Commit bf70bbb8 authored by Leif Walsh's avatar Leif Walsh Committed by Yoni Fogel

refs #5418 merge promotion to main

git-svn-id: file:///svn/toku/tokudb@49697 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 609d0dca
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ list(APPEND CTEST_CUSTOM_MEMCHECK_IGNORE
......@@ -7,7 +7,12 @@ if(USE_BDB)
find_package(BDB REQUIRED)
find_package(Valgrind REQUIRED)
option(USE_VALGRIND "Build to run safely under valgrind (often slower)." ON)
find_package(Valgrind REQUIRED)
option(TOKU_DEBUG_PARANOID "Enable paranoid asserts." ON)
......@@ -100,6 +100,9 @@ endif ()
## this hits with optimized builds somewhere in ftleaf_split, we don't
## know why but we don't think it's a big deal
......@@ -122,11 +125,6 @@ else ()
endif ()
option(USE_VALGRIND "Do not pass NVALGRIND to the compiler, because valgrind will be run on the generated executables." ON)
endif ()
## set warnings
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include "tokudb_common_funcs.h"
#include <toku_pthread.h>
#include <toku_assert.h>
#include <portability/toku_atomic.h>
#include <db.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
......@@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ static void test_begin_commit(int _nqueries) {
r = c->c_get(c, &key, &val, DB_SET);
(void) __sync_fetch_and_add(&set_count, 1);
(void) toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&set_count, 1);
r = c->c_close(c); assert_zero(r);
r = txn->commit(txn, 0); assert_zero(r);
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ struct ctpair {
void *write_extraargs;
// access to these fields are protected by disk_nb_mutex
......@@ -384,7 +385,7 @@ class evictor {
uint64_t reserve_memory(double fraction);
void release_reserved_memory(uint64_t reserved_memory);
void run_eviction_thread();
void do_partial_eviction(PAIR p);
void do_partial_eviction(PAIR p, bool pair_mutex_held);
void evict_pair(PAIR p, bool checkpoint_pending);
void wait_for_cache_pressure_to_subside();
void signal_eviction_thread();
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -173,12 +173,15 @@ typedef int (*CACHETABLE_CLEANER_CALLBACK)(void *ftnode_pv, BLOCKNUM blocknum, u
typedef void (*CACHETABLE_CLONE_CALLBACK)(void* value_data, void** cloned_value_data, PAIR_ATTR* new_attr, bool for_checkpoint, void* write_extraargs);
typedef void (*CACHETABLE_CHECKPOINT_COMPLETE_CALLBACK)(void *value_data);
typedef struct {
void* write_extraargs; // parameter for flush_callback, pe_est_callback, pe_callback, and cleaner_callback
......@@ -366,14 +369,14 @@ int toku_cachetable_get_and_pin_nonblocking (
UNLOCKERS unlockers
int toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin (CACHEFILE, CACHEKEY, uint32_t /*fullhash*/, void**);
int toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin (CACHEFILE, CACHEKEY, uint32_t /*fullhash*/, pair_lock_type, void**);
// Effect: Maybe get and pin a memory object.
// This function is similar to the get_and_pin function except that it
// will not attempt to fetch a memory object that is not in the cachetable or requires any kind of blocking to get it.
// Returns: If the the item is already in memory, then return 0 and store it in the
// void**. If the item is not in memory, then return a nonzero error number.
int toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin_clean (CACHEFILE, CACHEKEY, uint32_t /*fullhash*/, void**);
int toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin_clean (CACHEFILE, CACHEKEY, uint32_t /*fullhash*/, pair_lock_type, void**);
// Effect: Like maybe get and pin, but may pin a clean pair.
int toku_cachetable_unpin(CACHEFILE, PAIR, enum cachetable_dirty dirty, PAIR_ATTR size);
......@@ -556,5 +559,10 @@ int toku_cleaner_thread(void *cleaner_v);
// The default of 1M is too high for drd tests, so this is a mechanism to set a smaller number.
void toku_pair_list_set_lock_size(uint32_t num_locks);
// Used by to figure out if it has the write lock on a pair.
// Pretty hacky and not accurate enough, should be improved at the frwlock
// layer.
bool toku_ctpair_is_write_locked(PAIR pair);
#endif /* CACHETABLE_H */
......@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
#include "log-internal.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "checkpoint.h"
#include <portability/toku_atomic.h>
// Engine status
......@@ -173,7 +174,7 @@ checkpoint_safe_checkpoint_unlock(void) {
toku_multi_operation_client_lock(void) {
if (locked_mo)
(void) __sync_fetch_and_add(&STATUS_VALUE(CP_CLIENT_WAIT_ON_MO), 1);
(void) toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&STATUS_VALUE(CP_CLIENT_WAIT_ON_MO), 1);
......@@ -185,7 +186,7 @@ toku_multi_operation_client_unlock(void) {
toku_checkpoint_safe_client_lock(void) {
if (locked_cs)
(void) __sync_fetch_and_add(&STATUS_VALUE(CP_CLIENT_WAIT_ON_CS), 1);
(void) toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&STATUS_VALUE(CP_CLIENT_WAIT_ON_CS), 1);
......@@ -227,9 +228,9 @@ toku_checkpoint(CHECKPOINTER cp, TOKULOGGER logger,
(void) __sync_fetch_and_add(&STATUS_VALUE(CP_WAITERS_NOW), 1);
(void) toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&STATUS_VALUE(CP_WAITERS_NOW), 1);
(void) __sync_fetch_and_sub(&STATUS_VALUE(CP_WAITERS_NOW), 1);
(void) toku_sync_fetch_and_sub(&STATUS_VALUE(CP_WAITERS_NOW), 1);
STATUS_VALUE(CP_WAITERS_MAX) = STATUS_VALUE(CP_WAITERS_NOW); // threadsafe, within checkpoint_safe lock
......@@ -25,12 +25,23 @@ static void fifo_init(struct fifo *fifo) {
fifo->memory_used = 0;
static int fifo_entry_size(struct fifo_entry *entry) {
return sizeof (struct fifo_entry) + entry->keylen + entry->vallen
+ xids_get_size(&entry->xids_s)
- sizeof(XIDS_S); //Prevent double counting from fifo_entry+xids_get_size
size_t toku_ft_msg_memsize_in_fifo(FT_MSG cmd) {
// This must stay in sync with fifo_entry_size because that's what we
// really trust. But sometimes we only have an in-memory FT_MSG, not
// a serialized fifo_entry so we have to fake it.
