Commit 8dc96fc7 authored by Nuno Carvalho's avatar Nuno Carvalho


Slave applies updates from bug11747416_32228_binlog.000001 file which 
contains a CREATE TABLE t statement and an incident, when SQL thread is
running slowly IO thread may reach the incident before SQL thread
executes the create table statement. 
Execute "drop table if exists t" and also perform a RESET MASTER to
clean slave binary logs.

Error "MYSQL_BIN_LOG::purge_logs was called with file
./master-bin.000001 not listed in the index." suppression is not 
considering windows path, there is ".\master-bin.000001".
Changed suppression to: "MYSQL_BIN_LOG::purge_logs was called with file
..master-bin.000001 not listed in the index", to match ".\" and "./".
parent f9d93917
......@@ -15,5 +15,7 @@ Last_IO_Error = 'Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary
reset master;
stop slave;
reset slave;
drop table t;
drop table if exists t;
reset master;
End of the tests
......@@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ purge binary logs to 'master-bin.000001';
call mtr.add_suppression("Failed to locate old binlog or relay log files");
call mtr.add_suppression("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::purge_logs was called with file ./master-bin.000001 not listed in the index");
call mtr.add_suppression("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::purge_logs was called with file ..master-bin.000001 not listed in the index");
connection slave;
call mtr.add_suppression("Failed to locate old binlog or relay log files");
call mtr.add_suppression("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::purge_logs was called with file ./master-bin.000001 not listed in the index");
call mtr.add_suppression("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::purge_logs was called with file ..master-bin.000001 not listed in the index");
--echo ==== clean up ====
......@@ -60,6 +60,11 @@ reset master;
--connection slave
stop slave;
reset slave;
drop table t; # table was created from binlog. it does not exist on master.
# Table was created from binlog, it may not be created if SQL thread is running
# slowly and IO thread reaches incident before SQL thread applies it.
drop table if exists t;
reset master;
--echo End of the tests
--let $rpl_only_running_threads= 1
--source include/
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