Commit a9cda441 authored by Monty's avatar Monty

MDEV-8066 Crash on unloading semisync_master plugin

Bug was that ReplSemiSyncMaster::commitTrx() was waiting on a condition
for state to change, but didn't take into account that one could have
disabled semi-sync during the wait.
parent 2776159e
......@@ -477,6 +477,7 @@ void ReplSemiSyncMaster::add_slave()
void ReplSemiSyncMaster::remove_slave()
assert(rpl_semi_sync_master_clients > 0);
/* Only switch off if semi-sync is enabled and is on */
......@@ -744,8 +745,10 @@ int ReplSemiSyncMaster::commitTrx(const char* trx_wait_binlog_name,
At this point, the binlog file and position of this transaction
must have been removed from ActiveTranx.
active_tranxs_ may be NULL if someone disabled semi sync during
assert(thd_killed(NULL) ||
assert(thd_killed(NULL) || !active_tranxs_ ||
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