Commit 5ce4dab7 authored by Sergei Golubchik's avatar Sergei Golubchik

db_low_byte_first is gone

parent 7ffb5249
......@@ -344,3 +344,10 @@ varchar60_datetime 2010-11-12 11:14:17
varchar70_time 11:14:17
varchar80_timestamp 2010-11-12 11:14:17
drop table t1, t2;
create table t1 (a datetime, b datetime(6));
insert t1 values ('2010-01-02 03:04:05.678912', '2010-01-02 03:04:05.678912');
update t1 set b=a;
select * from t1;
a b
2010-01-02 03:04:05 2010-01-02 03:04:05.000000
drop table t1;
......@@ -129,3 +129,9 @@ alter table t1
drop table t1, t2;
create table t1 (a datetime, b datetime(6));
insert t1 values ('2010-01-02 03:04:05.678912', '2010-01-02 03:04:05.678912');
update t1 set b=a;
select * from t1;
drop table t1;
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -644,13 +644,11 @@ void Copy_field::set(Field *to,Field *from,bool save)
Copy_field::Copy_func *
Copy_field::get_copy_func(Field *to,Field *from)
bool compatible_db_low_byte_first= (to->table->s->db_low_byte_first ==
if (to->flags & BLOB_FLAG)
if (!(from->flags & BLOB_FLAG) || from->charset() != to->charset())
return do_conv_blob;
if (from_length != to_length || !compatible_db_low_byte_first)
if (from_length != to_length)
// Correct pointer to point at char pointer
to_ptr+= to_length - to->table->s->blob_ptr_size;
......@@ -684,7 +682,6 @@ Copy_field::get_copy_func(Field *to,Field *from)
if we don't allow 'all' dates.
if (to->real_type() != from->real_type() ||
!compatible_db_low_byte_first ||
(((to->table->in_use->variables.sql_mode &
to->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_DATE) ||
......@@ -735,8 +732,7 @@ Copy_field::get_copy_func(Field *to,Field *from)
else if (to->real_type() != from->real_type() ||
to_length != from_length ||
to_length != from_length)
if (to->real_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL ||
to->result_type() == STRING_RESULT)
......@@ -747,7 +743,7 @@ Copy_field::get_copy_func(Field *to,Field *from)
if (!to->eq_def(from) || !compatible_db_low_byte_first)
if (!to->eq_def(from))
if (to->real_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL)
return do_field_string;
......@@ -780,14 +776,13 @@ int field_conv(Field *to,Field *from)
if (to->pack_length() == from->pack_length() &&
!(to->flags & UNSIGNED_FLAG && !(from->flags & UNSIGNED_FLAG)) &&
to->decimals() == from->decimals() &&
to->real_type() != MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM &&
to->real_type() != MYSQL_TYPE_SET &&
to->real_type() != MYSQL_TYPE_BIT &&
(to->real_type() != MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL ||
(to->field_length == from->field_length &&
(((Field_num*)to)->dec == ((Field_num*)from)->dec))) &&
to->field_length == from->field_length) &&
from->charset() == to->charset() &&
to->table->s->db_low_byte_first == from->table->s->db_low_byte_first &&
(!(to->table->in_use->variables.sql_mode &
(to->type() != MYSQL_TYPE_DATE &&
......@@ -235,7 +235,6 @@ void ha_partition::init_handler_variables()
m_extra_prepare_for_update= FALSE;
m_extra_cache_part_id= NO_CURRENT_PART_ID;
m_handler_status= handler_not_initialized;
m_low_byte_first= 1;
m_part_field_array= NULL;
m_ordered_rec_buffer= NULL;
m_top_entry= NO_CURRENT_PART_ID;
......@@ -374,18 +373,11 @@ bool ha_partition::initialize_partition(MEM_ROOT *mem_root)
Verify that all partitions have the same table_flags.
check_table_flags= m_file[0]->ha_table_flags();
m_low_byte_first= m_file[0]->low_byte_first();
m_pkey_is_clustered= TRUE;
file_array= m_file;
file= *file_array;
if (m_low_byte_first != file->low_byte_first())
// Cannot have handlers with different endian
if (!file->primary_key_is_clustered())
m_pkey_is_clustered= FALSE;
if (check_table_flags != file->ha_table_flags())
......@@ -99,7 +99,6 @@ class ha_partition :public handler
for this since the MySQL Server sometimes allocating the handler object
without freeing them.
ulong m_low_byte_first;
enum enum_handler_status
handler_not_initialized= 0,
......@@ -884,12 +883,6 @@ class ha_partition :public handler
virtual uint max_supported_key_length() const;
virtual uint max_supported_key_part_length() const;
All handlers in a partitioned table must have the same low_byte_first
virtual bool low_byte_first() const
{ return m_low_byte_first; }
The extra record buffer length is the maximum needed by all handlers.
