Commit a0d598a4 authored by Krunal Bauskar's avatar Krunal Bauskar Committed by Marko Mäkelä

MDEV-22794: Avoid potential rollback segment contention with

            increased scalability through even distribution

Rollback segments are allocated to transactions in round-robin fashion.
This is controlled by incrementing a static-scope counter named rseg_slot.

Said logic is not protected by any mutex or use of atomic for the counter.
This potentially can cause the same rollback segment to get allocated to
N different transactions (requesting allocation at the same time).
While this is not an issue as a rollback segment can host multiple
transactions from contention (performance) perspective it is better to
allocate these rollback segments in round-robin fashion.

Fix for the said issue ports use of atomic for the said counter that would
ensure the original design semantic (even distribution through round-robin)
is retained.
parent 592a10d0
......@@ -842,14 +842,9 @@ static trx_rseg_t* trx_assign_rseg_low()
/* Choose a rollback segment evenly distributed between 0 and
innodb_undo_logs-1 in a round-robin fashion, skipping those
undo tablespaces that are scheduled for truncation.
Because rseg_slot is not protected by atomics or any mutex, race
conditions are possible, meaning that multiple transactions
that start modifications concurrently will write their undo
log to the same rollback segment. */
static ulong rseg_slot;
ulint slot = rseg_slot++ % srv_undo_logs;
undo tablespaces that are scheduled for truncation. */
static Atomic_counter<unsigned> rseg_slot;
ulong slot = ulong{rseg_slot++} % srv_undo_logs;
trx_rseg_t* rseg;
......@@ -941,11 +936,8 @@ trx_t::assign_temp_rseg()
/* Choose a temporary rollback segment between 0 and 127
in a round-robin fashion. Because rseg_slot is not protected by
atomics or any mutex, race conditions are possible, meaning that
multiple transactions that start modifications concurrently
will write their undo log to the same rollback segment. */
static ulong rseg_slot;
in a round-robin fashion. */
static Atomic_counter<unsigned> rseg_slot;
trx_rseg_t* rseg = trx_sys.temp_rsegs[
rseg_slot++ & (TRX_SYS_N_RSEGS - 1)];
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