Commit 642525b9 authored by Aleksey Midenkov's avatar Aleksey Midenkov

Tests: cte_recursive, simple (new plans)

Author: Alvin Richards
parent b19645ca
create or replace table dept (
dept_id int(10) primary key,
name varchar(100)
with system versioning;
create or replace table emp (
emp_id int(10) primary key,
dept_id int(10) not null,
name varchar(100) not null,
mgr int(10),
salary int(10) not null,
constraint `dept-emp-fk`
foreign key (dept_id) references dept (dept_id)
on delete cascade
on update restrict,
constraint `mgr-fk`
foreign key (mgr) references emp (emp_id)
on delete restrict
on update restrict
with system versioning;
insert into dept (dept_id, name) values (10, "accounting");
insert into emp (emp_id, name, salary, dept_id, mgr) values
(1, "bill", 1000, 10, null),
(20, "john", 500, 10, 1),
(30, "jane", 750, 10,1 );
select vtq_commit_ts(max(sys_trx_start)) into @ts_1 from emp;
update emp set mgr=30 where name ="john";
select vtq_commit_ts(sys_trx_start) into @ts_2 from emp where name="john";
/* All report to 'Bill' */
with recursive
select e.emp_id,, e.mgr, e.salary
from emp as e for system_time as of timestamp @ts_1
where name = 'bill'
select e.emp_id,, e.mgr, e.salary
from emp as e for system_time as of timestamp @ts_1,
ancestors as a
where e.mgr = a.emp_id
select * from ancestors;
emp_id name mgr salary
1 bill NULL 1000
30 jane 1 750
/* Expected 3 rows */
with recursive
select e.emp_id,, e.mgr, e.salary
from emp as e for system_time as of timestamp @ts_2
where name = 'bill'
select e.emp_id,, e.mgr, e.salary
from emp as e for system_time as of timestamp @ts_2,
ancestors as a
where e.mgr = a.emp_id
select * from ancestors for system_time as of timestamp @ts_2;
emp_id name mgr salary
1 bill NULL 1000
30 jane 1 750
20 john 30 500
drop table emp;
drop table dept;
create or replace table dept (
dept_id int(10) primary key,
name varchar(100)
with system versioning;
create or replace table emp (
emp_id int(10) primary key,
dept_id int(10),
name varchar(100),
salary int(10),
constraint `dept-emp-fk`
foreign key (dept_id) references dept (dept_id)
on delete cascade
on update restrict
with system versioning;
select now() into @ts_0;
insert into dept (dept_id, name) values (10, "accounting");
select vtq_commit_ts(sys_trx_start) into @ts_1 from dept where dept_id=10;
insert into emp (emp_id, name, salary, dept_id) values (1, "bill", 1000, 10);
select vtq_commit_ts(sys_trx_start) into @ts_2 from emp where name="bill";
select * from emp;
emp_id dept_id name salary
1 10 bill 1000
update emp set salary=2000 where name="bill";
select vtq_commit_ts(sys_trx_start) into @ts_3 from emp where name="bill";
select * from emp;
emp_id dept_id name salary
1 10 bill 2000
select * from emp for system_time as of timestamp @ts_2;
emp_id dept_id name salary
1 10 bill 1000
select * from emp for system_time as of timestamp @ts_3;
emp_id dept_id name salary
1 10 bill 2000
select * from emp e, dept d
where d.dept_id = 10
and d.dept_id = e.dept_id;
emp_id dept_id name salary dept_id name
1 10 bill 2000 10 accounting
select * from emp e, dept d
where d.dept_id = 10
and d.dept_id = e.dept_id
query for system_time from timestamp @ts_1 to timestamp @ts_2;
emp_id dept_id name salary sys_trx_start sys_trx_end dept_id name sys_trx_start sys_trx_end
select * from emp e, dept d
where d.dept_id = 10
and d.dept_id = e.dept_id
query for system_time as of timestamp @ts_0;
emp_id dept_id name salary dept_id name
select * from emp e, dept d
where d.dept_id = 10
and d.dept_id = e.dept_id
query for system_time as of timestamp @ts_1;
emp_id dept_id name salary dept_id name
select * from emp e, dept d
where d.dept_id = 10
