Commit 5f635d39 authored by Zardosht Kasheff's avatar Zardosht Kasheff Committed by Yoni Fogel

addresses #1655

cosmetic changes, change formatting

git-svn-id: file:///svn/mysql/tokudb-engine/src@11088 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 34cc5ed9
......@@ -993,7 +993,12 @@ ulong ha_tokudb::max_row_length(const uchar * buf) {
// [in] record - row in MySQL format
int ha_tokudb::pack_row(DBT * row, const uchar * record, bool strip_pk) {
int ha_tokudb::pack_row(
DBT * row,
const uchar* record,
bool strip_pk
uchar *ptr;
int r = ENOSYS;
bzero((void *) row, sizeof(*row));
......@@ -1117,7 +1122,13 @@ int ha_tokudb::pack_row(DBT * row, const uchar * record, bool strip_pk) {
// [out] record - row in MySQL format
// [in] row - row stored in DBT to be converted
void ha_tokudb::unpack_row(uchar * record, DBT const *row, DBT const *key, bool pk_stripped) {
void ha_tokudb::unpack_row(
uchar* record,
DBT const *row,
DBT const *key,
bool pk_stripped
// two cases, fixed length row, and variable length row
// fixed length row is first below
......@@ -1207,7 +1218,12 @@ void ha_tokudb::unpack_row(uchar * record, DBT const *row, DBT const *key, bool
u_int32_t ha_tokudb::place_key_into_mysql_buff(KEY* key_info, uchar * record, uchar* data) {
u_int32_t ha_tokudb::place_key_into_mysql_buff(
KEY* key_info,
uchar * record,
uchar* data
KEY_PART_INFO *key_part = key_info->key_part, *end = key_part + key_info->key_parts;
uchar *pos = data;
......@@ -1265,7 +1281,14 @@ void ha_tokudb::unpack_key(uchar * record, DBT const *key, uint index) {
u_int32_t ha_tokudb::place_key_into_dbt_buff(KEY* key_info, uchar * buff, const uchar * record, bool* has_null, int key_length) {
u_int32_t ha_tokudb::place_key_into_dbt_buff(
KEY* key_info,
uchar * buff,
const uchar * record,
bool* has_null,
int key_length
KEY_PART_INFO *key_part = key_info->key_part;
KEY_PART_INFO *end = key_part + key_info->key_parts;
uchar* curr_buff = buff;
......@@ -1322,7 +1345,15 @@ u_int32_t ha_tokudb::place_key_into_dbt_buff(KEY* key_info, uchar * buff, const
// the parameter key
DBT* ha_tokudb::create_dbt_key_from_key(DBT * key, KEY* key_info, uchar * buff, const uchar * record, bool* has_null, int key_length) {
DBT* ha_tokudb::create_dbt_key_from_key(
DBT * key,
KEY* key_info,
uchar * buff,
const uchar * record,
bool* has_null,
int key_length
u_int32_t size = 0;
uchar* tmp_buff = buff;
my_bitmap_map *old_map = dbug_tmp_use_all_columns(table, table->write_set);
......@@ -1337,7 +1368,13 @@ DBT* ha_tokudb::create_dbt_key_from_key(DBT * key, KEY* key_info, uchar * buff,
*tmp_buff++ = COL_NEG_INF;
size += place_key_into_dbt_buff(key_info, tmp_buff, record, has_null, key_length);
size += place_key_into_dbt_buff(
if (key_info->flags & HA_CLUSTERING) {
tmp_buff = buff + size;
if (hidden_primary_key) {
......@@ -1377,7 +1414,15 @@ DBT* ha_tokudb::create_dbt_key_from_key(DBT * key, KEY* key_info, uchar * buff,
// Returns:
// the parameter key
DBT *ha_tokudb::create_dbt_key_from_table(DBT * key, uint keynr, uchar * buff, const uchar * record, bool* has_null, int key_length) {
DBT *ha_tokudb::create_dbt_key_from_table(
DBT * key,
uint keynr,
uchar * buff,
const uchar * record,
bool* has_null,
int key_length
bzero((void *) key, sizeof(*key));
if (hidden_primary_key && keynr == primary_key) {
......@@ -1402,7 +1447,15 @@ DBT *ha_tokudb::create_dbt_key_from_table(DBT * key, uint keynr, uchar * buff, c
// Returns:
// the parameter key
DBT *ha_tokudb::pack_key(DBT * key, uint keynr, uchar * buff, const uchar * key_ptr, uint key_length, uchar inf_byte) {
DBT *ha_tokudb::pack_key(
DBT * key,
uint keynr,
uchar * buff,
const uchar * key_ptr,
uint key_length,
uchar inf_byte
KEY *key_info = &table->key_info[keynr];
KEY_PART_INFO *key_part = key_info->key_part;
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