return sizeof (struct fifo_entry) + cmd->>size + cmd->>size
+ xids_get_size(cmd->xids)
- sizeof(XIDS_S);
int toku_fifo_create(FIFO *ptr) {
struct fifo *XMALLOC(fifo);
if (fifo == 0) return ENOMEM;
......@@ -112,6 +123,9 @@ int toku_fifo_iterate_internal_next(FIFO fifo, int off) {
struct fifo_entry * toku_fifo_iterate_internal_get_entry(FIFO fifo, int off) {
return (struct fifo_entry *)(fifo->memory + off);
size_t toku_fifo_internal_entry_memsize(struct fifo_entry *e) {
return fifo_entry_size(e);
void toku_fifo_iterate (FIFO fifo, void(*f)(bytevec key,ITEMLEN keylen,bytevec data,ITEMLEN datalen, enum ft_msg_type type, MSN msn, XIDS xids, bool is_fresh, void*), void *arg) {
......@@ -68,26 +68,30 @@ unsigned long toku_fifo_memory_footprint(FIFO fifo); // return how much memory
void toku_fifo_iterate(FIFO, void(*f)(bytevec key,ITEMLEN keylen,bytevec data,ITEMLEN datalen, enum ft_msg_type type, MSN msn, XIDS xids, bool is_fresh, void*), void*);
#define FIFO_ITERATE(fifo,keyvar,keylenvar,datavar,datalenvar,typevar,msnvar,xidsvar,is_freshvar,body) ({ \
for (int fifo_iterate_off = toku_fifo_iterate_internal_start(fifo); \
toku_fifo_iterate_internal_has_more(fifo, fifo_iterate_off); \
fifo_iterate_off = toku_fifo_iterate_internal_next(fifo, fifo_iterate_off)) { \
struct fifo_entry *e = toku_fifo_iterate_internal_get_entry(fifo, fifo_iterate_off); \
ITEMLEN keylenvar = e->keylen; \
ITEMLEN datalenvar = e->vallen; \
enum ft_msg_type typevar = fifo_entry_get_msg_type(e); \
MSN msnvar = e->msn; \
XIDS xidsvar = &e->xids_s; \
bytevec keyvar = xids_get_end_of_array(xidsvar); \
bytevec datavar = (const uint8_t*)keyvar + e->keylen; \
bool is_freshvar = e->is_fresh; \
body; \
for (int fifo_iterate_off = toku_fifo_iterate_internal_start(fifo); \
toku_fifo_iterate_internal_has_more(fifo, fifo_iterate_off); \
fifo_iterate_off = toku_fifo_iterate_internal_next(fifo, fifo_iterate_off)) { \
struct fifo_entry *e = toku_fifo_iterate_internal_get_entry(fifo, fifo_iterate_off); \
ITEMLEN keylenvar = e->keylen; \
ITEMLEN datalenvar = e->vallen; \
enum ft_msg_type typevar = fifo_entry_get_msg_type(e); \
MSN msnvar = e->msn; \
XIDS xidsvar = &e->xids_s; \
bytevec keyvar = xids_get_end_of_array(xidsvar); \
bytevec datavar = (const uint8_t*)keyvar + e->keylen; \
bool is_freshvar = e->is_fresh; \
body; \
} })
#define FIFO_CURRENT_ENTRY_MEMSIZE toku_fifo_internal_entry_memsize(e)
// Internal functions for the iterator.
int toku_fifo_iterate_internal_start(FIFO fifo);
int toku_fifo_iterate_internal_has_more(FIFO fifo, int off);
int toku_fifo_iterate_internal_next(FIFO fifo, int off);
struct fifo_entry * toku_fifo_iterate_internal_get_entry(FIFO fifo, int off);
size_t toku_fifo_internal_entry_memsize(struct fifo_entry *e) __attribute__((const,nonnull));
size_t toku_ft_msg_memsize_in_fifo(FT_MSG cmd) __attribute__((const,nonnull));
DBT *fill_dbt_for_fifo_entry(DBT *dbt, const struct fifo_entry *entry);
struct fifo_entry *toku_fifo_get_entry(FIFO fifo, int off);
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ toku_pin_ftnode_batched(
if (apply_ancestor_messages && node->height == 0) {
needs_ancestors_messages = toku_ft_leaf_needs_ancestors_messages(brt->ft, node, ancestors, bounds, &max_msn_in_path);
if (needs_ancestors_messages && needed_lock_type == PL_READ) {
toku_unpin_ftnode_read_only(brt, node);
toku_unpin_ftnode_read_only(brt->ft, node);
needed_lock_type = PL_WRITE_CHEAP;
goto try_again_for_write_lock;
......@@ -296,14 +296,14 @@ toku_pin_ftnode_off_client_thread_batched(
h, blocknum, fullhash, bfe, lock_type, num_dependent_nodes, dependent_nodes, node_p, true);
int toku_maybe_pin_ftnode_clean(FT ft, BLOCKNUM blocknum, uint32_t fullhash, FTNODE *nodep) {
int toku_maybe_pin_ftnode_clean(FT ft, BLOCKNUM blocknum, uint32_t fullhash, pair_lock_type lock_type, FTNODE *nodep) {
void *node_v;
int r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin_clean(ft->cf, blocknum, fullhash, &node_v);
int r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin_clean(ft->cf, blocknum, fullhash, lock_type, &node_v);
if (r != 0) {
goto cleanup;
CAST_FROM_VOIDP(*nodep, node_v);
if ((*nodep)->height > 0) {
if ((*nodep)->height > 0 && lock_type != PL_READ) {
toku_move_ftnode_messages_to_stale(ft, *nodep);
......@@ -331,14 +331,13 @@ toku_unpin_ftnode(FT ft, FTNODE node)
toku_unpin_ftnode_read_only(FT_HANDLE brt, FTNODE node)
toku_unpin_ftnode_read_only(FT ft, FTNODE node)
int r = toku_cachetable_unpin(
(enum cachetable_dirty) node->dirty,
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ toku_pin_ftnode_off_client_thread_and_maybe_move_messages(
* This function may return a pinned ftnode to the caller, if pinning is cheap.
* If the node is already locked, or is pending a checkpoint, the node is not pinned and -1 is returned.
int toku_maybe_pin_ftnode_clean(FT ft, BLOCKNUM blocknum, uint32_t fullhash, FTNODE *nodep);
int toku_maybe_pin_ftnode_clean(FT ft, BLOCKNUM blocknum, uint32_t fullhash, pair_lock_type lock_type, FTNODE *nodep);
* Batched version of toku_pin_ftnode_off_client_thread, see cachetable
......@@ -158,6 +158,6 @@ void
toku_unpin_ftnode(FT h, FTNODE node);
toku_unpin_ftnode_read_only(FT_HANDLE brt, FTNODE node);
toku_unpin_ftnode_read_only(FT ft, FTNODE node);
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ ftleaf_split(
FTNODE *nodeb,
DBT *splitk,
bool create_new_node,
enum split_mode split_mode,
uint32_t num_dependent_nodes,
FTNODE* dependent_nodes
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <ft-cachetable-wrappers.h>
#include <ft-internal.h>
#include <ft.h>
#include <portability/toku_atomic.h>
// Member Descirption:
// 1. highest_pivot_key - this is the key that corresponds to the
......@@ -251,7 +252,7 @@ toku_ft_hot_optimize(FT_HANDLE brt,
uint64_t loop_count = 0;
MSN msn_at_start_of_hot = ZERO_MSN; // capture msn from root at
// start of HOT operation
(void) __sync_fetch_and_add(&STATUS_VALUE(FT_HOT_NUM_STARTED), 1);
(void) toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&STATUS_VALUE(FT_HOT_NUM_STARTED), 1);
......@@ -353,9 +354,9 @@ toku_ft_hot_optimize(FT_HANDLE brt,
if (success) {
(void) __sync_fetch_and_add(&STATUS_VALUE(FT_HOT_NUM_COMPLETED), 1);
(void) toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&STATUS_VALUE(FT_HOT_NUM_COMPLETED), 1);
} else {
(void) __sync_fetch_and_add(&STATUS_VALUE(FT_HOT_NUM_ABORTED), 1);
(void) toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&STATUS_VALUE(FT_HOT_NUM_ABORTED), 1);
return r;
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ deserialize_ft_versioned(int fd, struct rbuf *rb, FT *ftp, uint32_t version)
int r;
FT ft = NULL;
invariant(version >= FT_LAYOUT_MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION);
invariant(version <= FT_LAYOUT_VERSION);
paranoid_invariant(version >= FT_LAYOUT_MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION);
paranoid_invariant(version <= FT_LAYOUT_VERSION);
// We already know:
// we have an rbuf representing the header.
