Commit 7865ce61 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

Fixed BUG#17476: Stored procedure not returning data when it is called first

                 time per connection
  Removed const_string() method from Item_string (it was only used in one
  place, in a bad way). Defer possible SP variable, and access data directly
  instead, in date_format item.

  Updated results for new test (BUG#17476).
  New test case (BUG#17476)
  Removed const_string() from Item_string.
  It was only used in one place, and we can just use str_value in Item directly.
  Must defer a (possible) local SP variable to use max_length and str_value
  in Item_func_date_format::fix_length_and_dec(), and refer to str_value
  directly without the const_string() method (now removed); the cast didn't
  work in all cases anyway.
parent 7968f058
......@@ -4768,4 +4768,23 @@ Handler
drop procedure bug15011|
drop table t3|
drop procedure if exists bug17476|
create table t3 ( d date )|
insert into t3 values
( '2005-01-01' ), ( '2005-01-02' ), ( '2005-01-03' ),
( '2005-01-04' ), ( '2005-02-01' ), ( '2005-02-02' )|
create procedure bug17476(pDateFormat varchar(10))
select date_format(t3.d, pDateFormat), count(*)
from t3
group by date_format(t3.d, pDateFormat)|
call bug17476('%Y-%m')|
date_format(t3.d, pDateFormat) count(*)
2005-01 4
2005-02 2
call bug17476('%Y-%m')|
date_format(t3.d, pDateFormat) count(*)
2005-01 4
2005-02 2
drop table t3|
drop procedure bug17476|
drop table t1,t2;
......@@ -5615,6 +5615,31 @@ drop procedure bug15011|
drop table t3|
# BUG#17476: Stored procedure not returning data when it is called first
# time per connection
drop procedure if exists bug17476|
create table t3 ( d date )|
insert into t3 values
( '2005-01-01' ), ( '2005-01-02' ), ( '2005-01-03' ),
( '2005-01-04' ), ( '2005-02-01' ), ( '2005-02-02' )|
create procedure bug17476(pDateFormat varchar(10))
select date_format(t3.d, pDateFormat), count(*)
from t3
group by date_format(t3.d, pDateFormat)|
call bug17476('%Y-%m')|
call bug17476('%Y-%m')|
drop table t3|
drop procedure bug17476|
# BUG#NNNN: New bug synopsis
......@@ -1585,7 +1585,6 @@ class Item_string :public Item
str_value.length(), collation.collation);
Item *safe_charset_converter(CHARSET_INFO *tocs);
String *const_string() { return &str_value; }
inline void append(char *str, uint length) { str_value.append(str, length); }
void print(String *str);
// to prevent drop fixed flag (no need parent cleanup call)
......@@ -1605,9 +1605,15 @@ longlong Item_func_sec_to_time::val_int()
void Item_func_date_format::fix_length_and_dec()
Must use this_item() in case it's a local SP variable
(for ->max_length and ->str_value)
Item *arg1= args[1]->this_item();
if (args[1]->type() == STRING_ITEM)
if (arg1->type() == STRING_ITEM)
{ // Optimize the normal case
......@@ -1615,13 +1621,13 @@ void Item_func_date_format::fix_length_and_dec()
The result is a binary string (no reason to use collation->mbmaxlen
This is becasue make_date_time() only returns binary strings
max_length= format_length(((Item_string*) args[1])->const_string());
max_length= format_length(&arg1->str_value);
/* The result is a binary string (no reason to use collation->mbmaxlen */
max_length=min(args[1]->max_length,MAX_BLOB_WIDTH) * 10;
max_length=min(arg1->max_length, MAX_BLOB_WIDTH) * 10;
maybe_null=1; // If wrong date
......@@ -1631,6 +1637,7 @@ void Item_func_date_format::fix_length_and_dec()
bool Item_func_date_format::eq(const Item *item, bool binary_cmp) const
Item_func_date_format *item_func;
if (item->type() != FUNC_ITEM)
return 0;
if (func_name() != ((Item_func*) item)->func_name())
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