Commit bdf82683 authored by Otto Kekäläinen's avatar Otto Kekäläinen Committed by Daniel Black

Deb: Simplify and unify

- Remove excess build flag from debian/rules that does nothing, introduced
  wrongly in commit 7cbde2d0. Instead
  implement the embedded server build skipping on Travis-CI correctly.
- Simplify structure by doing all Travis-CI slimdown in one step.
- Remove unnecessary -e from sed, as it does nothing. When regex is needed,
  use -r. Move -i to last so it is close to the file name it has an
- Remove backwards compat checks that are no longer relevant as neither
  Debian Jessie (was before Stretch) nor Ubuntu Trusty (before Xenial)
  are supported nor built for anymore. For example the GCC 4.8 check
  if not relevant anymore, since Debian Jessie already has 4.9 and
  Ubuntu Xenial has 5.3 and there is no GCC < 4.8 around anymore.
- Skip building ColumnStore on both Travis-CI and Gitlab-CI as it is
  way too slow (time) and big (disk space) to pass.
parent 7a0fa9da
......@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
# Build MariaDB .deb packages for test and release at
# Purpose of this script:
# Always keep the actual packaging as up-to-date as possible following the latest
# Debian policy and targeting Debian Sid. Then case-by-case run in
# tests for backwards compatibility and strip away parts on older builders or
# specfic build environments.
# Exit immediately on any error
set -e
......@@ -17,21 +22,32 @@ if [[ $TRAVIS ]] || [[ $GITLAB_CI ]]
# On both Travis and Gitlab the output log must stay under 4MB so make the
# build less verbose
sed -i -e '/Add support for verbose builds/,/^$/d' debian/rules
sed '/Add support for verbose builds/,/^$/d' -i debian/rules
# MCOL-4149: ColumnStore builds are so slow and big that they must be skipped on
# both Travis-CI and Gitlab-CI
sed "/Package: mariadb-plugin-columnstore/,/^$/d" -i debian/control
# Travis-CI optimizations to keep build small (in both duration and disk space)
# Don't build or try to put files in a package for selected plugins and compontents on Travis-CI
# in order to keep build small (in both duration and disk space)
if [[ $TRAVIS ]]
# Don't include test suite package on Travis-CI to make the build time shorter
# Test suite package not relevant on Travis-CI
sed 's|DINSTALL_MYSQLTESTDIR=share/mysql/mysql-test|DINSTALL_MYSQLTESTDIR=false|' -i debian/rules
sed '/Package: mariadb-test-data/,/^$/d' -i debian/control
sed '/Package: mariadb-test$/,/^$/d' -i debian/control
# Don't build the test package at all to save time and disk space
sed 's|DINSTALL_MYSQLTESTDIR=share/mysql/mysql-test|DINSTALL_MYSQLTESTDIR=false|' -i debian/rules
# Also skip building RocksDB, Mroonga etc to save even more time and disk space
# Extra plugins such as Mroonga, Spider, OQgraph, Sphinx and the embedded build can safely be skipped
sed "/Package: mariadb-plugin-mroonga/,/^$/d" -i debian/control
sed "/Package: mariadb-plugin-rocksdb/,/^$/d" -i debian/control
sed "/Package: mariadb-plugin-spider/,/^$/d" -i debian/control
sed "/Package: mariadb-plugin-oqgraph/,/^$/d" -i debian/control
sed "/" -i debian/mariadb-server-10.5.install
sed "/Package: libmariadbd19/,/^$/d" -i debian/control
sed "/Package: libmariadbd-dev/,/^$/d" -i debian/control
# Convert gcc version to numberical value. Format is Mmmpp where M is Major
......@@ -41,19 +57,6 @@ GCCVERSION=$(gcc -dumpfullversion -dumpversion | sed -e 's/\.\([0-9][0-9]\)/\1/g
-e 's/\.\([0-9]\)/0\1/g' \
-e 's/^[0-9]\{3,4\}$/&00/')
# Look up distro-version specific stuff
# Always keep the actual packaging as up-to-date as possible following the latest
# Debian policy and targeting Debian Sid. Then case-by-case run in
# tests for backwards compatibility and strip away parts on older builders.
# If libzstd-dev is not available (before Debian Stretch and Ubuntu Xenial)
# remove the dependency from server and RocksDB so it can build properly
if ! apt-cache madison libzstd-dev | grep 'libzstd-dev' >/dev/null 2>&1
sed '/libzstd-dev/d' -i debian/control
# If rocksdb-tools is not available (before Debian Buster and Ubuntu Disco)
# remove the dependency from the RocksDB plugin so it can install properly
# and instead ship the one built from MariaDB sources
......@@ -70,39 +73,6 @@ then
sed 's/libcurl4/libcurl3/g' -i debian/control
# Don't build rocksdb package if gcc version is less than 4.8 or we are running on
# x86 32 bit.
if [[ $GCCVERSION -lt 40800 ]] || [[ $(arch) =~ i[346]86 ]] || [[ $TRAVIS ]]
sed '/Package: mariadb-plugin-rocksdb/,/^$/d' -i debian/control
# If libpcre2-dev is not available (before Debian Stretch and Ubuntu Xenial)
# attempt to build using older libpcre3-dev (SIC!)
if ! apt-cache madison libpcre2-dev | grep --quiet 'libpcre2-dev'
sed 's/libcurl4-openssl-dev | libcurl4-dev/libpcre3-dev/' -i debian/control
# Mroonga, Spider etc never built on Travis CI anyway, see build flags above
if [[ $TRAVIS ]]
sed -i -e "/Package: mariadb-plugin-mroonga/,/^$/d" debian/control
sed -i -e "/Package: mariadb-plugin-spider/,/^$/d" debian/control
sed -i -e "/Package: mariadb-plugin-oqgraph/,/^$/d" debian/control
sed -i -e "/usr\/lib\/mysql\/plugin\/" debian/mariadb-server-10.5.install
sed -i -e "/Package: libmariadbd-dev/,/^$/d" debian/control
# Don't build nor package ColumnStore on Travis-CI
if [[ $TRAVIS ]]
sed "/Package: mariadb-plugin-columnstore/,/^$/d" -i debian/control
sed '/flex/d' -i debian/control
sed -r '/libboost-[a-z-]+-dev/d' -i debian/control
# Adjust changelog, add new version
echo "Incrementing changelog and starting build scripts"
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