// The checksum has been validated
......@@ -290,6 +290,12 @@ deserialize_ft_versioned(int fd, struct rbuf *rb, FT *ftp, uint32_t version)
MSN max_msn_in_ft;
max_msn_in_ft = ZERO_MSN; // We'll upgrade it from the root node later if necessary
if (ft->layout_version_read_from_disk >= FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_21) {
max_msn_in_ft = rbuf_msn(rb);
(void) rbuf_int(rb); //Read in checksum and ignore (already verified).
if (rb->ndone != rb->size) {
fprintf(stderr, "Header size did not match contents.\n");
......@@ -317,6 +323,7 @@ deserialize_ft_versioned(int fd, struct rbuf *rb, FT *ftp, uint32_t version)
.basementnodesize = basementnodesize,
.compression_method = compression_method,
.highest_unused_msn_for_upgrade = highest_unused_msn_for_upgrade,
.max_msn_in_ft = max_msn_in_ft,
.time_of_last_optimize_begin = time_of_last_optimize_begin,
.time_of_last_optimize_end = time_of_last_optimize_end,
.count_of_optimize_in_progress = count_of_optimize_in_progress,
......@@ -335,6 +342,12 @@ deserialize_ft_versioned(int fd, struct rbuf *rb, FT *ftp, uint32_t version)
goto exit;
if (ft->layout_version_read_from_disk < FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_21) {
r = toku_upgrade_msn_from_root_to_header(fd, ft);
if (r != 0) {
goto exit;
invariant((uint32_t) ft->layout_version_read_from_disk == version);
r = deserialize_descriptor_from(fd, ft->blocktable, &ft->descriptor, version);
......@@ -366,10 +379,12 @@ serialize_ft_min_size (uint32_t version) {
size_t size = 0;
switch(version) {
size += sizeof(MSN); // max_msn_in_ft
size += 1; // compression method
size += sizeof(uint64_t); // highest_unused_msn_for_upgrade
size += sizeof(MSN); // highest_unused_msn_for_upgrade
size += sizeof(uint64_t); // time_of_last_optimize_begin
size += sizeof(uint64_t); // time_of_last_optimize_end
......@@ -412,9 +427,9 @@ serialize_ft_min_size (uint32_t version) {
return size;
......@@ -637,7 +652,7 @@ toku_deserialize_ft_from(int fd,
version = version_1;
r = deserialize_ft_versioned(fd, rb, ft, version);
......@@ -694,6 +709,7 @@ void toku_serialize_ft_to_wbuf (
wbuf_MSN(wbuf, h->msn_at_start_of_last_completed_optimize);
wbuf_char(wbuf, (unsigned char) h->compression_method);
wbuf_MSN(wbuf, h->highest_unused_msn_for_upgrade);
wbuf_MSN(wbuf, h->max_msn_in_ft);
uint32_t checksum = x1764_finish(&wbuf->checksum);
wbuf_int(wbuf, checksum);
lazy_assert(wbuf->ndone == wbuf->size);
......@@ -136,15 +136,18 @@ int toku_testsetup_insert_to_leaf (FT_HANDLE brt, BLOCKNUM blocknum, const char
.u = { .id = { toku_fill_dbt(&keydbt, key, keylen),
toku_fill_dbt(&valdbt, val, vallen) } } };
static size_t zero_flow_deltas[] = { 0, 0 };
toku_ft_node_put_cmd (
......@@ -215,6 +218,8 @@ int toku_testsetup_insert_to_nonleaf (FT_HANDLE brt, BLOCKNUM blocknum, enum ft_
// using brt APIs.
node->max_msn_applied_to_node_on_disk = msn;
node->dirty = 1;
// Also hack max_msn_in_ft
brt->ft->h->max_msn_in_ft = msn;
toku_unpin_ftnode(brt->ft, node);
return 0;
......@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ toku_get_node_for_verify(
static int
toku_verify_ftnode_internal(FT_HANDLE brt,
MSN rootmsn, MSN parentmsn,
MSN rootmsn, MSN parentmsn, bool messages_exist_above,
FTNODE node, int height,
const DBT *lesser_pivot, // Everything in the subtree should be > lesser_pivot. (lesser_pivot==NULL if there is no lesser pivot.)
const DBT *greatereq_pivot, // Everything in the subtree should be <= lesser_pivot. (lesser_pivot==NULL if there is no lesser pivot.)
......@@ -258,16 +258,11 @@ toku_verify_ftnode_internal(FT_HANDLE brt,
//printf("%s:%d pin %p\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, node_v);
this_msn = node->max_msn_applied_to_node_on_disk;
if (rootmsn.msn == ZERO_MSN.msn) {
assert(parentmsn.msn == ZERO_MSN.msn);
rootmsn = this_msn;
parentmsn = this_msn;
if (height >= 0) {
invariant(height == node->height); // this is a bad failure if wrong
if (node->height > 0) {
if (node->height > 0 && messages_exist_above) {
VERIFY_ASSERTION((parentmsn.msn >= this_msn.msn), 0, "node msn must be descending down tree, newest messages at top");
// Verify that all the pivot keys are in order.
......@@ -390,7 +385,7 @@ toku_verify_ftnode_internal(FT_HANDLE brt,
// input is a pinned node, on exit, node is unpinned
toku_verify_ftnode (FT_HANDLE brt,
MSN rootmsn, MSN parentmsn,
MSN rootmsn, MSN parentmsn, bool messages_exist_above,
FTNODE node, int height,
const DBT *lesser_pivot, // Everything in the subtree should be > lesser_pivot. (lesser_pivot==NULL if there is no lesser pivot.)
const DBT *greatereq_pivot, // Everything in the subtree should be <= lesser_pivot. (lesser_pivot==NULL if there is no lesser pivot.)
......@@ -402,11 +397,6 @@ toku_verify_ftnode (FT_HANDLE brt,
//printf("%s:%d pin %p\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, node_v);
this_msn = node->max_msn_applied_to_node_on_disk;
if (rootmsn.msn == ZERO_MSN.msn) {
assert(parentmsn.msn == ZERO_MSN.msn);
rootmsn = this_msn;
parentmsn = this_msn;
int result = 0;
int result2 = 0;
......@@ -414,7 +404,7 @@ toku_verify_ftnode (FT_HANDLE brt,
// Otherwise we'll just do the next call
result = toku_verify_ftnode_internal(
brt, rootmsn, parentmsn, node, height, lesser_pivot, greatereq_pivot,
brt, rootmsn, parentmsn, messages_exist_above, node, height, lesser_pivot, greatereq_pivot,
verbose, keep_going_on_failure, false);
if (result != 0 && (!keep_going_on_failure || result != TOKUDB_NEEDS_REPAIR)) goto done;
......@@ -422,7 +412,7 @@ toku_verify_ftnode (FT_HANDLE brt,
toku_move_ftnode_messages_to_stale(brt->ft, node);
result2 = toku_verify_ftnode_internal(
brt, rootmsn, parentmsn, node, height, lesser_pivot, greatereq_pivot,
brt, rootmsn, parentmsn, messages_exist_above, node, height, lesser_pivot, greatereq_pivot,
verbose, keep_going_on_failure, true);
if (result == 0) {
result = result2;
......@@ -434,7 +424,7 @@ toku_verify_ftnode (FT_HANDLE brt,
for (int i = 0; i < node->n_children; i++) {
FTNODE child_node;
toku_get_node_for_verify(BP_BLOCKNUM(node, i), brt, &child_node);
int r = toku_verify_ftnode(brt, rootmsn, this_msn,
int r = toku_verify_ftnode(brt, rootmsn, this_msn, messages_exist_above || toku_bnc_n_entries(BNC(node, i)) > 0,
child_node, node->height-1,
(i==0) ? lesser_pivot : &node->childkeys[i-1],
(i==node->n_children-1) ? greatereq_pivot : &node->childkeys[i],
......@@ -465,7 +455,7 @@ toku_verify_ft_with_progress (FT_HANDLE brt, int (*progress_callback)(void *extr
toku_calculate_root_offset_pointer(brt->ft, &root_key, &root_hash);
toku_get_node_for_verify(root_key, brt, &root_node);
int r = toku_verify_ftnode(brt, ZERO_MSN, ZERO_MSN, root_node, -1, NULL, NULL, progress_callback, progress_extra, 1, verbose, keep_on_going);
int r = toku_verify_ftnode(brt, brt->ft->h->max_msn_in_ft, brt->ft->h->max_msn_in_ft, false, root_node, -1, NULL, NULL, progress_callback, progress_extra, 1, verbose, keep_on_going);
if (r == 0) {
brt->ft->h->time_of_last_verification = time(NULL);
......@@ -479,4 +469,3 @@ int
toku_verify_ft (FT_HANDLE brt) {
return toku_verify_ft_with_progress(brt, NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include <memory.h>
#include <toku_assert.h>
#include <portability/toku_atomic.h>
toku_ft_suppress_rollbacks(FT h, TOKUTXN txn) {
......@@ -365,6 +366,7 @@ ft_header_create(FT_OPTIONS options, BLOCKNUM root_blocknum, TXNID root_xid_that
.basementnodesize = options->basementnodesize,
.compression_method = options->compression_method,
.highest_unused_msn_for_upgrade = { .msn = (MIN_MSN.msn - 1) },
.max_msn_in_ft = ZERO_MSN,
.time_of_last_optimize_begin = 0,
.time_of_last_optimize_end = 0,
.count_of_optimize_in_progress = 0,
......@@ -850,14 +852,14 @@ toku_ft_get_cmp_descriptor(FT_HANDLE ft_handle) {
toku_ft_update_stats(STAT64INFO headerstats, STAT64INFO_S delta) {
(void) __sync_fetch_and_add(&(headerstats->numrows), delta.numrows);
(void) __sync_fetch_and_add(&(headerstats->numbytes), delta.numbytes);
(void) toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&(headerstats->numrows), delta.numrows);
(void) toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&(headerstats->numbytes), delta.numbytes);
toku_ft_decrease_stats(STAT64INFO headerstats, STAT64INFO_S delta) {
(void) __sync_fetch_and_sub(&(headerstats->numrows), delta.numrows);
(void) __sync_fetch_and_sub(&(headerstats->numbytes), delta.numbytes);
(void) toku_sync_fetch_and_sub(&(headerstats->numrows), delta.numrows);
(void) toku_sync_fetch_and_sub(&(headerstats->numbytes), delta.numbytes);
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ enum ft_layout_version_e {
FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_20 = 20, // Deadshot: Add compression method to log_fcreate,
// mgr_last_xid after begin checkpoint,
// last_xid to shutdown
FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_21 = 21, // Ming: Add max_msn_in_ft to header
FT_NEXT_VERSION, // the version after the current version
FT_LAYOUT_VERSION = FT_NEXT_VERSION-1, // A hack so I don't have to change this line.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -281,6 +281,10 @@ enum reactivity {
enum split_mode {
......@@ -175,12 +175,12 @@ int le_iterate_val(LEAFENTRY le, LE_ITERATE_CALLBACK f, void** valpp, uint32_t *
leafentry_disksize_13(LEAFENTRY_13 le);
toku_le_upgrade_13_14(LEAFENTRY_13 old_leafentry, // NULL if there was no stored data.
