Commit 850702da authored by Marko Mäkelä's avatar Marko Mäkelä

MDEV-13626: Merge InnoDB test cases from MySQL 5.7 (part 6)

innodb.truncate_inject: Replacement for innodb_zip.wl6501_error_1

Note: unlike MySQL, in some cases TRUNCATE does not return
an error in MariaDB. This should be fixed in the scope of
MDEV-13564 or similar.
parent ec062c61
SET @save_dbug = @@SESSION.debug_dbug;
call mtr.add_suppression("InnoDB: Flagged corruption of .* in table `test`\\.`t` in TRUNCATE TABLE");
# 1. Error in assigning undo logs for truncate action
CREATE TABLE t (i int PRIMARY KEY, f float UNIQUE, c char(100), INDEX ck(c))
insert into t values (1, 1.1, 'a'), (2, 2.2, 'b'), (3, 3.3, 'c');
check table t;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t check status OK
SET debug_dbug = '+d,ib_err_trunc_assigning_undo_log';
truncate table t;
ERROR HY000: Got error 168 "Unknown (generic) error from engine" from storage engine InnoDB
SET debug_dbug = @save_dbug;
check table t;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t check status OK
select * from t;
i f c
1 1.1 a
2 2.2 b
3 3.3 c
# 2. Error while preparing for truncate
SET debug_dbug = '+d,ib_err_trunc_preparing_for_truncate';
truncate table t;
ERROR HY000: Got error 168 "Unknown (generic) error from engine" from storage engine InnoDB
SET debug_dbug = @save_dbug;
check table t;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t check status OK
select * from t;
i f c
1 1.1 a
2 2.2 b
3 3.3 c
# 3. Error while dropping/creating indexes
SET debug_dbug = '+d,ib_err_trunc_drop_index';
truncate table t;
ERROR HY000: Got error 168 "Unknown (generic) error from engine" from storage engine InnoDB
SET debug_dbug = @save_dbug;
check table t;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t check Warning InnoDB: Index PRIMARY is marked as corrupted
test.t check error Corrupt
select * from t;
Got one of the listed errors
drop table t;
CREATE TABLE t (i int PRIMARY KEY, f float UNIQUE, c char(100), INDEX ck(c))
insert into t values (1, 1.1, 'a'), (2, 2.2, 'b'), (3, 3.3, 'c');
check table t;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t check status OK
SET debug_dbug = '+d,ib_err_trunc_create_index';
truncate table t;
ERROR HY000: Got error 168 "Unknown (generic) error from engine" from storage engine InnoDB
SET debug_dbug = @save_dbug;
check table t;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t check Warning InnoDB: Index PRIMARY is marked as corrupted
test.t check error Corrupt
select * from t;
Got one of the listed errors
drop table t;
CREATE TABLE t (i int PRIMARY KEY, f float UNIQUE, c char(100), INDEX ck(c))
insert into t values (1, 1.1, 'a'), (2, 2.2, 'b'), (3, 3.3, 'c');
check table t;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t check status OK
SET debug_dbug = '+d,ib_err_trunc_temp_recreate_index';
truncate table t;
SET debug_dbug = @save_dbug;
check table t;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t check status OK
select * from t;
i f c
drop table t;
# 4. Error while completing truncate of table involving FTS
CREATE TABLE t (i int PRIMARY KEY, f float UNIQUE, c char(100),
insert into t values (1, 1.1, 'mysql is now oracle company'),
(2, 2.2, 'innodb is part of mysql'),
(3, 3.3, 'innodb is default storage engine of mysql');
check table t;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t check status OK
SET debug_dbug = '+d,ib_err_trunc_temp_recreate_index';
truncate table t;
SET debug_dbug = @save_dbug;
check table t;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t check status OK
select * from t;
i f c
drop table t;
# 5. Error while updating sys-tables
CREATE TABLE t (i int PRIMARY KEY, f float UNIQUE, c char(100),
insert into t values (1, 1.1, 'mysql is now oracle company'),
(2, 2.2, 'innodb is part of mysql'),
(3, 3.3, 'innodb is default storage engine of mysql');
check table t;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t check status OK
SET debug_dbug = '+d,ib_err_trunc_temp_recreate_index';
truncate table t;
SET debug_dbug = @save_dbug;
check table t;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t check status OK
select * from t order by i;
i f c
drop table t;
