group_concat(name)
Warning 1260 4 line(s) were cut by GROUP_CONCAT()
## Changing session value of variable and verifying its behavior, ##
## warning should come here ##
## warning should come here ##
SET @@session.group_concat_max_len = 10;
SELECT id, rollno, group_concat(name) FROM t1 GROUP BY rollno;
id rollno group_concat(name)
SELECT id, rollno, GROUP_CONCAT(name) FROM t1 GROUP BY rollno;
id rollno GROUP_CONCAT(name)
1 1 Record_1,R
2 2 Record_2
4 3 Record_4,R
......@@ -44,18 +54,18 @@ id rollno group_concat(name)
Warning 1260 3 line(s) were cut by GROUP_CONCAT()
## Connecting with new connection test_con2 ##
## Verifying initial value of variable. It should be 4 ##
## Connecting with new connection test_con2 ##
## Verifying initial value of variable. It should be 4 ##
SELECT @@session.group_concat_max_len = 4;
@@session.group_concat_max_len = 4
## Setting session value of variable to 20 and verifying variable is concating ##
## column's value to 20 or not ##
## Setting session value of variable to 20 and verifying variable is concating ##
## column's value to 20 or not ##
SET @@session.group_concat_max_len = 20;
## Verifying value of name column, it should not me more than 20 characters ##
## Warning should come here ##
SELECT id, rollno, group_concat(name) FROM t1 GROUP BY rollno;
id rollno group_concat(name)
SELECT id, rollno, GROUP_CONCAT(name) FROM t1 GROUP BY rollno;
id rollno GROUP_CONCAT(name)
1 1 Record_1,Record_3,Re
2 2 Record_2
4 3 Record_4,Record_6
......@@ -63,17 +73,17 @@ id rollno group_concat(name)
Warning 1260 1 line(s) were cut by GROUP_CONCAT()
## Setting session value of variable to 26. No warning should appear here ##
## because the value after concatination is less than 30 ##
## Setting session value of variable to 26. No warning should appear here ##
## because the value after concatination is less than 30 ##
SET @@session.group_concat_max_len = 26;
## Verifying value of name column, it should not give warning now ##
SELECT id, rollno, group_concat(name) FROM t1 GROUP BY rollno;
id rollno group_concat(name)
## Verifying value of name column, it should not give warning now ##
SELECT id, rollno, GROUP_CONCAT(name) FROM t1 GROUP BY rollno;
id rollno GROUP_CONCAT(name)
1 1 Record_1,Record_3,Record_5
2 2 Record_2
4 3 Record_4,Record_6
7 4 Record_7,Record_8
## Dropping table t1 ##
DROP table t1;
## Disconnecting both the connection ##
SET @@global.group_concat_max_len = @save;
......@@ -11,18 +11,23 @@
# Creation Date: 2008-03-07 #
# Author: Salman Rawala #
# #
# Last modification: #
# 2008-11-14 mleich Fix Bug#40644 main.group_concat_max_len_func random #
# failures #
# + minor improvements #
# #
# Description: Test Cases of Dynamic System Variable group_concat_max_len #
# that checks the functionality of this variable #
# #
# Reference: #
# server-system-variables.html #
# Reference: #
# #
# #
SET @save = @@global.group_concat_max_len;
drop table if exists t1;
......@@ -32,34 +37,38 @@ drop table if exists t1;
--echo ## Creating new table t1 ##
id INT NOT NULL auto_increment,
rollno int NOT NULL,
rollno INT NOT NULL,
name VARCHAR(30)
--echo '#--------------------FN_DYNVARS_034_01-------------------------#'
# Setting initial value of group_concat_max_len, inserting some rows
# & creating 2 new connections
# & creating 2 new connections
--echo ## Setting initial value of variable to 4 ##
--echo ## Setting initial value of variable to 4 ##
SET @@global.group_concat_max_len = 4;
--echo ## Inserting some rows in table ##
INSERT into t1(rollno, name) values(1, 'Record_1');
INSERT into t1(rollno, name) values(2, 'Record_2');
INSERT into t1(rollno, name) values(1, 'Record_3');
INSERT into t1(rollno, name) values(3, 'Record_4');
INSERT into t1(rollno, name) values(1, 'Record_5');
INSERT into t1(rollno, name) values(3, 'Record_6');
INSERT into t1(rollno, name) values(4, 'Record_7');
INSERT into t1(rollno, name) values(4, 'Record_8');
--echo ## Creating two new connections ##
CONNECT (test_con1,localhost,root,,);
CONNECT (test_con2,localhost,root,,);
--echo ## Inserting some rows in table ##
INSERT INTO t1(rollno, name) VALUES(1, 'Record_1');
INSERT INTO t1(rollno, name) VALUES(2, 'Record_2');
INSERT INTO t1(rollno, name) VALUES(1, 'Record_3');
INSERT INTO t1(rollno, name) VALUES(3, 'Record_4');
INSERT INTO t1(rollno, name) VALUES(1, 'Record_5');
INSERT INTO t1(rollno, name) VALUES(3, 'Record_6');
INSERT INTO t1(rollno, name) VALUES(4, 'Record_7');
INSERT INTO t1(rollno, name) VALUES(4, 'Record_8');
