Commit 6b684c58 authored by Alexander Nozdrin's avatar Alexander Nozdrin

Fix test results after the latest merge.

parent c30d924d
......@@ -2566,7 +2566,7 @@ SELECT format(12345678901234567890.123, 3, NULL);
format(12345678901234567890.123, 3, NULL)
Warning 1647 Unknown locale: 'NULL'
Warning 1649 Unknown locale: 'NULL'
SELECT format(12345678901234567890.123, 3, 'ar_AE');
format(12345678901234567890.123, 3, 'ar_AE')
......@@ -2686,5 +2686,5 @@ SELECT format(123, 1, 'Non-existent-locale');
format(123, 1, 'Non-existent-locale')
Warning 1647 Unknown locale: 'Non-existent-locale'
Warning 1649 Unknown locale: 'Non-existent-locale'
End of 5.4 tests
......@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ SIGNAL foo;
ERROR 42000: Undefined CONDITION: foo
Warning 1640 Unhandled user-defined warning condition
Warning 1642 Unhandled user-defined warning condition
ERROR 02000: Unhandled user-defined not found condition
......@@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ SIGNAL warn;
end $$
call test_signal() $$
Warning 1640 Unhandled user-defined warning condition
Warning 1642 Unhandled user-defined warning condition
drop procedure test_signal $$
create procedure test_signal()
......@@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ SIGNAL warn;
end $$
call test_signal() $$
Warning 1640 Unhandled user-defined warning condition
Warning 1642 Unhandled user-defined warning condition
drop procedure test_signal $$
create procedure test_signal()
......@@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ SIGNAL warn SET MESSAGE_TEXT = "Something bad happened";
end $$
call test_signal() $$
Warning 1640 Something bad happened
Warning 1642 Something bad happened
drop procedure test_signal $$
create procedure test_signal()
......@@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ SIGNAL something SET MESSAGE_TEXT = _utf8 "This is a UTF8 text";
end $$
call test_signal() $$
Warning 1640 This is a UTF8 text
Warning 1642 This is a UTF8 text
drop procedure test_signal $$
create procedure test_signal()
......@@ -887,7 +887,7 @@ SIGNAL something SET MESSAGE_TEXT = "";
end $$
call test_signal() $$
Warning 1640
Warning 1642
drop procedure test_signal $$
create procedure test_signal()
......@@ -896,10 +896,10 @@ SIGNAL warn SET MESSAGE_TEXT = "á a";
end $$
call test_signal() $$
Warning 1640 á a
Warning 1642 á a
show warnings $$
Level Code Message
Warning 1640 á a
Warning 1642 á a
drop procedure test_signal $$
# Test SET complex expressions
......@@ -1162,17 +1162,17 @@ MYSQL_ERRNO = 10000;
end $$
call test_signal() $$
Warning 1645 Data truncated for condition item 'CLASS_ORIGIN'
Warning 1645 Data truncated for condition item 'SUBCLASS_ORIGIN'
Warning 1645 Data truncated for condition item 'CONSTRAINT_CATALOG'
Warning 1645 Data truncated for condition item 'CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA'
Warning 1645 Data truncated for condition item 'CONSTRAINT_NAME'
Warning 1645 Data truncated for condition item 'CATALOG_NAME'
Warning 1645 Data truncated for condition item 'SCHEMA_NAME'
Warning 1645 Data truncated for condition item 'TABLE_NAME'
Warning 1645 Data truncated for condition item 'COLUMN_NAME'
Warning 1645 Data truncated for condition item 'CURSOR_NAME'
Warning 1645 Data truncated for condition item 'MESSAGE_TEXT'
Warning 1647 Data truncated for condition item 'CLASS_ORIGIN'
Warning 1647 Data truncated for condition item 'SUBCLASS_ORIGIN'
Warning 1647 Data truncated for condition item 'CONSTRAINT_CATALOG'
Warning 1647 Data truncated for condition item 'CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA'
Warning 1647 Data truncated for condition item 'CONSTRAINT_NAME'
Warning 1647 Data truncated for condition item 'CATALOG_NAME'
Warning 1647 Data truncated for condition item 'SCHEMA_NAME'
Warning 1647 Data truncated for condition item 'TABLE_NAME'
Warning 1647 Data truncated for condition item 'COLUMN_NAME'
Warning 1647 Data truncated for condition item 'CURSOR_NAME'
Warning 1647 Data truncated for condition item 'MESSAGE_TEXT'
Warning 10000 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112222222222222222222288888888
drop procedure test_signal $$
create procedure test_signal()
......@@ -78,15 +78,15 @@ ERROR 45000: Oops in proc_1
show warnings;
Level Code Message
Error 1051 Unknown table 'oops_it_is_not_here'
Error 1642 Oops in proc_9
Error 1642 Oops in proc_8
Error 1642 Oops in proc_7
Error 1642 Oops in proc_6
Error 1642 Oops in proc_5
Error 1642 Oops in proc_4
Error 1642 Oops in proc_3
Error 1642 Oops in proc_2
Error 1642 Oops in proc_1
Error 1644 Oops in proc_9
Error 1644 Oops in proc_8
Error 1644 Oops in proc_7
Error 1644 Oops in proc_6
Error 1644 Oops in proc_5
Error 1644 Oops in proc_4
Error 1644 Oops in proc_3
Error 1644 Oops in proc_2
Error 1644 Oops in proc_1
SET @@session.max_error_count = 5;
SELECT @@session.max_error_count;
......@@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ call proc_1();
ERROR 45000: Oops in proc_1
show warnings;
Level Code Message
Error 1642 Oops in proc_5
Error 1642 Oops in proc_4
Error 1642 Oops in proc_3
Error 1642 Oops in proc_2
Error 1642 Oops in proc_1
Error 1644 Oops in proc_5
Error 1644 Oops in proc_4
Error 1644 Oops in proc_3
Error 1644 Oops in proc_2
Error 1644 Oops in proc_1
SET @@session.max_error_count = 7;
SELECT @@session.max_error_count;
......@@ -108,13 +108,13 @@ call proc_1();
ERROR 45000: Oops in proc_1
show warnings;
Level Code Message
Error 1642 Oops in proc_7
Error 1642 Oops in proc_6
Error 1642 Oops in proc_5
Error 1642 Oops in proc_4
Error 1642 Oops in proc_3
Error 1642 Oops in proc_2
Error 1642 Oops in proc_1
Error 1644 Oops in proc_7
Error 1644 Oops in proc_6
Error 1644 Oops in proc_5
Error 1644 Oops in proc_4
Error 1644 Oops in proc_3
Error 1644 Oops in proc_2
Error 1644 Oops in proc_1
SET @@session.max_error_count = 9;
SELECT @@session.max_error_count;
......@@ -123,15 +123,15 @@ call proc_1();
ERROR 45000: Oops in proc_1
show warnings;
Level Code Message
Error 1642 Oops in proc_9
Error 1642 Oops in proc_8
Error 1642 Oops in proc_7
Error 1642 Oops in proc_6
Error 1642 Oops in proc_5
Error 1642 Oops in proc_4
Error 1642 Oops in proc_3
Error 1642 Oops in proc_2
Error 1642 Oops in proc_1
Error 1644 Oops in proc_9
Error 1644 Oops in proc_8
Error 1644 Oops in proc_7
Error 1644 Oops in proc_6
Error 1644 Oops in proc_5
Error 1644 Oops in proc_4
Error 1644 Oops in proc_3
Error 1644 Oops in proc_2
Error 1644 Oops in proc_1
drop database demo;
SET @@global.max_error_count = @start_global_value;
SELECT @@global.max_error_count;
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