# This test is based on innodb_zip.wl6501_error_1 in MySQL 5.7.
--source include/
--source include/
--source include/
SET @save_dbug = @@SESSION.debug_dbug;
call mtr.add_suppression("InnoDB: Flagged corruption of .* in table `test`\\.`t` in TRUNCATE TABLE");
--echo # 1. Error in assigning undo logs for truncate action
CREATE TABLE t (i int PRIMARY KEY, f float UNIQUE, c char(100), INDEX ck(c))
insert into t values (1, 1.1, 'a'), (2, 2.2, 'b'), (3, 3.3, 'c');
check table t;
SET debug_dbug = '+d,ib_err_trunc_assigning_undo_log';
--error ER_GET_ERRNO
truncate table t;
SET debug_dbug = @save_dbug;
check table t;
select * from t;
--echo # 2. Error while preparing for truncate
SET debug_dbug = '+d,ib_err_trunc_preparing_for_truncate';
--error ER_GET_ERRNO
truncate table t;
SET debug_dbug = @save_dbug;
check table t;
select * from t;
--echo # 3. Error while dropping/creating indexes
SET debug_dbug = '+d,ib_err_trunc_drop_index';
--error ER_GET_ERRNO
truncate table t;
SET debug_dbug = @save_dbug;
check table t;
select * from t;
drop table t;
CREATE TABLE t (i int PRIMARY KEY, f float UNIQUE, c char(100), INDEX ck(c))
insert into t values (1, 1.1, 'a'), (2, 2.2, 'b'), (3, 3.3, 'c');
check table t;
SET debug_dbug = '+d,ib_err_trunc_create_index';
--error ER_GET_ERRNO
truncate table t;
SET debug_dbug = @save_dbug;
check table t;
select * from t;
drop table t;
CREATE TABLE t (i int PRIMARY KEY, f float UNIQUE, c char(100), INDEX ck(c))
insert into t values (1, 1.1, 'a'), (2, 2.2, 'b'), (3, 3.3, 'c');
check table t;
SET debug_dbug = '+d,ib_err_trunc_temp_recreate_index';
truncate table t;
SET debug_dbug = @save_dbug;
check table t;
select * from t;
drop table t;
--echo # 4. Error while completing truncate of table involving FTS
CREATE TABLE t (i int PRIMARY KEY, f float UNIQUE, c char(100),
insert into t values (1, 1.1, 'mysql is now oracle company'),
(2, 2.2, 'innodb is part of mysql'),
(3, 3.3, 'innodb is default storage engine of mysql');
check table t;
SET debug_dbug = '+d,ib_err_trunc_temp_recreate_index';
truncate table t;
SET debug_dbug = @save_dbug;
check table t;
select * from t;
drop table t;
--echo # 5. Error while updating sys-tables
CREATE TABLE t (i int PRIMARY KEY, f float UNIQUE, c char(100),
insert into t values (1, 1.1, 'mysql is now oracle company'),
(2, 2.2, 'innodb is part of mysql'),
(3, 3.3, 'innodb is default storage engine of mysql');
check table t;
SET debug_dbug = '+d,ib_err_trunc_temp_recreate_index';
truncate table t;
SET debug_dbug = @save_dbug;
check table t;
select * from t order by i;
drop table t;
# WL#6501: make truncate table atomic
--source include/
--source include/
# suppress expected warnings
call mtr.add_suppression("Unable to truncate FTS index for table");
call mtr.add_suppression("Unable to assign a new identifier to table "
"`.*`\.`.*` after truncating it");
call mtr.add_suppression("Flagged corruption of .* in table "
"`.*`\.`.*` in TRUNCATE TABLE");
call mtr.add_suppression("Parent table of FTS auxiliary table "
".*\/.* not found");
# Will test following scenarios:
# 1. Error in assigning undo logs for truncate action.
# 2. Error while preparing for truncate.
# 3. Error while dropping/creating indexes.
# 4. Error while completing truncate of table involving FTS.
# 5. Error while updating sys-tables.
# create test-bed
let $per_table = `select @@innodb_file_per_table`;
let $format = `select @@innodb_file_format`;
eval set global innodb_file_per_table = on;
let $WL6501_TMP_DIR = `select @@tmpdir`;
let $WL6501_DATA_DIR = `select @@datadir`;
set innodb_strict_mode=off;
# 1. Error in assigning undo logs for truncate action.
--echo "1. Error in assigning undo logs for truncate action."
eval set global innodb_file_per_table = $wl6501_file_per_table;
eval create $wl6501_temp table t (
i int, f float, c char,
primary key pk(i), unique findex(f), index ck(c))
engine = innodb row_format = $wl6501_row_fmt
key_block_size = $wl6501_kbs;
insert into t values (1, 1.1, 'a'), (2, 2.2, 'b'), (3, 3.3, 'c');
select * from t;
#check table t;
set session debug = "+d,ib_err_trunc_assigning_undo_log";
--error ER_GET_ERRNO
truncate table t;
set session debug = "-d,ib_err_trunc_assigning_undo_log";
#check table t;
select * from t;
drop table t;
# 2. Error while preparing for truncate.
--echo "2. Error while preparing for truncate."