and d.dept_id = e.dept_id
query for system_time as of timestamp @ts_2;
emp_id dept_id name salary dept_id name
1 10 bill 1000 10 accounting
select * from emp e, dept d
where d.dept_id = 10
and d.dept_id = e.dept_id
query for system_time as of timestamp @ts_3;
emp_id dept_id name salary dept_id name
1 10 bill 2000 10 accounting
drop table emp, dept;
--innodb --default-storage-engine=innodb
create or replace table dept (
dept_id int(10) primary key,
name varchar(100)
with system versioning;
create or replace table emp (
emp_id int(10) primary key,
dept_id int(10) not null,
name varchar(100) not null,
mgr int(10),
salary int(10) not null,
constraint `dept-emp-fk`
foreign key (dept_id) references dept (dept_id)
on delete cascade
on update restrict,
constraint `mgr-fk`
foreign key (mgr) references emp (emp_id)
on delete restrict
on update restrict
with system versioning;
insert into dept (dept_id, name) values (10, "accounting");
insert into emp (emp_id, name, salary, dept_id, mgr) values
(1, "bill", 1000, 10, null),
(20, "john", 500, 10, 1),
(30, "jane", 750, 10,1 );
select vtq_commit_ts(max(sys_trx_start)) into @ts_1 from emp;
update emp set mgr=30 where name ="john";
select vtq_commit_ts(sys_trx_start) into @ts_2 from emp where name="john";
/* All report to 'Bill' */
with recursive
select e.emp_id,, e.mgr, e.salary
from emp as e for system_time as of timestamp @ts_1
where name = 'bill'
select e.emp_id,, e.mgr, e.salary
from emp as e for system_time as of timestamp @ts_1,
ancestors as a
where e.mgr = a.emp_id
select * from ancestors;
/* Expected 3 rows */
with recursive
select e.emp_id,, e.mgr, e.salary
from emp as e for system_time as of timestamp @ts_2
where name = 'bill'
select e.emp_id,, e.mgr, e.salary
from emp as e for system_time as of timestamp @ts_2,
ancestors as a
where e.mgr = a.emp_id
select * from ancestors for system_time as of timestamp @ts_2;
drop table emp;
drop table dept;
--innodb --default-storage-engine=innodb
create or replace table dept (
dept_id int(10) primary key,
name varchar(100)
with system versioning;
create or replace table emp (
emp_id int(10) primary key,
dept_id int(10),
name varchar(100),
salary int(10),
constraint `dept-emp-fk`
foreign key (dept_id) references dept (dept_id)
on delete cascade
on update restrict
with system versioning;
select now() into @ts_0;
insert into dept (dept_id, name) values (10, "accounting");
select vtq_commit_ts(sys_trx_start) into @ts_1 from dept where dept_id=10;
insert into emp (emp_id, name, salary, dept_id) values (1, "bill", 1000, 10);
select vtq_commit_ts(sys_trx_start) into @ts_2 from emp where name="bill";
select * from emp;
update emp set salary=2000 where name="bill";
select vtq_commit_ts(sys_trx_start) into @ts_3 from emp where name="bill";
select * from emp;
select * from emp for system_time as of timestamp @ts_2;
select * from emp for system_time as of timestamp @ts_3;
select * from emp e, dept d
where d.dept_id = 10
and d.dept_id = e.dept_id;
select * from emp e, dept d
where d.dept_id = 10
and d.dept_id = e.dept_id
query for system_time from timestamp @ts_1 to timestamp @ts_2;
select * from emp e, dept d
where d.dept_id = 10
and d.dept_id = e.dept_id
query for system_time as of timestamp @ts_0;
select * from emp e, dept d
where d.dept_id = 10
and d.dept_id = e.dept_id
query for system_time as of timestamp @ts_1;
select * from emp e, dept d
where d.dept_id = 10
and d.dept_id = e.dept_id
query for system_time as of timestamp @ts_2;
select * from emp e, dept d
where d.dept_id = 10
and d.dept_id = e.dept_id
query for system_time as of timestamp @ts_3;
drop table emp, dept;
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