Commit 79d7fe7d authored by Zardosht Kasheff's avatar Zardosht Kasheff Committed by Yoni Fogel

[t:3815], address CR comments from 7/22

git-svn-id: file:///svn/toku/tokudb@33355 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 6b4e0d0f
......@@ -286,6 +286,12 @@ static void maybe_apply_ancestors_messages_to_node (BRT t, BRTNODE node, ANCESTO
static long brtnode_memory_size (BRTNODE node);
// The intent of toku_pin_brtnode(_holding_lock) is to abstract the process of retrieving a node from
// the rest of brt.c, so that there is only one place where we need to worry about setting
// the DSN and applying ancestor messages to a leaf node. The idea is for all of brt.c (search, splits, merges, flushes, etc)
// to access a node via toku_pin_brtnode(_holding_lock)
int toku_pin_brtnode (BRT brt, BLOCKNUM blocknum, u_int32_t fullhash,
UNLOCKERS unlockers,
ANCESTORS ancestors, struct pivot_bounds const * const bounds,
......@@ -321,6 +327,7 @@ int toku_pin_brtnode (BRT brt, BLOCKNUM blocknum, u_int32_t fullhash,
return r;
// see comments for toku_pin_brtnode
void toku_pin_brtnode_holding_lock (BRT brt, BLOCKNUM blocknum, u_int32_t fullhash,
ANCESTORS ancestors, struct pivot_bounds const * const bounds,
struct brtnode_fetch_extra *bfe,
......@@ -2961,12 +2968,12 @@ static void push_something_at_root (BRT brt, BRTNODE *nodep, BRT_MSG cmd)
uint64_t workdone_ignore = 0; // ignore workdone for root-leaf node
// not up to date, which means the get_and_pin actually fetched it into memory.
toku_apply_cmd_to_leaf(brt, node, cmd, &made_dirty, NULL, &workdone_ignore);
node->dirty = 1;
MSN cmd_msn = cmd->msn;
invariant(cmd_msn.msn > node->max_msn_applied_to_node_on_disk.msn);
// max_msn_applied_to_node_on_disk is normally set only when leaf is serialized,
// but needs to be done here (for root leaf) so msn can be set in new commands.
node->max_msn_applied_to_node_on_disk = cmd_msn;
node->dirty = 1;
} else {
brtnode_nonleaf_put_cmd_at_root(brt, node, cmd);
//if (should_split) printf("%s:%d Pushed something simple, should_split=1\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
......@@ -5088,11 +5095,6 @@ apply_buffer_messages_to_basement_node (
// Treat the bounds as minus or plus infinity respectively if they are NULL.
// Do not mark the node as dirty (preserve previous state of 'dirty' bit).
//F MSN start_msn = node->max_msn_applied_to_node;
//F uint64_t start_workdone = BP_WORKDONE(ancestor, childnum);
//F printf("apply_buffer_messages_to_leafnode %"PRIu64", height = %d, msn = 0x%"PRIx64", ancestor = %"PRIu64", ancestor msn = 0x%"PRIx64"\n",
// node->thisnodename.b, node->height, start_msn.msn, ancestor->thisnodename.b, ancestor->max_msn_applied_to_node.msn);
assert(0 <= childnum && childnum < ancestor->n_children);
int r = 0;
DBT lbe, ubi; // lbe is lower bound exclusive, ubi is upper bound inclusive
......@@ -5101,7 +5103,7 @@ apply_buffer_messages_to_basement_node (
lbe_ptr = NULL;
} else {
lbe = kv_pair_key_to_dbt(bounds->lower_bound_exclusive);
lbe_ptr = &lbe;;
lbe_ptr = &lbe;
if (bounds->upper_bound_inclusive==NULL) {
ubi_ptr = NULL;
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