Commit 852eb55e authored by Arjen Lentz's avatar Arjen Lentz

oqgraph cleanups

parent d20ccf9a
......@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ static int error_code(int res)
KEY (latch, origid, destid) USING HASH,
KEY (latch, destid, origid) USING HASH
......@@ -329,21 +329,21 @@ int ha_oqgraph::open(const char *name, int mode, uint test_if_locked)
// Catch cases where table was not constructed properly
if (!options) {
fprint_error("Invalid oqgraph backing store (null attributes)");
fprint_error("Invalid OQGRAPH backing store (null attributes)");
return -1;
if (!options->table_name) {
fprint_error("Invalid oqgraph backing store (unspecified data_table attribute)");
if (!options->table_name || !*options->table_name) {
fprint_error("Invalid OQGRAPH backing store (unspecified or empty data_table attribute)");
// if table_name if present but doesnt actually exist, we will fail out below
// when we call open_table_def(). same probably applies for the id fields
return -1;
if (!options->origid) {
fprint_error("Invalid oqgraph backing store (unspecified origid attribute)");
if (!options->origid || !*options->origid) {
fprint_error("Invalid OQGRAPH backing store (unspecified or empty origid attribute)");
return -1;
if (!options->destid) {
fprint_error("Invalid oqgraph backing store (unspecified destid attribute)");
if (!options->destid || !*options->origid) {
fprint_error("Invalid OQGRAPH backing store (unspecified or empty destid attribute)");
return -1;
// weight is optional
......@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ int ha_oqgraph::open(const char *name, int mode, uint test_if_locked)
open_table_error(share, 1, EMFILE, 0);
fprint_error("VIEWs are not supported for a backing store");
fprint_error("VIEWs are not supported for an OQGRAPH backing store");
return -1;
......@@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ static struct st_mysql_show_var oqgraph_status[]=
{ "OQGraph_Boost_Version", (char*) &oqgraph_boost_version, SHOW_CHAR_PTR },
/*{ "OQGraph_Judy_Version", (char*) &oqgraph_judy_version, SHOW_CHAR_PTR },*/
{ 0, 0 }
{ 0, 0, SHOW_UNDEF }
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