eval set global innodb_file_per_table = $wl6501_file_per_table;
eval create $wl6501_temp table t (
i int, f float, c char,
primary key pk(i), unique findex(f), index ck(c))
engine = innodb row_format = $wl6501_row_fmt
key_block_size = $wl6501_kbs;
insert into t values (1, 1.1, 'a'), (2, 2.2, 'b'), (3, 3.3, 'c');
select * from t;
#check table t;
set session debug = "+d,ib_err_trunc_preparing_for_truncate";
--error ER_GET_ERRNO
truncate table t;
set session debug = "-d,ib_err_trunc_preparing_for_truncate";
#check table t;
select * from t;
drop table t;
# 3. Error while dropping/creating indexes
--echo "3. Error while dropping/creating indexes"
eval set global innodb_file_per_table = $wl6501_file_per_table;
eval create $wl6501_temp table t (
i int, f float, c char,
primary key pk(i), unique findex(f), index ck(c))
engine = innodb row_format = $wl6501_row_fmt
key_block_size = $wl6501_kbs;
insert into t values (1, 1.1, 'a'), (2, 2.2, 'b'), (3, 3.3, 'c');
select * from t;
#check table t;
set session debug = "+d,ib_err_trunc_drop_index";
--error ER_GET_ERRNO
truncate table t;
set session debug = "-d,ib_err_trunc_drop_index";
#check table t;
--error ER_TABLE_CORRUPT, 1030
select * from t;
drop table t;
eval set global innodb_file_per_table = $wl6501_file_per_table;
eval create $wl6501_temp table t (
i int, f float, c char,
primary key pk(i), unique findex(f), index ck(c))
engine = innodb row_format = $wl6501_row_fmt
key_block_size = $wl6501_kbs;
insert into t values (1, 1.1, 'a'), (2, 2.2, 'b'), (3, 3.3, 'c');
select * from t;
#check table t;
set session debug = "+d,ib_err_trunc_create_index";
--error ER_GET_ERRNO
truncate table t;
set session debug = "-d,ib_err_trunc_create_index";
#check table t;
--error ER_TABLE_CORRUPT, 1030
select * from t;
drop table t;
eval set global innodb_file_per_table = $wl6501_file_per_table;
eval create temporary table t (
i int, f float, c char,
primary key pk(i), unique findex(f), index ck(c))
engine = innodb row_format = $wl6501_row_fmt
key_block_size = $wl6501_kbs;
insert into t values (1, 1.1, 'a'), (2, 2.2, 'b'), (3, 3.3, 'c');
select * from t;
#check table t;
set session debug = "+d,ib_err_trunc_temp_recreate_index";
--error ER_GET_ERRNO
truncate table t;
set session debug = "-d,ib_err_trunc_temp_recreate_index";
#check table t;
--error ER_TABLE_CORRUPT, 1030
select * from t;
drop table t;
# 4. Error while completing truncate of table involving FTS.
--echo "4. Error while completing truncate of table involving FTS."
eval set global innodb_file_per_table = $wl6501_file_per_table;
eval create $wl6501_temp table t (i int, f float, c char(100),
primary key pk(i), index fk(f), fulltext index ck(c))
engine=innodb row_format=$wl6501_row_fmt
insert into t values (1, 1.1, 'mysql is now oracle company'),
(2, 2.2, 'innodb is part of mysql'),
(3, 3.3, 'innodb is default storage engine of mysql');
select * from t;
#check table t;
set session debug = "+d,ib_err_trunc_during_fts_trunc";
--error ER_GET_ERRNO
truncate table t;
set session debug = "-d,ib_err_trunc_during_fts_trunc";
#check table t;
--error ER_TABLE_CORRUPT, 1030
select * from t;
drop table t;
# 5. Error while updating sys-tables.
--echo "5. Error while updating sys-tables."
eval set global innodb_file_per_table = $wl6501_file_per_table;
eval create $wl6501_temp table t (i int, f float, c char(100),
primary key pk(i), index fk(f), fulltext index ck(c))
engine=innodb row_format=$wl6501_row_fmt
insert into t values (1, 1.1, 'mysql is now oracle company'),
(2, 2.2, 'innodb is part of mysql'),
(3, 3.3, 'innodb is default storage engine of mysql');
select * from t order by i;
#check table t;
set session debug = "+d,ib_err_trunc_during_sys_table_update";
--error ER_GET_ERRNO
truncate table t;
set session debug = "-d,ib_err_trunc_during_sys_table_update";
#check table t;
--error ER_TABLE_CORRUPT, 1030
select * from t order by i;
drop table t;
# remove test-bed
eval set global innodb_file_per_table = $per_table;
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