The minimum record length is the maximum of all involved handlers.
......@@ -1623,7 +1623,6 @@ class handler :public Sql_alloc
virtual uint max_supported_key_part_length() const { return 255; }
virtual uint min_record_length(uint options) const { return 1; }
virtual bool low_byte_first() const { return 1; }
virtual uint checksum() const { return 0; }
virtual bool is_crashed() const { return 0; }
virtual bool auto_repair() const { return 0; }
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ pack_row(TABLE *table, MY_BITMAP const* cols,
const uchar *old_pack_ptr= pack_ptr;
pack_ptr= field->pack(pack_ptr, field->ptr + offset,
field->max_data_length(), TRUE);
DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("field: %s; pack_ptr: 0x%lx;"
" pack_ptr':0x%lx; bytes: %d",
field->field_name, (ulong) old_pack_ptr,
......@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ unpack_row(Relay_log_info const *rli,
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
uchar const *const old_pack_ptr= pack_ptr;
pack_ptr= f->unpack(f->ptr, pack_ptr, metadata, TRUE);
pack_ptr= f->unpack(f->ptr, pack_ptr, metadata);
DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("field: %s; metadata: 0x%x;"
" pack_ptr: 0x%lx; pack_ptr': 0x%lx; bytes: %d",
f->field_name, metadata,
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ uint32 table_def::calc_field_size(uint col, uchar *master_data) const
always read the length in little-endian order.
Field_blob fb(m_field_metadata[col]);
length= fb.get_packed_size(master_data, TRUE);
length= fb.get_packed_size(master_data);
Compute the length of the data. We cannot use get_length() here
......@@ -3542,9 +3542,6 @@ static TABLE *create_table_from_items(THD *thd, HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info,
tmp_table.s->blob_ptr_size= portable_sizeof_char_ptr;
test(create_info->db_type == myisam_hton ||
create_info->db_type == heap_hton);
while ((item=it++))
......@@ -10081,7 +10081,6 @@ create_tmp_table(THD *thd,TMP_TABLE_PARAM *param,List<Item> &fields,
init_tmp_table_share(thd, share, "", 0, tmpname, tmpname);
share->blob_field= blob_field;
share->blob_ptr_size= portable_sizeof_char_ptr;
share->db_low_byte_first=1; // True for HEAP and MyISAM
share->table_charset= param->table_charset;
share->primary_key= MAX_KEY; // Indicate no primary key
......@@ -757,8 +757,6 @@ static int open_binary_frm(THD *thd, TABLE_SHARE *share, uchar *head,
share->db_record_offset= 1;
if (db_create_options & HA_OPTION_LONG_BLOB_PTR)
share->blob_ptr_size= portable_sizeof_char_ptr;
/* Set temporarily a good value for db_low_byte_first */
share->db_low_byte_first= test(legacy_db_type != DB_TYPE_ISAM);
share->max_rows= uint4korr(head+18);
share->min_rows= uint4korr(head+22);
......@@ -1597,7 +1595,6 @@ static int open_binary_frm(THD *thd, TABLE_SHARE *share, uchar *head,
(null_bit_pos + 7) / 8);
share->last_null_bit_pos= null_bit_pos;
share->db_low_byte_first= handler_file->low_byte_first();
share->column_bitmap_size= bitmap_buffer_size(share->fields);
if (!(bitmaps= (my_bitmap_map*) alloc_root(&share->mem_root,
......@@ -423,7 +423,6 @@ typedef struct st_table_share
bool null_field_first;
bool system; /* Set if system table (one record) */
bool crypted; /* If .frm file is crypted */
bool db_low_byte_first; /* Portable row format */
bool crashed;
bool is_view;
bool name_lock, replace_with_name_lock;
......@@ -944,7 +944,6 @@ static bool make_empty_rec(THD *thd, File file,enum legacy_db_type table_type,
table.in_use= thd;
table.s->db_low_byte_first= handler->low_byte_first();
table.s->blob_ptr_size= portable_sizeof_char_ptr;
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