size_t *new_leafentry_memorysize,
LEAFENTRY *new_leafentry_p,
OMT omt,
struct mempool *mp);
size_t *new_leafentry_memorysize,
LEAFENTRY *new_leafentry_p,
OMT *omtp,
struct mempool *mp);
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ lfence: 12.9ns/loop (marginal cost= -0.1ns)
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <portability/toku_atomic.h>
enum { COUNT = 100000000 };
......@@ -67,8 +68,8 @@ static inline void sfence (void) {
int lock_for_lock_and_unlock;
static inline void lock_and_unlock (void) {
(void)__sync_lock_test_and_set(&lock_for_lock_and_unlock, 1);
(void)toku_sync_lock_test_and_set(&lock_for_lock_and_unlock, 1);
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <portability/toku_atomic.h>
float tdiff (struct timeval *start, struct timeval *end) {
return 1e6*(end->tv_sec-start->tv_sec) +(end->tv_usec - start->tv_usec);
......@@ -71,13 +72,13 @@ fetch_and_add_i (volatile int *p, int incr)
static inline int
gcc_fetch_and_add_i (volatile int *p, int incr)
return __sync_fetch_and_add(p, incr);
return toku_sync_fetch_and_add(p, incr);
static inline long
gcc_fetch_and_add_l (volatile long *p, long incr)
return __sync_fetch_and_add(p, incr);
return toku_sync_fetch_and_add(p, incr);
// Something wrong with the compiler for longs
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <rdtsc.h>
#include <portability/toku_atomic.h>
float tdiff (struct timeval *start, struct timeval *end) {
return 1e6*(end->tv_sec-start->tv_sec) +(end->tv_usec - start->tv_usec);
......@@ -135,12 +136,12 @@ int main(int argc __attribute__((unused)), char **argv)
static int lock_for_lock_and_unlock;
t_start = rdtsc();
(void)__sync_lock_test_and_set(&lock_for_lock_and_unlock, 1);
(void)toku_sync_lock_test_and_set(&lock_for_lock_and_unlock, 1);
t_end = rdtsc();
printf("sync_lock_test_and_set took %llu clocks\n", t_end-t_start);
t_start = rdtsc();
t_end = rdtsc();
printf("sync_lock_release took %llu clocks\n", t_end-t_start);
......@@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ int main(int argc __attribute__((unused)), char **argv)
t_start = rdtsc();
t_end = rdtsc();
printf("sync_synchornize took %llu clocks\n", t_end-t_start);
......@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ static inline CACHETABLE_WRITE_CALLBACK get_write_callbacks_for_rollback_log(FT
wc.pe_callback = toku_rollback_pe_callback;
wc.cleaner_callback = toku_rollback_cleaner_callback;
wc.clone_callback = toku_rollback_clone_callback;
wc.checkpoint_complete_callback = nullptr;
wc.write_extraargs = h;
return wc;
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ void rollback_empty_log_init(ROLLBACK_LOG_NODE log) {
log->layout_version_read_from_disk = FT_LAYOUT_VERSION;
log->dirty = true;
log->sequence = 0;
log->previous = {0};
log->previous = make_blocknum(0);
log->previous_hash = 0;
log->oldest_logentry = NULL;
log->newest_logentry = NULL;
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <unistd.h>
#include "cachetable-test.h"
#include "checkpoint.h"
#include <portability/toku_atomic.h>
static int N; // how many items in the table
static CACHEFILE cf;
......@@ -54,9 +55,9 @@ flush (
int *CAST_FROM_VOIDP(v, value);
if (*v!=expect_value) printf("got %d expect %d\n", *v, expect_value);
(void)__sync_fetch_and_add(&n_flush, 1);
if (write_me) (void)__sync_fetch_and_add(&n_write_me, 1);
if (keep_me) (void)__sync_fetch_and_add(&n_keep_me, 1);
(void)toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&n_flush, 1);
if (write_me) (void)toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&n_write_me, 1);
if (keep_me) (void)toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&n_keep_me, 1);
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ static void cachetable_checkpoint_test(int n, enum cachetable_dirty dirty) {
CACHEKEY key = make_blocknum(i);
uint32_t hi = toku_cachetable_hash(f1, key);
void *v;
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, key, hi, &v);
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, key, hi, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, &v);
if (r != 0)
r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f1, key, hi, CACHETABLE_CLEAN, make_pair_attr(item_size));
......@@ -193,6 +193,7 @@ void checkpointer_test::add_pairs(struct cachefile *cf,
attr.cache_pressure_size = 0;
attr.is_valid = true;
ZERO_STRUCT(cb); // All nullptr
for (uint32_t i = k; i < count + k; ++i) {
......@@ -201,12 +202,12 @@ void checkpointer_test::add_pairs(struct cachefile *cf,
......@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ cachetable_count_pinned_test (int n) {
assert(toku_cachefile_count_pinned(f1, 0) == i);
void *v;
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(i), hi, &v);
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(i), hi, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, &v);
assert(r == -1);
assert(toku_cachefile_count_pinned(f1, 0) == i);
......@@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ test_cachetable_def_flush (int n) {
uint32_t hi;
void *v;
hi = toku_cachetable_hash(f1, make_blocknum(i));
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(i), hi, &v);
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(i), hi, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, &v);
assert(r == 0 && v == (void *)(long)i);
r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f1, make_blocknum(i), hi, CACHETABLE_CLEAN, make_pair_attr(1));
assert(r == 0);
hi = toku_cachetable_hash(f2, make_blocknum(i));
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f2, make_blocknum(i), hi, &v);
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f2, make_blocknum(i), hi, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, &v);
assert(r == 0 && v == (void *)(long)i);
r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f2, make_blocknum(i), hi, CACHETABLE_CLEAN, make_pair_attr(1));
assert(r == 0);
......@@ -63,10 +63,10 @@ test_cachetable_def_flush (int n) {
uint32_t hi;
void *v;
hi = toku_cachetable_hash(f1, make_blocknum(i));
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(i), hi, &v);
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(i), hi, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, &v);
assert(r != 0);
hi = toku_cachetable_hash(f2, make_blocknum(i));
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f2, make_blocknum(i), hi, &v);
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f2, make_blocknum(i), hi, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, &v);
assert(r == 0);
r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f2, make_blocknum(i), hi, CACHETABLE_CLEAN, make_pair_attr(1));
assert(r == 0);
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ static void cachetable_prefetch_checkpoint_test(int n, enum cachetable_dirty dir
CACHEKEY key = make_blocknum(i);
uint32_t hi = toku_cachetable_hash(f1, key);
void *v;
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, key, hi, &v);
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, key, hi, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, &v);
if (r != 0)
r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f1, key, hi, CACHETABLE_CLEAN, make_pair_attr(item_size));
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ static void cachetable_prefetch_maybegetandpin_test (void) {
int i;
for (i=1; i>=0; i++) {
void *v;
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, key, fullhash, &v);
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, key, fullhash, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, &v);
if (r == 0) break;
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ static void cachetable_prefetch_maybegetandpin_test (void) {
int i;
for (i=1; i>=0; i++) {
void *v;
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, key, fullhash, &v);
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, key, fullhash, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, &v);
if (r == 0) break;
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ cachetable_put_test (int n) {
