Commit 85992e9c authored by Leif Walsh's avatar Leif Walsh Committed by Yoni Fogel

refs #5671 make join_timeout configurable, use it for drd tests

git-svn-id: file:///svn/toku/tokudb@50129 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent f32b6de6
......@@ -461,15 +461,15 @@ if(BUILD_TESTING OR BUILD_SRC_TESTS)
get_filename_component(base ${src} NAME_WE)
set(test ${base}.tdb)
add_test(ydb/${test} ${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/ $<TARGET_FILE:${test}> 150000 1000)
add_test(ydb/${test} ${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/ $<TARGET_FILE:${test}> 150000 1000 600)
add_custom_executable(tiny ${test} ${base})
add_drd_test(ydb/drd_tiny_${test} $<TARGET_FILE:tiny_${test}> --num_seconds 5 --num_elements 150)
add_drd_test(ydb/drd_tiny_${test} $<TARGET_FILE:tiny_${test}> --num_seconds 5 --num_elements 150 --join_timeout 1200)
add_custom_executable(mid ${test} ${base})
add_drd_test(ydb/drd_mid_${test} ${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/ $<TARGET_FILE:mid_${test}> 10000 100)
add_drd_test(ydb/drd_mid_${test} ${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/ $<TARGET_FILE:mid_${test}> 10000 100 2400)
set_tests_properties(ydb/drd_mid_${test} PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 5400)
add_custom_executable(large ${test} ${base})
add_drd_test(ydb/drd_large_${test} ${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/ $<TARGET_FILE:large_${test}> 150000 1000)
add_drd_test(ydb/drd_large_${test} ${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/ $<TARGET_FILE:large_${test}> 150000 1000 9600)
set_tests_properties(ydb/drd_large_${test} PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 14400)
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ if [[ $# -lt 3 ]]; then exit 1; fi
bin=$1; shift
size=$1; shift
time=$1; shift
timeout=$1; shift
$bin --only_create --num_elements $size
$bin --only_stress --num_elements $size --num_seconds $time
$bin --only_stress --num_elements $size --num_seconds $time --join_timeout $timeout
......@@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ enum perf_output_format {
struct cli_args {
int num_elements; // number of elements per DB
int num_DBs; // number of DBs
int time_of_test; // how long test should run
int num_seconds; // how long test should run
int join_timeout; // how long to wait for threads to join before assuming deadlocks
bool only_create; // true if want to only create DBs but not run stress
bool only_stress; // true if DBs are already created and want to only run stress
int update_broadcast_period_ms; // specific to test_stress3
......@@ -245,7 +246,7 @@ human_print_perf_totals(const struct cli_args *cli_args, uint64_t *counters[], c
for (int op = 0; op < (int) NUM_OPERATION_TYPES; ++op) {
const uint64_t current = counters[t][op];
if (cli_args->print_thread_performance) {
const double persecond = (double) current / cli_args->time_of_test;
const double persecond = (double) current / cli_args->num_seconds;
printf("\t%s\t%'12" PRIu64 " (%'12.1lf/s)", operation_names[op], current, persecond);
overall_totals[op] += current;
......@@ -256,7 +257,7 @@ human_print_perf_totals(const struct cli_args *cli_args, uint64_t *counters[], c
printf("All threads: ");
for (int op = 0; op < (int) NUM_OPERATION_TYPES; ++op) {
const double totalpersecond = (double) overall_totals[op] / cli_args->time_of_test;
const double totalpersecond = (double) overall_totals[op] / cli_args->num_seconds;
printf("\t%s\t%'12" PRIu64 " (%'12.1lf/s)", operation_names[op], overall_totals[op], totalpersecond);
......@@ -316,14 +317,14 @@ csv_print_perf_totals(const struct cli_args *cli_args, uint64_t *counters[], con
for (int op = 0; op < (int) NUM_OPERATION_TYPES; ++op) {
const uint64_t current = counters[t][op];
if (cli_args->print_thread_performance) {
const double persecond = (double) current / cli_args->time_of_test;
const double persecond = (double) current / cli_args->num_seconds;
printf(",%" PRIu64 ",%.1lf", current, persecond);
overall_totals[op] += current;
for (int op = 0; op < (int) NUM_OPERATION_TYPES; ++op) {
const double totalpersecond = (double) overall_totals[op] / cli_args->time_of_test;
const double totalpersecond = (double) overall_totals[op] / cli_args->num_seconds;
printf(",%" PRIu64 ",%.1lf", overall_totals[op], totalpersecond);
......@@ -383,14 +384,14 @@ tsv_print_perf_totals(const struct cli_args *cli_args, uint64_t *counters[], con
for (int op = 0; op < (int) NUM_OPERATION_TYPES; ++op) {
const uint64_t current = counters[t][op];
if (cli_args->print_thread_performance) {
const double persecond = (double) current / cli_args->time_of_test;
const double persecond = (double) current / cli_args->num_seconds;
printf("\t%" PRIu64 "\t%.1lf", current, persecond);
overall_totals[op] += current;
for (int op = 0; op < (int) NUM_OPERATION_TYPES; ++op) {
const double totalpersecond = (double) overall_totals[op] / cli_args->time_of_test;
const double totalpersecond = (double) overall_totals[op] / cli_args->num_seconds;
printf("\t%" PRIu64 "\t%.1lf", overall_totals[op], totalpersecond);
......@@ -1534,8 +1535,8 @@ static int run_workers(
r = toku_pthread_join(time_tid, &ret); assert_zero(r);
if (verbose) printf("%lu joined\n", (unsigned long) time_tid);
// Set an alarm that will kill us if it takes too long to join all the
// threads (i.e. there is some runaway thread). Give ten minutes to start.
unsigned int remaining = alarm((num_seconds / 10 < 600) ? 600 : num_seconds / 10);
// threads (i.e. there is some runaway thread).
unsigned int remaining = alarm(cli_args->join_timeout);
for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) {
r = toku_pthread_join(tids[i], &ret); assert_zero(r);
......@@ -1919,7 +1920,8 @@ static struct cli_args UU() get_default_args(void) {
struct cli_args DEFAULT_ARGS = {
.num_elements = 150000,
.num_DBs = 1,
.time_of_test = 180,
.num_seconds = 180,
.join_timeout = 600,
.only_create = false,
.only_stress = false,
.update_broadcast_period_ms = 2000,
......@@ -2289,7 +2291,8 @@ static inline void parse_stress_test_args (int argc, char *const argv[], struct
struct arg_type arg_types[] = {
INT32_ARG_NONNEG("--num_elements", num_elements, ""),
INT32_ARG_NONNEG("--num_DBs", num_DBs, ""),
INT32_ARG_NONNEG("--num_seconds", time_of_test, "s"),
INT32_ARG_NONNEG("--num_seconds", num_seconds, "s"),
INT32_ARG_NONNEG("--join_timeout", join_timeout, "s"),
INT32_ARG_NONNEG("--node_size", env_args.node_size, " bytes"),
INT32_ARG_NONNEG("--basement_node_size", env_args.basement_node_size, " bytes"),
INT32_ARG_NONNEG("--rollback_node_size", env_args.rollback_node_size, " bytes"),
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