GAL-501 : MDEV-24645 galera_3nodes.GAL-501 MTR failed: failed to open gcomm backend connection: 110
galera_2_cluster : MDEV-22195 temporarily disabled due to issues to be fixed with MDEV-22195
galera_gtid_2_cluster : MDEV-23775 Galera test failure on galera_3nodes.galera_gtid_2_cluster
galera_ist_gcache_rollover : MDEV-23578 WSREP: exception caused by message: {v=0,t=1,ut=255,o=4,s=0,sr=0,as=1,f=6,src=50524cfe,srcvid=view_id(REG,50524cfe,4),insvid=view_id(UNKNOWN,00000000,0),ru=00000000,r=[-1,-1],fs=75,nl=(}
galera_load_data_ist : MDEV-24639 galera_3nodes.galera_load_data_ist MTR failed with SIGABRT: query 'reap' failed: 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
galera_load_data_ist : MDEV-24639 galera_3nodes.galera_load_data_ist MTR failed with SIGABRT: query 'reap' failed: 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query