assert(toku_cachefile_count_pinned(f1, 0) == i);
void *v;
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(i), hi, &v);
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(i), hi, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, &v);
assert(r == -1);
assert(toku_cachefile_count_pinned(f1, 0) == i);
......@@ -26,37 +26,37 @@ cachetable_test (void) {
void* v1;
long s1;
// nothing in cachetable, so this should fail
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, &v1);
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, &v1);
r = toku_cachetable_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, &v1, &s1, wc, def_fetch, def_pf_req_callback, def_pf_callback, true, NULL);
r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, CACHETABLE_CLEAN, make_pair_attr(8));
// maybe_get_and_pin_clean should succeed, maybe_get_and_pin should fail
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, &v1);
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, &v1);
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin_clean(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, &v1);
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin_clean(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, &v1);
assert(r == 0);
r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, CACHETABLE_DIRTY, make_pair_attr(8));
// maybe_get_and_pin_clean should succeed, maybe_get_and_pin should fail
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, &v1);
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, &v1);
// now these calls should fail because the node is already pinned, and therefore in use
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, &v1);
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, &v1);
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin_clean(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, &v1);
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin_clean(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, &v1);
r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, CACHETABLE_DIRTY, make_pair_attr(8));
// sanity check, this should still succeed, because the PAIR is dirty
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, &v1);
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, &v1);
r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, CACHETABLE_DIRTY, make_pair_attr(8));
CHECKPOINTER cp = toku_cachetable_get_checkpointer(ct);
toku_cachetable_begin_checkpoint(cp, NULL);
// now these should fail, because the node should be pending a checkpoint
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, &v1);
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, &v1);
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, &v1);
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(1), 1, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, &v1);
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ static void test_nested_pin (void) {
r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f, make_blocknum(1), f1hash, CACHETABLE_CLEAN, make_pair_attr(test_object_size));
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f, make_blocknum(1), f1hash, &vv2);
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f, make_blocknum(1), f1hash, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, &vv2);
r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f, make_blocknum(1), f1hash, CACHETABLE_CLEAN, make_pair_attr(test_object_size));
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ cachetable_unpin_and_remove_test (int n) {
// verify that k is removed
void *v;
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(testkeys[i].b), hi, &v);
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(testkeys[i].b), hi, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, &v);
assert(r != 0);
testkeys[i] = testkeys[nkeys-1]; nkeys -= 1;
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ cachetable_unpin_test (int n) {
assert(toku_cachefile_count_pinned(f1, 0) == i);
void *v;
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(i), hi, &v);
r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f1, make_blocknum(i), hi, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, &v);
assert(r == -1);
assert(toku_cachefile_count_pinned(f1, 0) == i);
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#ident "Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved."
#include "includes.h"
#include "test.h"
#include <portability/toku_atomic.h>
static int total_size;
......@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ flush (CACHEFILE f __attribute__((__unused__)),
bool UU(is_clone)
) {
if (w) {
int curr_size = __sync_fetch_and_sub(&total_size, 1);
int curr_size = toku_sync_fetch_and_sub(&total_size, 1);
assert(curr_size <= 200);
......@@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ cachetable_test (void) {
CACHETABLE_WRITE_CALLBACK wc = def_write_callback(NULL);
wc.flush_callback = flush;
toku_cachetable_put(f1, make_blocknum(i), i, NULL, make_pair_attr(1), wc, put_callback_nop);
int curr_size = __sync_fetch_and_add(&total_size, 1);
int curr_size = toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&total_size, 1);
assert(curr_size <= test_limit + test_limit/2+1);
r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f1, make_blocknum(i), i, CACHETABLE_DIRTY, make_pair_attr(4));
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include <portability/toku_atomic.h>
static toku_mutex_t event_mutex = TOKU_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static void lock_events(void) {
......@@ -107,9 +108,9 @@ static void reset_my_malloc_counts(void) {
static void *my_malloc(size_t n) {
(void) __sync_fetch_and_add(&my_malloc_count, 1); // my_malloc_count++;
(void) toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&my_malloc_count, 1); // my_malloc_count++;
if (n >= my_big_malloc_limit) {
(void) __sync_fetch_and_add(&my_big_malloc_count, 1); // my_big_malloc_count++;
(void) toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&my_big_malloc_count, 1); // my_big_malloc_count++;
if (do_malloc_errors) {
if (event_add_and_fetch() == event_count_trigger) {
......@@ -125,9 +126,9 @@ static int do_realloc_errors = 0;
static void *my_realloc(void *p, size_t n) {
(void) __sync_fetch_and_add(&my_realloc_count, 1); // my_realloc_count++;
(void) toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&my_realloc_count, 1); // my_realloc_count++;
if (n >= my_big_malloc_limit) {
(void) __sync_fetch_and_add(&my_big_realloc_count, 1); // my_big_realloc_count++;
(void) toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&my_big_realloc_count, 1); // my_big_realloc_count++;
if (do_realloc_errors) {
if (event_add_and_fetch() == event_count_trigger) {
......@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ static void test_keyrange (enum memory_state ms, uint64_t limit) {
struct ftstat64_s s;
toku_ft_handle_stat64(t, null_txn, &s);
assert(0 < s.nkeys && s.nkeys < limit);
assert(0 < s.dsize && s.dsize < limit * (9 + 9)); // keylen = 9, vallen = 9
assert(0 < s.nkeys && s.nkeys <= limit);
assert(0 < s.dsize && s.dsize <= limit * (9 + 9)); // keylen = 9, vallen = 9
maybe_reopen(ms, limit);
......@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ test_make_tree(int height, int fanout, int nperleaf, int do_verify) {
// set the new root to point to the new tree
toku_ft_set_new_root_blocknum(brt->ft, newroot->thisnodename);
newroot->max_msn_applied_to_node_on_disk = last_dummymsn(); // capture msn of last message injected into tree
brt->ft->h->max_msn_in_ft = last_dummymsn(); // capture msn of last message injected into tree
// unpin the new root
toku_unpin_ftnode(brt->ft, newroot);
......@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ append_leaf(FT_HANDLE brt, FTNODE leafnode, void *key, uint32_t keylen, void *va
// apply an insert to the leaf node
MSN msn = next_dummymsn();
brt->ft->h->max_msn_in_ft = msn;
FT_MSG_S cmd = { FT_INSERT, msn, xids_get_root_xids(), .u={.id = { &thekey, &theval }} };
