Commit 735d5c79 authored by unknown's avatar unknown


parents ebc84dca 93d39a66
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ $opt_help= undef;
$opt_log= undef;
$opt_mail= "";
$opt_skip_dmg= undef;
$opt_skip_prefpane= undef;
$opt_skip_si= undef;
$opt_suffix= undef;
$opt_verbose= undef;
......@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ GetOptions(
......@@ -82,6 +84,7 @@ $HOST=~ /^([^.-]*)/;
$HOST= $1;
$PREFPANE= "$PWD/mysql-administrator/source/mac/PreferencePane/build/MySQL.prefPane";
$SUPFILEDIR= <$SRCBASEDIR/support-files/MacOSX>;
$TAR= <$BUILDDIR/$NAME-apple-darwin*-powerpc.tar.gz>;
......@@ -219,6 +222,19 @@ unless ($opt_skip_si)
&run_command($command, "Error while building package $SI_NAME.pkg!");
# Include the MySQL Preference Pane
unless ($opt_skip_prefpane)
&abort("Could not find PrefPane helper application. Did you compile and install it?")
unless (-f "$PREFPANE/Contents/Resources/mahelper");
&logger("Including $PREFPANE in $PKGDEST");
&run_command("mkdir $PKGDEST/MySQL.prefPane", "Could not create $PKGDEST/MySQL.prefPane!");
&run_command("ditto $PREFPANE $PKGDEST/MySQL.prefPane", "Could not copy $PREFPANE into $PKGDEST!");
&run_command("chown -R root:wheel $PKGDEST/MySQL.prefPane", "Cannot chown $PKGDEST/MySQL.prefPane!");
if ($opt_skip_dmg)
&logger("SUCCESS: Package $PKGDEST/$NAME.pkg created");
......@@ -254,6 +270,7 @@ chomp($mountpoint=`mount | grep "\/Volumes\/$NAME" | cut -f3 -d" "`) if (!$opt_d
&logger("Copying $PKGDEST/$NAME.pkg to Disk image /Volumes/$NAME");
&run_command("ditto $PKGDEST /Volumes/$NAME", "Could not copy $PKGDEST to /Volumes/$NAME!");
&run_command("ditto $SUPFILEDIR/ReadMe.txt /Volumes/$NAME", "Could not copy $SPFILEDIR/ReadMe.txt to /Volumes/$NAME!");
&run_command("chown root:wheel /Volumes/$NAME/ReadMe.txt", "Could not fix ownerships of /Volumes/$NAME/ReadMe.txt!");
chomp($mountpoint=`mount | grep "\/Volumes\/$NAME" | cut -f1 -d" "`) if (!$opt_dry_run);
&abort("/Volumes/$NAME not attached!") if (!$mountpoint && !$opt_dry_run);
&logger("Unmounting $mountpoint");
......@@ -302,6 +319,7 @@ Options:
if logging is enabled)
Note that the \@-Sign needs to be quoted!
Example: --mail=user\\\
-p, --skip-prefpane Skip including the PreferencePane
-s, --skip-disk-image, --skip-dmg Just build the PKGs, don't put it into a
disk image afterwards
--skip-startup-item, --skip-si Skip the creation of the StartupItem PKG
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