BUG#25741 AllocNodeIdRef::NodeFailureHandlingNotCompleted

parent 98d37e1d
......@@ -2160,7 +2160,8 @@ MgmtSrvr::alloc_node_id_req(NodeId free_node_id, enum ndb_mgm_node_type type)
const AllocNodeIdRef * const ref =
CAST_CONSTPTR(AllocNodeIdRef, signal->getDataPtr());
if (ref->errorCode == AllocNodeIdRef::NotMaster ||
ref->errorCode == AllocNodeIdRef::Busy)
ref->errorCode == AllocNodeIdRef::Busy ||
ref->errorCode == AllocNodeIdRef::NodeFailureHandlingNotCompleted)
do_send = 1;
nodeId = refToNode(ref->masterRef);
......@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ ErrorBundle ErrorCodes[] = {
{ 1700, DMEC, IE, "Undefined error" },
{ 1701, DMEC, AE, "Node already reserved" },
{ 1702, DMEC, AE, "Node already connected" },
{ 1703, DMEC, AE, "Node failure handling not completed" },
{ 1703, DMEC, IT, "Node failure handling not completed" },
{ 1704, DMEC, AE, "Node type mismatch" },
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