uint64_t workdone=0;
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(brt->ft->compare_fun, brt->ft->update_fun, &brt->ft->cmp_descriptor, leafnode, &cmd, &workdone, NULL);
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(brt->ft->compare_fun, brt->ft->update_fun, &brt->ft->cmp_descriptor, leafnode, -1, &cmd, nullptr, nullptr);
int r = toku_ft_lookup(brt, &thekey, lookup_checkf, &pair);
......@@ -56,9 +56,8 @@ append_leaf(FT_HANDLE brt, FTNODE leafnode, void *key, uint32_t keylen, void *va
FT_MSG_S badcmd = { FT_INSERT, msn, xids_get_root_xids(), .u={.id = { &thekey, &badval }} };
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(brt->ft->compare_fun, brt->ft->update_fun, &brt->ft->cmp_descriptor, leafnode, &badcmd, &workdone, NULL);
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(brt->ft->compare_fun, brt->ft->update_fun, &brt->ft->cmp_descriptor, leafnode, -1, &badcmd, nullptr, nullptr);
// message should be rejected for duplicate msn, row should still have original val
int r = toku_ft_lookup(brt, &thekey, lookup_checkf, &pair);
......@@ -68,9 +67,10 @@ append_leaf(FT_HANDLE brt, FTNODE leafnode, void *key, uint32_t keylen, void *va
// now verify that message with proper msn gets through
msn = next_dummymsn();
brt->ft->h->max_msn_in_ft = msn;
FT_MSG_S cmd2 = { FT_INSERT, msn, xids_get_root_xids(), .u={.id = { &thekey, &val2 }} };
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(brt->ft->compare_fun, brt->ft->update_fun, &brt->ft->cmp_descriptor, leafnode, &cmd2, &workdone, NULL);
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(brt->ft->compare_fun, brt->ft->update_fun, &brt->ft->cmp_descriptor, leafnode, -1, &cmd2, nullptr, nullptr);
// message should be accepted, val should have new value
int r = toku_ft_lookup(brt, &thekey, lookup_checkf, &pair2);
......@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ append_leaf(FT_HANDLE brt, FTNODE leafnode, void *key, uint32_t keylen, void *va
// now verify that message with lesser (older) msn is rejected
msn.msn = msn.msn - 10;
FT_MSG_S cmd3 = { FT_INSERT, msn, xids_get_root_xids(), .u={.id = { &thekey, &badval } }};
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(brt->ft->compare_fun, brt->ft->update_fun, &brt->ft->cmp_descriptor, leafnode, &cmd3, &workdone, NULL);
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(brt->ft->compare_fun, brt->ft->update_fun, &brt->ft->cmp_descriptor, leafnode, -1, &cmd3, nullptr, nullptr);
// message should be rejected, val should still have value in pair2
int r = toku_ft_lookup(brt, &thekey, lookup_checkf, &pair2);
......@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ flush_to_leaf(FT_HANDLE t, bool make_leaf_up_to_date, bool use_flush) {
if (make_leaf_up_to_date) {
for (i = 0; i < num_parent_messages; ++i) {
if (!parent_messages_is_fresh[i]) {
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(t->ft->compare_fun, t->ft->update_fun, &t->ft->descriptor, child, parent_messages[i], NULL, NULL);
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(t->ft->compare_fun, t->ft->update_fun, &t->ft->descriptor, child, -1, parent_messages[i], NULL, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
......@@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ flush_to_leaf_with_keyrange(FT_HANDLE t, bool make_leaf_up_to_date) {
for (i = 0; i < num_parent_messages; ++i) {
if (dummy_cmp(NULL, parent_messages[i]->, &childkeys[7]) <= 0 &&
!parent_messages_is_fresh[i]) {
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(t->ft->compare_fun, t->ft->update_fun, &t->ft->descriptor, child, parent_messages[i], NULL, NULL);
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(t->ft->compare_fun, t->ft->update_fun, &t->ft->descriptor, child, -1, parent_messages[i], NULL, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
......@@ -995,8 +995,8 @@ compare_apply_and_flush(FT_HANDLE t, bool make_leaf_up_to_date) {
if (make_leaf_up_to_date) {
for (i = 0; i < num_parent_messages; ++i) {
if (!parent_messages_is_fresh[i]) {
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(t->ft->compare_fun, t->ft->update_fun, &t->ft->descriptor, child1, parent_messages[i], NULL, NULL);
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(t->ft->compare_fun, t->ft->update_fun, &t->ft->descriptor, child2, parent_messages[i], NULL, NULL);
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(t->ft->compare_fun, t->ft->update_fun, &t->ft->descriptor, child1, -1, parent_messages[i], NULL, NULL);
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(t->ft->compare_fun, t->ft->update_fun, &t->ft->descriptor, child2, -1, parent_messages[i], NULL, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
......@@ -228,7 +228,8 @@ static UU() CACHETABLE_WRITE_CALLBACK def_write_callback(void* write_extraargs)
wc.pe_callback = def_pe_callback;
wc.cleaner_callback = def_cleaner_callback;
wc.write_extraargs = write_extraargs;
wc.clone_callback = NULL;
wc.clone_callback = nullptr;
wc.checkpoint_complete_callback = nullptr;
return wc;
......@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ test_split_on_boundary(void)
FTNODE nodea, nodeb;
DBT splitk;
// if we haven't done it right, we should hit the assert in the top of move_leafentries
ftleaf_split(brt->ft, &sn, &nodea, &nodeb, &splitk, true, 0, NULL);
ftleaf_split(brt->ft, &sn, &nodea, &nodeb, &splitk, true, SPLIT_EVENLY, 0, NULL);
verify_basement_node_msns(nodea, dummy_msn_3884);
verify_basement_node_msns(nodeb, dummy_msn_3884);
......@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ test_split_with_everything_on_the_left(void)
FTNODE nodea, nodeb;
DBT splitk;
// if we haven't done it right, we should hit the assert in the top of move_leafentries
ftleaf_split(brt->ft, &sn, &nodea, &nodeb, &splitk, true, 0, NULL);
ftleaf_split(brt->ft, &sn, &nodea, &nodeb, &splitk, true, SPLIT_EVENLY, 0, NULL);
toku_unpin_ftnode(brt->ft, nodeb);
r = toku_close_ft_handle_nolsn(brt, NULL); assert(r == 0);
......@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ test_split_on_boundary_of_last_node(void)
FTNODE nodea, nodeb;
DBT splitk;
// if we haven't done it right, we should hit the assert in the top of move_leafentries
ftleaf_split(brt->ft, &sn, &nodea, &nodeb, &splitk, true, 0, NULL);
ftleaf_split(brt->ft, &sn, &nodea, &nodeb, &splitk, true, SPLIT_EVENLY, 0, NULL);
toku_unpin_ftnode(brt->ft, nodeb);
r = toku_close_ft_handle_nolsn(brt, NULL); assert(r == 0);
......@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ test_split_at_begin(void)
FTNODE nodea, nodeb;
DBT splitk;
// if we haven't done it right, we should hit the assert in the top of move_leafentries
ftleaf_split(brt->ft, &sn, &nodea, &nodeb, &splitk, true, 0, NULL);
ftleaf_split(brt->ft, &sn, &nodea, &nodeb, &splitk, true, SPLIT_EVENLY, 0, NULL);
toku_unpin_ftnode(brt->ft, nodeb);
r = toku_close_ft_handle_nolsn(brt, NULL); assert(r == 0);
......@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ test_split_at_end(void)
FTNODE nodea, nodeb;
DBT splitk;
// if we haven't done it right, we should hit the assert in the top of move_leafentries
ftleaf_split(brt->ft, &sn, &nodea, &nodeb, &splitk, true, 0, NULL);
ftleaf_split(brt->ft, &sn, &nodea, &nodeb, &splitk, true, SPLIT_EVENLY, 0, NULL);
toku_unpin_ftnode(brt->ft, nodeb);
r = toku_close_ft_handle_nolsn(brt, NULL); assert(r == 0);
......@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ test_split_odd_nodes(void)
FTNODE nodea, nodeb;
DBT splitk;
// if we haven't done it right, we should hit the assert in the top of move_leafentries
ftleaf_split(brt->ft, &sn, &nodea, &nodeb, &splitk, true, 0, NULL);
ftleaf_split(brt->ft, &sn, &nodea, &nodeb, &splitk, true, SPLIT_EVENLY, 0, NULL);
verify_basement_node_msns(nodea, dummy_msn_3884);
verify_basement_node_msns(nodeb, dummy_msn_3884);
......@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ void test_msg_modify_ule(ULE ule, FT_MSG msg);
//Functions exported for test purposes only (used internally for non-test purposes).