# The following "auxiliary" select ensures that all records are on disk
# = result sets got by parallel sessions cannot suffer from effects
# caused by the MyISAM feature "concurrent_inserts".
--echo ## Creating two new connections ##
connect (test_con1,localhost,root,,);
connect (test_con2,localhost,root,,);
--echo '#--------------------FN_DYNVARS_034_02-------------------------#'
......@@ -68,16 +77,16 @@ CONNECT (test_con2,localhost,root,,);
--echo ## Connecting with test_con1 ##
CONNECTION test_con1;
connection test_con1;
--echo ## Accessing data and using group_concat on column whose value is greater than 4 ##
SELECT id, rollno, group_concat(name) FROM t1 GROUP BY rollno;
--echo ## Accessing data and using group_concat on column whose value is greater than 4 ##
SELECT id, rollno, GROUP_CONCAT(name) FROM t1 GROUP BY rollno;
--echo ## Changing session value of variable and verifying its behavior, ##
--echo ## warning should come here ##
--echo ## warning should come here ##
SET @@session.group_concat_max_len = 10;
SELECT id, rollno, group_concat(name) FROM t1 GROUP BY rollno;
SELECT id, rollno, GROUP_CONCAT(name) FROM t1 GROUP BY rollno;
--echo '#--------------------FN_DYNVARS_034_03-------------------------#'
......@@ -85,19 +94,19 @@ SELECT id, rollno, group_concat(name) FROM t1 GROUP BY rollno;
# Verifying behavior of variable by increasing session value of variable #
--echo ## Connecting with new connection test_con2 ##
--echo ## Connecting with new connection test_con2 ##
connection test_con2;
--echo ## Verifying initial value of variable. It should be 4 ##
--echo ## Verifying initial value of variable. It should be 4 ##
SELECT @@session.group_concat_max_len = 4;
--echo ## Setting session value of variable to 20 and verifying variable is concating ##
--echo ## column's value to 20 or not ##
--echo ## Setting session value of variable to 20 and verifying variable is concating ##
--echo ## column's value to 20 or not ##
SET @@session.group_concat_max_len = 20;
--echo ## Verifying value of name column, it should not me more than 20 characters ##
--echo ## Warning should come here ##
SELECT id, rollno, group_concat(name) FROM t1 GROUP BY rollno;
SELECT id, rollno, GROUP_CONCAT(name) FROM t1 GROUP BY rollno;
--echo '#--------------------FN_DYNVARS_034_04-------------------------#'
......@@ -106,12 +115,12 @@ SELECT id, rollno, group_concat(name) FROM t1 GROUP BY rollno;
# greater than the maximum concat length of name column #
--echo ## Setting session value of variable to 26. No warning should appear here ##
--echo ## because the value after concatination is less than 30 ##
--echo ## Setting session value of variable to 26. No warning should appear here ##
--echo ## because the value after concatination is less than 30 ##
SET @@session.group_concat_max_len = 26;
--echo ## Verifying value of name column, it should not give warning now ##
SELECT id, rollno, group_concat(name) FROM t1 GROUP BY rollno;
--echo ## Verifying value of name column, it should not give warning now ##
SELECT id, rollno, GROUP_CONCAT(name) FROM t1 GROUP BY rollno;
......@@ -119,11 +128,11 @@ SELECT id, rollno, group_concat(name) FROM t1 GROUP BY rollno;
--echo ## Dropping table t1 ##
DROP table t1;
--echo ## Disconnecting both the connection ##
DISCONNECT test_con2;
DISCONNECT test_con1;
disconnect test_con2;
disconnect test_con1;
connection default;
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