[PATCH] BUG#28683 - ndb_size.pl should support more than one database

Patch by: Monty Taylor <mtaylor@mysql.com>
Fixes by: Stewart Smith

  Added the ability to run ndb_size.pl on mulitple databases and also to exclude lists of databases and tables from analysis.
  Added schema name information to index table calculations as well.
  Made database an optional parameter, the exclusion of which causes all databases to be examined.
  If selecting from information_schema fails, attempt to fall back to show tables from
  Added support for setting an optional "real_table_name" for a table to deal with unique indexe size calcs.
  Fixed report title for the case where we are using operating on more than one database.
  Fixed some perl style concerns timothy had.
  Cull the list of databases in perl rather than passing both an in and a not in list to MySQL
  Get this full list of databases from show databases if needed.

  storage/ndb/tools/ndb_size.pl@stripped, 2007-05-25 13:45:44-07:00, mtaylor@qualinost.(none) +102 -28
    Added the ability to run ndb_size.pl on mulitple databases and also to exclude lists of databases and tables from analysis.
    Added schema name information to index table calculations as well.
    Made database an optional parameter, the exclusion of which causes all databases to be examined.
    If selecting from information_schema fails, attempt to fall back to show tables from
    Added support for setting an optional "real_table_name" for a table to deal with unique indexe size calcs.
    Fixed report title for the case where we are using operating on more than one database.
    Fixed some perl style concerns timothy had. 
    Cull the list of databases in perl rather than passing both an in and a not in list to MySQL
    Get this full list of databases from show databases if needed.

