Commit b1f75221 authored by Jan Lindström's avatar Jan Lindström Committed by Julius Goryavsky

MDEV-34841 : Enable working Galera tests

* Fixes galera.galera_bf_kill_debug test case.
* Enable galera_ssl_upgrade, galera_ssl_reload, galera_pc_bootstrap
* Add MDEV to disabled tests that miss it

P.S. This commit contains additional changes compared
to the similar commit for 10.5 branch.
Signed-off-by: default avatarJulius Goryavsky <>
parent 1c48950e
......@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
galera_as_slave_ctas : MDEV-28378 timeout
galera_pc_recovery : MDEV-25199 cluster fails to start up
galera_bf_kill_debug : timeout after 900 seconds
galera_ssl_upgrade : [Warning] Failed to load slave replication state from table mysql.gtid_slave_pos: 130: Incorrect file format 'gtid_slave_pos'
galera_sequences : MDEV-32561 WSREP FSM failure: no such a transition REPLICATING -> COMMITTED
galera_concurrent_ctas : MDEV-32779 galera_concurrent_ctas: assertion in the galera::ReplicatorSMM::finish_cert()
galera_as_slave_replay : MDEV-32780 galera_as_slave_replay: assertion in the wsrep::transaction::before_rollback()
......@@ -22,16 +22,19 @@ update t1 set b= 1 where a=1;
connection node_2b;
SET SESSION DEBUG_SYNC = "now WAIT_FOR sync.before_wsrep_thd_abort_reached";
connection node_2;
SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'before_awake_no_mutex SIGNAL awake_reached WAIT_FOR continue_kill';
SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'wsrep_kill_before_awake_no_mutex SIGNAL awake_reached WAIT_FOR continue_kill';
connection node_2b;
SET DEBUG_SYNC='now WAIT_FOR awake_reached';
SET GLOBAL debug_dbug = "";
SET DEBUG_SYNC = "now SIGNAL signal.before_wsrep_thd_abort";
connection node_1;
connection node_2b;
SET DEBUG_SYNC = "now SIGNAL continue_kill";
connection node_2;
connection node_2a;
select * from t1;
connection node_2;
connection node_2b;
drop table t1;
disconnect node_2a;
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ SET SESSION DEBUG_SYNC = "now WAIT_FOR sync.before_wsrep_thd_abort_reached";
# pause KILL execution before awake
SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'before_awake_no_mutex SIGNAL awake_reached WAIT_FOR continue_kill';
SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'wsrep_kill_before_awake_no_mutex SIGNAL awake_reached WAIT_FOR continue_kill';
--send_eval KILL $k_thread
......@@ -78,6 +78,11 @@ SET DEBUG_SYNC='now WAIT_FOR awake_reached';
# release applier and KILL operator
SET GLOBAL debug_dbug = "";
SET DEBUG_SYNC = "now SIGNAL signal.before_wsrep_thd_abort";
--connection node_1
--connection node_2b
SET DEBUG_SYNC = "now SIGNAL continue_kill";
--connection node_2
......@@ -87,7 +92,7 @@ SET DEBUG_SYNC = "now SIGNAL continue_kill";
--error 0,1213,2013
select * from t1;
--connection node_2
--connection node_2b
drop table t1;
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