Commit 6733df9f authored by unknown's avatar unknown

Added DocBook chapter split script.

parent 6eb0dfab
#! /usr/local/bin/perl
# O'Reilly's Perl script to chop mysql.xml into separate ch/apps/index files.
# The indexes are actually not used, they're created straight from the xrefs.
use strict;
# Breaks the MySQL reference manual into chapters, appendices, and indexes.
my $input_file;
my $directory;
my $chap_num;
my $app_letter;
my $start_text;
my $line;
my $input_file;
my $output_name;
$input_file = "mysql.xml";
$chap_num=1; # Start chapter numbers at one (there is no preface)
$app_letter="a"; # Start appendix letters at "a"
open (INPUT_FILE, '<' . $input_file) or die "Cannot open $input_file";
if (-d $directory) {
my $unlinked = unlink <$directory/*>;
printf(Removed "%d files\n", $unlinked);
else {
mkdir $directory or die "Cannot make $directory subdirectory";
while (1) {
# Terminating statement for loop.
exit if not defined $line;
if ($line =~ /(?:.*)(<chapter.*)/i ) {
$start_text = $1;
$output_name = &make_chapter_name($chap_num);
elsif ($line =~ /(?:.*)(<appendix.*)/i ) {
$start_text = $1 ;
$output_name = &make_appendix_name($app_letter);
elsif ($line =~ /(?:.*)(<index\s+id=")(.*?)(">.*)/i ) {
$start_text = $1 . $2 . $3;
$output_name = lc($2) . ".xml";
else {
# Automatically skips junk in between chapters, appendices,
# and indexes.
$line = <INPUT_FILE>;
sub make_chapter_name {
my $num = shift;
my $name = "ch" . sprintf("%02d", $num) . ".xml";
return $name;
sub make_appendix_name {
my $letter = shift;
my $name = "app" . sprintf("%s", $letter) . ".xml";
return $name;
sub process_file {
my $marker=shift;
open (OUTPUT_FILE, '>' . $directory . "/" . $output_name) or
die "Cannot open $output_name";
# Print whatever happened to appear at the end of the previous chapter.
print OUTPUT_FILE $start_text . "\n" if $start_text;
while (1) {
$line = <INPUT_FILE>;
exit if not defined $line;
# Note: Anything after the terminating marker is lost, just like
# lines in between chapters.
if ($line =~ /(.*<\/\s*$marker\s*>)/i ) {
print OUTPUT_FILE $1 . "\n" if $1;
print OUTPUT_FILE $line;
exit 0;
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