Index: ndb-work/storage/ndb/tools/ndb_size.pl
parent 67510ed2
......@@ -169,7 +169,9 @@ use Class::MethodMaker [
ddm_versions ) ],
scalar => [ qw( name
rows ) ],
real_table_name) ],
hash => [ qw( columns
......@@ -198,6 +200,16 @@ use Class::MethodMaker [
scalar => [ { -default=> 4 },'align'],
sub table_name
my ($self) = @_;
if ($self->real_table_name) {
return $self->real_table_name;
}else {
return $self->name;
sub compute_row_size
my ($self, $releases) = @_;
......@@ -391,7 +403,7 @@ sub compute_estimate
package main;
my ($dbh,$database,$hostname,$user,$password,$help,$savequeries,$loadqueries,$debug,$format);
my ($dbh,$database,$hostname,$user,$password,$help,$savequeries,$loadqueries,$debug,$format,$excludetables,$excludedbs);
......@@ -399,6 +411,8 @@ GetOptions('database|d=s'=>\$database,
......@@ -406,32 +420,73 @@ GetOptions('database|d=s'=>\$database,
my $report= new MySQL::NDB::Size::Report;
if($help || !$database)
print STDERR "Usage:\n";
print STDERR "\tndb_size.pl --database=<db name> [--hostname=<host>]"
print STDERR "\tndb_size.pl --database=<db name>|ALL [--hostname=<host>]"
."[--user=<user>] [--password=<password>] [--help|-h] [--format=(html|text)] [--loadqueries=<file>] [--savequeries=<file>]\n\n";
print STDERR "\t--database=<db name> ALL may be specified to examine all "
print STDERR "\t--hostname=<host>:<port> can be used to designate a "
."specific port\n";
print STDERR "\t--hostname defaults to localhost\n";
print STDERR "\t--user and --password default to empty string\n";
print STDERR "\t--format=(html|text) Output format\n";
print STDERR "\t--excludetables Comma separated list of table names to skip\n";
print STDERR "\t--excludedbs Comma separated list of database names to skip\n";
print STDERR "\t--savequeries=<file> saves all queries to the DB into <file>\n";
print STDERR "\t--loadqueries=<file> loads query results from <file>. Doesn't connect to DB.\n";
$hostname= 'localhost' unless $hostname;
my %queries; # used for loadqueries/savequeries
my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$hostname";
my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:host=$hostname";
$dbh= DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $password) or exit(1);
my @dbs;
if ($database && !($database =~ /^ALL$/i))
@dbs = split(',', $database);
# Do all databases
@dbs = map { $_->[0] } @{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref("show databases") };
my %withdb = map {$_ => 1} @dbs;
foreach (split ",", $excludedbs || '')
delete $withdb{$_};
delete $withdb{'mysql'};
delete $withdb{'INFORMATION_SCHEMA'};
delete $withdb{'information_schema'};
my $dblist = join (',', map { $dbh->quote($_) } keys %withdb );
$excludetables = join (',', map { $dbh->quote($_) } split ',', $excludetables )
if $excludetables;
if (scalar(keys %withdb)>1)
$report->database("databases: $dblist");
$report->database("database: $dblist");
open Q,"< $loadqueries";
......@@ -441,7 +496,6 @@ else
%queries= %$e;
close Q;
......@@ -454,7 +508,25 @@ if($loadqueries)
$tables= $dbh->selectall_arrayref("show tables");
my $sql= "select t.TABLE_NAME,t.TABLE_SCHEMA " .
" from information_schema.TABLES t " .
" where t.TABLE_SCHEMA in ( $dblist ) ";
$sql.=" and t.TABLE_NAME not in " .
" ( $excludetables )"
if ($excludetables);
$tables= $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql);
if (!$tables) {
print "WARNING: problem selecing from INFORMATION SCHEMA ($sql)\n";
if ($#dbs>0) {
print "\t attempting to fallback to show tables from $database";
$tables= $dbh->selectall_arrayref("show tables from $database\n");
} else {
print "All Databases not supported in 4.1. Please specify --database=\n";
$queries{"show tables"}= $tables;
......@@ -543,9 +615,10 @@ sub do_table {
if(!$col->Key()) # currently keys must be non varsized
my $sql= "select avg(length(`"
."`)) from `".$t->name().'`';
my $sql= sprintf("select avg(length(`%s`)) " .
" from `%s`.`%s` " ,
$colname, $t->schema(), $t->table_name());
my @dynamic;
......@@ -573,9 +646,11 @@ sub do_table {
$blobhunk= 8000 if $type=~ /longblob/;
$blobhunk= 4000 if $type=~ /mediumblob/;
my $sql= "select SUM(CEILING(".
."from `".$t->name."`";
my $sql= sprintf("select SUM(CEILING(length(`%s`)/%s)) " .
" from `%s`.`%s`" ,
$colname, $blobhunk,
$t->schema(), $t->table_name() );
my @blobsize;
......@@ -589,11 +664,12 @@ sub do_table {
$blobsize[0]=0 if !defined($blobsize[0]);
# Is a supporting table, add it to the lists:
$report->supporting_tables_set($t->name()."\$BLOB_$colname" => 1);
$report->supporting_tables_set($t->schema().".".$t->name()."\$BLOB_$colname" => 1);
my $st= new MySQL::NDB::Size::Table(name =>
schema => $t->schema(),
rows => $blobsize[0],
row_dm_overhead =>
{ '4.1' => 12,
......@@ -632,7 +708,9 @@ sub do_table {
$t->columns_set( $colname => $col );
$report->tables_set( $t->name => $t );
#print "setting tables: ",$t->schema(), $t->table_name(), $t->name, $t->real_table_name || "" , "\n";
# Use $t->name here instead of $t->table_name() to avoid namespace conflicts
$report->tables_set( $t->schema().".".$t->name() => $t );
# And now... the IndexMemory usage.
......@@ -727,14 +805,16 @@ sub do_table {
# Is a supporting table, add it to the lists:
my $idxname= $t->name().'_'.join('_',@{$indexes{$index}{columns}}).
$report->supporting_tables_set($idxname => 1);
$report->supporting_tables_set($t->schema().".".$idxname => 1);
$t->indexed_columns_set($_ => 1)
foreach @{$indexes{$index}{columns}};
my $st= new MySQL::NDB::Size::Table(name => $idxname,
real_table_name => $t->table_name(),
rows => $count[0],
schema => $t->schema(),
row_dm_overhead =>
{ '4.1' => 12,
'5.0' => 12,
......@@ -745,7 +825,6 @@ sub do_table {
row_ddm_overhead =>
{ '5.1' => 8 },
......@@ -766,9 +845,10 @@ sub do_table {
my $table= @{$_}[0];
my $schema = @{$_}[1] || $database;
my $info;
my $sql= 'describe `'.$table.'`';
my $sql= 'describe `'.$schema.'`.`'.$table.'`';
$info= $queries{$sql};
......@@ -781,7 +861,7 @@ foreach(@{$tables})
my @count;
my $sql= 'select count(*) from `'.$table.'`';
my $sql= 'select count(*) from `'.$schema.'`.`'.$table.'`';
@count= @{$queries{$sql}};
......@@ -797,7 +877,7 @@ foreach(@{$tables})
my @show_indexes;
my $sql= "show index from `".$table.'`';
my $sql= "show index from `".$schema.'`.`'.$table.'`';
@show_indexes= @{$queries{$sql}};
......@@ -826,6 +906,7 @@ foreach(@{$tables})
my $t= new MySQL::NDB::Size::Table(name => $table,
schema => $schema,
rows => $count[0],
row_dm_overhead =>
{ '4.1' => 12,
......@@ -1008,7 +1089,7 @@ sub output
my $self= shift;
my $r= $self->{report};
print $self->ul("ndb_size.pl report for database ". $r->database().
print $self->ul("ndb_size.pl report for ". $r->database().
" (".(($r->tables_count()||0)-($r->supporting_tables_count()||0)).
" tables)");
......@@ -1188,8 +1269,8 @@ sub output
my $st= $r->tables->{$_};
printf $f, $st->name() if $_ eq 'PRIMARY';
printf $f, $st->name().$_ if $_ ne 'PRIMARY';
printf $f, $st->schema().".".$st->name() if $_ eq 'PRIMARY';
printf $f, $st->schema().".".$st->name().$_ if $_ ne 'PRIMARY';
my $sti= $st->indexes->{$_};
printf $v, ($sti->ver_im_exists($_))
......@@ -1367,7 +1448,7 @@ print <<ENDHTML;
print $self->h1("ndb_size.pl report for database ". $r->database().
print $self->h1("ndb_size.pl report for ". $r->database().
" (".(($r->tables_count()||0)-($r->supporting_tables_count()||0)).
" tables)");
......@@ -1579,8 +1660,8 @@ ENDHTML
my @r;
push @r, $st->name() if $_ eq 'PRIMARY';
push @r, $st->name().$_ if $_ ne 'PRIMARY';
push @r, $st->schema().".".$st->name() if $_ eq 'PRIMARY';
push @r, $st->schema().".".$st->name().$_ if $_ ne 'PRIMARY';
my $sti= $st->indexes->{$_};
push @r, ($sti->ver_im_exists($_))
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