Commit ac765deb authored by Sven Sandberg's avatar Sven Sandberg

BUG#41793: rpl_binlog_corruption disabled in main (needs new mtr)

Disabled rpl_binlog_corruption since it requires the new mtr,
which only exists in 5.1-rpl / 6.0-rpl.
Please re-enable the test in 5.1-rpl / 6.0-rpl.

  Disabled rpl_binlog_corruption since it requires the new mtr,
  which only exists in 5.1-rpl / 6.0-rpl.
parent dc3ad27a
......@@ -10,3 +10,4 @@
rpl_binlog_corruption : BUG#41793 2008-12-30 sven rpl_binlog_corruption disabled in main (needs new mtr)
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