void le_unpack(ULE ule, LEAFENTRY le);
int le_pack(ULE ule, // data to be packed into new leafentry
size_t *new_leafentry_memorysize,
size_t *new_leafentry_memorysize,
LEAFENTRY * const new_leafentry_p, // this is what this function creates
OMT omt,
struct mempool *mp,
OMT *omtp,
struct mempool *mp,
void **maybe_free);
......@@ -154,11 +154,11 @@ static inline size_t uxr_unpack_length_and_bit(UXR uxr, uint8_t *p);
static inline size_t uxr_unpack_data(UXR uxr, uint8_t *p);
static void *
le_malloc(OMT omt, struct mempool *mp, size_t size, void **maybe_free)
le_malloc(OMT *omtp, struct mempool *mp, size_t size, void **maybe_free)
void * rval;
if (omt)
rval = mempool_malloc_from_omt(omt, mp, size, maybe_free);
if (omtp)
rval = mempool_malloc_from_omt(omtp, mp, size, maybe_free);
rval = toku_xmalloc(size);
......@@ -317,14 +317,14 @@ done:;
// If the leafentry is destroyed it sets *new_leafentry_p to NULL.
// Otehrwise the new_leafentry_p points at the new leaf entry.
// As of October 2011, this function always returns 0.
apply_msg_to_leafentry(FT_MSG msg, // message to apply to leafentry
LEAFENTRY old_leafentry, // NULL if there was no stored data.
size_t *new_leafentry_memorysize,
LEAFENTRY *new_leafentry_p,
OMT omt,
struct mempool *mp,
void **maybe_free,
LEAFENTRY old_leafentry, // NULL if there was no stored data.
size_t *new_leafentry_memorysize,
LEAFENTRY *new_leafentry_p,
OMT *omtp,
struct mempool *mp,
void **maybe_free,
int64_t * numbytes_delta_p) { // change in total size of key and val, not including any overhead
ULE_S ule;
int rval;
......@@ -334,17 +334,17 @@ apply_msg_to_leafentry(FT_MSG msg, // message to apply to leafentry
if (old_leafentry == NULL) // if leafentry does not exist ...
msg_init_empty_ule(&ule, msg); // ... create empty unpacked leaf entry
else {
le_unpack(&ule, old_leafentry); // otherwise unpack leafentry
le_unpack(&ule, old_leafentry); // otherwise unpack leafentry
oldnumbytes = ule_get_innermost_numbytes(&ule);
msg_modify_ule(&ule, msg); // modify unpacked leafentry
rval = le_pack(&ule, // create packed leafentry
if (new_leafentry_p)
if (new_leafentry_p)
newnumbytes = ule_get_innermost_numbytes(&ule);
*numbytes_delta_p = newnumbytes - oldnumbytes;
......@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ int
garbage_collect_leafentry(LEAFENTRY old_leaf_entry,
LEAFENTRY *new_leaf_entry,
size_t *new_leaf_entry_memory_size,
OMT omt,
OMT *omtp,
struct mempool *mp,
void **maybe_free,
const xid_omt_t &snapshot_xids,
......@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ garbage_collect_leafentry(LEAFENTRY old_leaf_entry,
r = le_pack(&ule,
assert(r == 0);
......@@ -713,8 +713,8 @@ int
le_pack(ULE ule, // data to be packed into new leafentry
size_t *new_leafentry_memorysize,
LEAFENTRY * const new_leafentry_p, // this is what this function creates
OMT omt,
struct mempool *mp,
OMT *omtp,
struct mempool *mp,
void **maybe_free)
invariant(ule->num_cuxrs > 0);
......@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ le_pack(ULE ule, // data to be packed into new leafen
memsize = le_memsize_from_ule(ule);
LEAFENTRY new_leafentry;
CAST_FROM_VOIDP(new_leafentry, le_malloc(omt, mp, memsize, maybe_free));
CAST_FROM_VOIDP(new_leafentry, le_malloc(omtp, mp, memsize, maybe_free));
//Universal data
new_leafentry->keylen = toku_htod32(ule->keylen);
......@@ -2293,7 +2293,7 @@ int
toku_le_upgrade_13_14(LEAFENTRY_13 old_leafentry,
size_t *new_leafentry_memorysize,
LEAFENTRY *new_leafentry_p,
OMT omt,
OMT *omtp,
struct mempool *mp) {
ULE_S ule;
int rval;
......@@ -2305,7 +2305,7 @@ toku_le_upgrade_13_14(LEAFENTRY_13 old_leafentry,
rval = le_pack(&ule, // create packed leafentry
omt, mp, NULL);
omtp, mp, NULL);
return rval;
......@@ -53,18 +53,18 @@ void fast_msg_to_leafentry(
LEAFENTRY *new_leafentry_p) ;
int apply_msg_to_leafentry(FT_MSG msg,
LEAFENTRY old_leafentry, // NULL if there was no stored data.
size_t *new_leafentry_memorysize,
LEAFENTRY *new_leafentry_p,
OMT omt,
struct mempool *mp,
void **maybe_free,
LEAFENTRY old_leafentry, // NULL if there was no stored data.
size_t *new_leafentry_memorysize,
LEAFENTRY *new_leafentry_p,
OMT *omtp,
struct mempool *mp,
void **maybe_free,
int64_t * numbytes_delta_p);
int garbage_collect_leafentry(LEAFENTRY old_leaf_entry,
LEAFENTRY *new_leaf_entry,
size_t *new_leaf_entry_memory_size,
OMT omt,
OMT *omtp,
struct mempool *mp,
void **maybe_free,
const xid_omt_t &snapshot_xids,
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include <errno.h>
#include "threadpool.h"
#include <portability/toku_atomic.h>
// use gcc builtin fetch_and_add 0->no 1->yes
......@@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ void threadpool_maybe_add(THREADPOOL threadpool, void *(*f)(void *), void *arg)
void threadpool_set_thread_busy(THREADPOOL threadpool) {
(void) __sync_fetch_and_add(&threadpool->busy_threads, 1);
(void) toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&threadpool->busy_threads, 1);
......@@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ void threadpool_set_thread_busy(THREADPOOL threadpool) {
void threadpool_set_thread_idle(THREADPOOL threadpool) {
(void) __sync_fetch_and_add(&threadpool->busy_threads, -1);
(void) toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&threadpool->busy_threads, -1);
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "memory.h"
#include "toku_time.h"
#include <portability/toku_atomic.h>
static int toku_assert_on_write_enospc = 0;
static const int toku_write_enospc_sleep = 1;
......@@ -60,8 +61,8 @@ try_again_after_handling_write_error(int fd, size_t len, ssize_t r_write) {
int out_of_disk_space = 1;
assert(!out_of_disk_space); //Give an error message that might be useful if this is the only one that survives.
