unable to reproduce bug, perhaps pushbuild can give more info

parent eea05b72
......@@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ ndb_partition_error2 : HF is not sure if the test can work as internded on all
#ndb_binlog_ddl_multi : BUG#18976 2006-04-10 kent CRBR: multiple binlog, second binlog may miss schema log events
#ndb_binlog_discover : bug#21806 2006-08-24
#ndb_autodiscover3 : bug#21806
ndb_autodiscover3 : Bug#20872 2007-07-15 ingo master*.err: miscellaneous error messages
#ndb_autodiscover3 : Bug#20872 2007-07-15 ingo master*.err: miscellaneous error messages
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