Commit 5bb5d4ad authored by Vladislav Vaintroub's avatar Vladislav Vaintroub

MDEV-24295 Reduce wakeups by tpool maintenance timer, when server is idle

If maintenance timer does not do much for prolonged time, it will
wake up less frequently, once every 4 seconds instead of once every 0.4

It will wakeup more often if thread creation is throttled, to avoid stalls.
parent 11196347
......@@ -212,6 +212,17 @@ class thread_pool_generic : public thread_pool
/** True, if threadpool is being shutdown, false otherwise */
bool m_in_shutdown;
/** Maintenance timer state : true = active(ON),false = inactive(OFF)*/
enum class timer_state_t
timer_state_t m_timer_state= timer_state_t::OFF;
void switch_timer(timer_state_t state);
/* Updates idle_since, and maybe switches the timer off */
void check_idle(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point now);
/** time point when timer last ran, used as a coarse clock. */
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point m_timestamp;
......@@ -233,7 +244,6 @@ class thread_pool_generic : public thread_pool
/* maintenance related statistics (see maintenance()) */
size_t m_last_thread_count;
unsigned long long m_last_activity;
std::unique_ptr<timer> m_maintenance_timer_task;
void worker_main(worker_data *thread_data);
void worker_end(worker_data* thread_data);
......@@ -357,6 +367,22 @@ class thread_pool_generic : public thread_pool
thr_timer_settime(this, 1000ULL * initial_delay_ms);
Change only period of a periodic timer
(after the next execution). Workarounds
mysys timer deadlocks
void set_period(int period_ms)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m_mtx);
if (!m_on)
if (!m_pool)
thr_timer_set_period(this, 1000ULL * period_ms);
m_period = period_ms;
void disarm() override
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m_mtx);
......@@ -380,7 +406,7 @@ class thread_pool_generic : public thread_pool
timer_generic m_maintenance_timer;
virtual timer* create_timer(callback_func func, void *data) override
return new timer_generic(func, data, this);
......@@ -526,6 +552,52 @@ void thread_pool_generic::worker_main(worker_data *thread_var)
Check if threadpool had been idle for a while
Switch off maintenance timer if it is in idle state
for too long.
Helper function, to be used inside maintenance callback,
before m_last_activity is updated
constexpr auto invalid_timestamp= std::chrono::system_clock::time_point::max();
constexpr auto max_idle_time= std::chrono::minutes(1);
/* Time since maintenance timer had nothing to do */
static std::chrono::system_clock::time_point idle_since= invalid_timestamp;
void thread_pool_generic::check_idle(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point now)
We think that there is no activity, if there were at most 2 tasks
since last time, and there is a spare thread.
The 2 tasks (and not 0) is to account for some periodic timers.
bool idle= m_standby_threads.m_count > 0;
if (!idle)
idle_since= invalid_timestamp;
if (idle_since == invalid_timestamp)
idle_since= now;
/* Switch timer off after 1 minute of idle time */
if (now - idle_since > max_idle_time)
idle_since= invalid_timestamp;
Periodic job to fix thread count and concurrency,
in case of long tasks, etc
......@@ -555,6 +627,7 @@ void thread_pool_generic::maintenance()
if (m_task_queue.empty())
m_last_activity = m_tasks_dequeued + m_wakeups;
......@@ -622,7 +695,12 @@ bool thread_pool_generic::add_thread()
if (now - m_last_thread_creation <
std::chrono::milliseconds(throttling_interval_ms(n_threads, m_concurrency)))
/* Throttle thread creation.*/
Throttle thread creation and wakeup deadlock detection timer,
if is it off.
return false;
......@@ -693,7 +771,7 @@ thread_pool_generic::thread_pool_generic(int min_threads, int max_threads) :
m_maintenance_timer(thread_pool_generic::maintenance_func, this, nullptr)
if (m_max_threads < m_concurrency)
......@@ -703,11 +781,8 @@ thread_pool_generic::thread_pool_generic(int min_threads, int max_threads) :
if (!m_concurrency)
m_concurrency = 1;
if (min_threads < max_threads)
m_maintenance_timer_task.reset(new timer_generic(thread_pool_generic::maintenance_func, this, nullptr));
m_maintenance_timer_task->set_time((int)m_timer_interval.count(), (int)m_timer_interval.count());
// start the timer
m_maintenance_timer.set_time(0, (int)m_timer_interval.count());
......@@ -780,6 +855,30 @@ void thread_pool_generic::wait_end()
void thread_pool_generic::switch_timer(timer_state_t state)
if (m_timer_state == state)
We can't use timer::set_time, because mysys timers are deadlock
Instead, to switch off we increase the timer period
and decrease period to switch on.
This might introduce delays in thread creation when needed,
as period will only be changed when timer fires next time.
For this reason, we can't use very long periods for the "off" state.
m_timer_state= state;
long long period= (state == timer_state_t::OFF) ?
m_timer_interval.count()*10: m_timer_interval.count();
Wake up all workers, and wait until they are gone
Stop the timer.
......@@ -794,7 +893,7 @@ thread_pool_generic::~thread_pool_generic()
/* Also stop the maintanence task early. */
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m_mtx);
m_in_shutdown= true;
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