} else {
__sync_fetch_and_add(&toku_write_enospc_total, 1);
__sync_fetch_and_add(&toku_write_enospc_current, 1);
toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&toku_write_enospc_total, 1);
toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&toku_write_enospc_current, 1);
time_t tnow = time(0);
toku_write_enospc_last_time = tnow;
......@@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ try_again_after_handling_write_error(int fd, size_t len, ssize_t r_write) {
try_again = 1;
__sync_fetch_and_sub(&toku_write_enospc_current, 1);
toku_sync_fetch_and_sub(&toku_write_enospc_current, 1);
......@@ -347,9 +348,9 @@ static void file_fsync_internal (int fd, uint64_t *duration_p) {
assert(get_error_errno() == EINTR);
__sync_fetch_and_add(&toku_fsync_count, 1);
toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&toku_fsync_count, 1);
uint64_t duration = toku_current_time_usec() - tstart;
__sync_fetch_and_add(&toku_fsync_time, duration);
toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&toku_fsync_time, duration);
if (duration_p) {
*duration_p = duration;
......@@ -383,8 +384,8 @@ int toku_fsync_dir_by_name_without_accounting(const char *dir_name) {
void toku_file_fsync(int fd) {
uint64_t duration;
file_fsync_internal (fd, &duration);
__sync_fetch_and_add(&sched_fsync_count, 1);
__sync_fetch_and_add(&sched_fsync_time, duration);
toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&sched_fsync_count, 1);
toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&sched_fsync_time, duration);
// for real accounting
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include <toku_race_tools.h>
#include "memory.h"
#include "toku_assert.h"
#include <portability/toku_atomic.h>
static malloc_fun_t t_malloc = 0;
static malloc_fun_t t_xmalloc = 0;
......@@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ set_max(uint64_t sum_used, uint64_t sum_freed) {
do {
old_max = status.max_in_use;
} while (old_max < in_use &&
!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&status.max_in_use, old_max, in_use));
!toku_sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&status.max_in_use, old_max, in_use));
......@@ -150,13 +151,13 @@ toku_malloc(size_t size) {
TOKU_ANNOTATE_NEW_MEMORY(p, size); // see #4671 and
if (toku_memory_do_stats) {
size_t used = my_malloc_usable_size(p);
__sync_add_and_fetch(&status.malloc_count, 1);
__sync_add_and_fetch(&status.used, used);
toku_sync_add_and_fetch(&status.malloc_count, 1);
toku_sync_add_and_fetch(&status.used, used);
set_max(status.used, status.freed);
} else {
__sync_add_and_fetch(&status.malloc_fail, 1);
toku_sync_add_and_fetch(&status.malloc_fail, 1);
return p;
......@@ -176,14 +177,14 @@ toku_realloc(void *p, size_t size) {
if (q) {
if (toku_memory_do_stats) {
size_t used = my_malloc_usable_size(q);
__sync_add_and_fetch(&status.realloc_count, 1);
__sync_add_and_fetch(&status.requested, size);
__sync_add_and_fetch(&status.used, used);
__sync_add_and_fetch(&status.freed, used_orig);
toku_sync_add_and_fetch(&status.realloc_count, 1);
toku_sync_add_and_fetch(&status.requested, size);
toku_sync_add_and_fetch(&status.used, used);
toku_sync_add_and_fetch(&status.freed, used_orig);
set_max(status.used, status.freed);
} else {
__sync_add_and_fetch(&status.realloc_fail, 1);
toku_sync_add_and_fetch(&status.realloc_fail, 1);
return q;
......@@ -205,8 +206,8 @@ toku_free(void *p) {
if (p) {
if (toku_memory_do_stats) {
size_t used = my_malloc_usable_size(p);
__sync_add_and_fetch(&status.free_count, 1);
__sync_add_and_fetch(&status.freed, used);
toku_sync_add_and_fetch(&status.free_count, 1);
toku_sync_add_and_fetch(&status.freed, used);
if (t_free)
......@@ -228,9 +229,9 @@ toku_xmalloc(size_t size) {
TOKU_ANNOTATE_NEW_MEMORY(p, size); // see #4671 and
if (toku_memory_do_stats) {
size_t used = my_malloc_usable_size(p);
__sync_add_and_fetch(&status.malloc_count, 1);
__sync_add_and_fetch(&status.requested, size);
__sync_add_and_fetch(&status.used, used);
toku_sync_add_and_fetch(&status.malloc_count, 1);
toku_sync_add_and_fetch(&status.requested, size);
toku_sync_add_and_fetch(&status.used, used);
set_max(status.used, status.freed);
return p;
......@@ -252,10 +253,10 @@ toku_xrealloc(void *v, size_t size) {
if (toku_memory_do_stats) {
size_t used = my_malloc_usable_size(p);
__sync_add_and_fetch(&status.realloc_count, 1);
__sync_add_and_fetch(&status.requested, size);
__sync_add_and_fetch(&status.used, used);
__sync_add_and_fetch(&status.freed, used_orig);
toku_sync_add_and_fetch(&status.realloc_count, 1);
toku_sync_add_and_fetch(&status.requested, size);
toku_sync_add_and_fetch(&status.used, used);
toku_sync_add_and_fetch(&status.freed, used_orig);
set_max(status.used, status.freed);
return p;
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
#include "toku_os.h"
#include "toku_time.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include <portability/toku_atomic.h>
#include <util/partitioned_counter.h>
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ if(BUILD_TESTING)
foreach(src ${srcs})
get_filename_component(base ${src} NAME_WE)
list(APPEND tests ${base})
/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
// vim: ft=cpp:expandtab:ts=8:sw=4:softtabstop=4:
#ident "$Id$"
#ident "Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved."
#ident "The technology is licensed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rutgers State University of New Jersey, and the Research Foundation of State University of New York at Stony Brook under United States of America Serial No. 11/760379 and to the patents and/or patent applications resulting from it."
#include <config.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <portability/toku_atomic.h>
#include "test.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
int verbose = 0;
static const size_t cachelinesize = 64;
// cache line is 64 bytes
// nine 7-byte structs fill 63 bytes
// the tenth spans one byte of the first cache line and six of the next cache line
// we first SFAA the first 9 structs and ensure we don't crash, then we set a signal handler and SFAA the 10th and ensure we do crash
struct unpackedsevenbytestruct {
uint32_t i;
char pad[3];
struct __attribute__((packed)) packedsevenbytestruct {
uint32_t i;
char pad[3];
struct packedsevenbytestruct *psevenbytestructs;
static __attribute__((__noreturn__)) void catch_abort (int sig __attribute__((__unused__))) {
exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); // with paranoid asserts, we expect to assert and reach this handler
exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // we should not have crashed without paranoid asserts
int test_main(int UU(argc), char *const argv[] UU()) {
if (sizeof(unpackedsevenbytestruct) != 8) {
if (sizeof(packedsevenbytestruct) != 7) {
struct unpackedsevenbytestruct *usevenbytestructs;
int r = posix_memalign((void **) &usevenbytestructs, cachelinesize, sizeof(unpackedsevenbytestruct) * 10);
if (r) {
// this test is supposed to crash, so exiting cleanly is a failure
for (int idx = 0; idx < 10; ++idx) {
usevenbytestructs[idx].i = idx + 1;
(void) toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&usevenbytestructs[idx].i, 32U - idx);
int r = posix_memalign((void **) &psevenbytestructs, cachelinesize, sizeof(packedsevenbytestruct) * 10);
if (r) {
// this test is supposed to crash, so exiting cleanly is a failure
for (int idx = 0; idx < 9; ++idx) {
psevenbytestructs[idx].i = idx + 1;
(void) toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&psevenbytestructs[idx].i, 32U - idx);
psevenbytestructs[9].i = 10;
signal(SIGABRT, catch_abort);
(void) toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&psevenbytestructs[9].i, 32U);
exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // with paranoid asserts, we should already have crashed
exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); // without them, we should make it here
......@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
#include <errno.h>
#include <util/rwlock.h>
#include <util/frwlock.h>
#include <portability/toku_atomic.h>
#include "toku_fair_rwlock.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
......@@ -138,8 +139,8 @@ void time_cas (void) {
for (int t=0; t<T; t++) {
gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
{ int r = __sync_val_compare_and_swap(&myval, 0, 1); assert(r==0); }
{ int r = __sync_val_compare_and_swap(&myval, 1, 0); assert(r==1); }
{ int r = toku_sync_val_compare_and_swap(&myval, 0, 1); assert(r==0); }
{ int r = toku_sync_val_compare_and_swap(&myval, 1, 0); assert(r==1); }
gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
double diff = 1e9*toku_tdiff(&end, &start)/N;
......@@ -325,7 +326,7 @@ static int log_counter=0;
static void logit (int threadid, int loopid, char action) {
//printf("%d %d %c\n", threadid, loopid, action);
int my_log_counter = __sync_fetch_and_add(&log_counter, 1);
int my_log_counter = toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&log_counter, 1);
actionlog[my_log_counter].threadid = threadid;
actionlog[my_log_counter].loopid = loopid;
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
#include "test.h"
static size_t max(size_t a, size_t b) {
static inline size_t max(size_t a, size_t b) {
return a > b ? a : b;
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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